Steemians: 5th WARNING: Do NOT use Poloniex at this time for your STEEM and SBD transfers, & maybe other things - Here is why:

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)



Poloniex issues this STEEM / STEEMIT message in yellow, saying they have disabled STEEM wallets and direct the wording towards blaming the STEEMIT team!


It says:

"STEEM is currently under maintenance or experiencing wallet/network issues. Deposits and withdrawals will remain disabled until a solution is found, which may require an update from the STEEM team. Any updates must be tested and audited before enabling."

SBD is taking a huge dump again the last while now, down ~12% or more depending on where/when you look and likely is closely tied to Poloniex problems, with the Steem currencies we all use and need to have working!

Forget the last few days of being in the red, as the whole market took a crap and bled out, SBD were still performing strongly, until something like this goes up!!!

Please share this post and help warn others NOT to use Poloniex, and remember the Bitshares and Ethereum wallet issues at Polo have happened also without warning, just like this, and could happen again..... other currencies are still affected / ongoing similarly!

Excerpts from my last 2 posts on this weeks-long issue:

I still have $500 SBD lost there from DAYS ago, not showing in my wallet that I transferred out to there, and now we all have no access to our funds????? - which is why I started doing these posts, tied to the following Steemian related issues:

Late last week / this past weekend I stated:

Our friend here @teamsteem had a very strong warning to all of us here, he does not want to see anyone hurt - he has a good heart -- he warned people like others have done to NOT USE POLONIEX for any Steem or SBD transfers right now:

Please Resteem this post!! Help others also! They are your family.

On top of yesterday's warnings we gave you in a post very late last nite (EST which I have included again here today to spread word, the last 24 hours, Poloniex has now also disabled Ethereum wallets!!!!

See here in the bottom R. of this screenshot - that I have highlited over in green by my cursor and below that, I have pasted their NOTICE on this word for word!! :

I use and have regularly used Poloniex charts as an example, at times, for graphic purposes but here is what @teamsteem said in the comments section of my post earlier tonight. I edited that post as it was important to him and I like him - he is a good guy!!

Neither of us, nor others -- want anyone new to crypto or who have been in crypto awhile to get hurt and if you like -- please go look at my wallet and see that I have $500 SBD sitting at Poloniex myself -- that money is my SteemFest money to get to Portugal.

I am writing this warning, with the words and blessing of @teamsteem, showing you that we can all be a TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More! - That we can and should care about each other - and I am working with him to show you--- Steemit family this and we care.

If anyone here does not want you hurt, it is people like me and @teamsteem who have money sitting at Poloniex, I have $500 SBD there and almost as much - so does @teamsteem !!
You can see from my wallet screenshot, I am backing up what I am saying...... my SBD deposit to Poloniex was sent, nearly 12 hours ago, and it is NOT in my Polo wallet!! (Today, June 22nd ~ 12 noon or so)

Poloniex is the biggest exchange going - most people know their name and logo and charts, it was for a graphic illustration only! That's why I use their charts much of the time - people recognize them but man, do they have a lot of problems these days, the news has been everywhere for months, my friends!


teamsteem68 · 43 minutes ago

I've sent 490 SBD 23 hours ago to @poloniex and I haven't received them. I've triple check my memo code and opened up a ticket to @poloniex to let them know. I also seen a lot of Steemian in the last hours to days who talked about the similar situation.

@barrydutton as soon as you see my comment, correct your title so that it tell people not to sent SBD to Poloniex. Also make a clear warning that it might be the same for Steem as I've also seen people mentioning that the same happened to them in regard to sending Steem to poloniex.

I will remove my flag when you do so and I might even replace it with an upvote.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Don't use them simply because they are manipulating the market exchange prices. They have the power to make Bitcoin go down and buy your cryptos cheap then sell it to you expensive. Bittrex is more convinient if we don't count pump and dumps scams going on there. But that will eventually stop once they remove the shitcoins.


I've never used poloniex honestly. I keep hearing constant negativity surrounding it. I've been using bittrex for months and it has been great. Of course there are times when the wallets are down for maintenance, but that's going to happen. I've yet to have any issues with them and I feel comfortable trading on there.

Thanks for that feedback today.

As we get closer to Aug 1st, many traders and speculators will start removing their funds from exchanges to protect themselves from a bitcoin chain split. This drawdown greatly diminishes liquidity on various alts, including Steem.


Bad business practices harming people daily.

Excuses: We don't care anymore. Enough!!!

Thanks for the warning @barrydutton. Being relatively new to the game, this type of advice is super helpful and feels like it comes from a really nice big brotherly place. Looking forward to hopfylly meeting you in person in Lisbon!

I hope to see you there.....and I am glad my stuff helps people once in awhile. It is encouraging to hear these comments.

UV that comment with about 5% weight, to get it to the top of replies, showing people these posts really can help one another!

Followed you also just now!!!!!!!!

So many replies to one post LOL


It really does help!

all im gonna say is it took me about 20 days for my deposit to @poloniex from here of about 233 STEEM (my 1st powerdown) to go through. a long time, but it did go through.

i just withdrew about 80 LTC to my bittrex acct and everything went smoothly.

im not a paid shill, one person to another, I would recommend patience.

edit*** But i did get my STEEM tf off polo soon as i seen they was there!!!

Point is:

None of this is good business, or fair, and people are being hurt tangibly.

tru, also, i really like your use of the word tangibly!!! i just try to see things from another angle and give the benefit of the doubt (otherwise the sky would be falling in a Mt. Gox style implosion and we are all beyond fucked, and my mind doesn't want to acknowledge that possiblity)

Thank you from a newbie Steemer

You are welcome, comments like this makes me happy, it is why we do this!!

Welcome to Steemit, I do see you are very new, with your 27 rep score!

Make that 28 rep score now, I voted up your comment with a bit of weight and it moved it up a notch for you.


Thank you for the warning. Will resteem. I haven't use Poloniex yet and will not start.

Welcome to Crypto LOL.

Have a good weekend!!!!


thnx for inform

You know you will get flagged by people and your account status will be ruined, and all your posts hidden, right?

Spamming my post with stuff?

Yes, it's a good idea to take the money out of poloniex.

Yep terrible exchange

All the way out people!!!

So i did not get the message and i have about .70 BTC worth of steem that i cant access. i wonder if i lost it or if i will ever get my money back.

bittrex is better compare to poloniex?

So far, basically every day, yes.

You always need 3-4 exchange accounts anyways open -- in case stuff like this happens, or for pricing differences, or some have coins you want and cannot get on others....

They turned me into a newt.

Oh, and I haven't heard about 535 steem that is deposited to Polo, for over 58 days.
I have all the information, just no response.

Although, I was a solid bright pink, I moved all my coins, except a few BTM that are useless anywhere else, off Polo.

I hope you get everything back asap.

When I saw Steem and BTS wallets opened back up one day.... I posted and it helped a ton of people.

Be well.

What the hell???
Wish I knew for sure what Poloniex was up to.
Certainly not looking good at this point.

They don't want people to buy cheap steem. When SBD was $2 they did the same with it.

Thanks for the passing on this information. I'll Resteem it to help get the word out.

Many thanks, the RS of posts really does help!!!

Polo is not a friend to steem it seems, but there is a poloniex account holding a ton of it!!!

You are 100% right there my friend.

thanks barry. Been using Bittrex and had a wallet issue with SBD as well. It's back online but what's this all about! Anyways thanks for the update.

I wonder why insist using Poloniex, this happens every week.

Boycott them. You are basically right my man.

Thanks for the info, I'm not on here enough to have caught the other warnings so glad I caught yours.
Posting several wallets to donate to is an interesting twist, how has that panned out for you if I may ask?

I already forgot what Poloniex was...

I can’t help but think “why is Steemit still allowing transfers to the poloniex wallet?” Do witness not have the authority to submit a request to the dev team to have this kind of thing looked into? You look into there wallet and you see still large transactions form one exchange to another with them. People still sending money to Poloniex.

Its like the police showing up to a guy emptying out an ATM machine with stolen credit cards and they just look around and go “looks normal to me.”

Poloniex has become a garbage


Resteemit out to folks! Thank You for letting folks know!

RS good content helps a lot of people.... thanks!!!

I stopped using Polo. too many hanky panky i heard. BitTrex is way better. Thanks @barrydutton for the heads up!

Thanks for the warning. I am having similar issues with my ZEC deposit.


Thanks for the update on that end also here!!

They really are the worst exchange. Terrible customer experience and don't know how to manage support tickets. I think it's a bunch of 7 year old children that run that exchange. In years from now the best exchanges will be decentralized and Polo will be forgotten

Sooner the better, this is harming people daily, they have cost a lot of us.

Bad business practices.

I saw enough bad news about Polo that I never got started using it. Thank God lol

Resteemed though, for the poor souls who do use Polo

Woah man, thanks for the warning!

You are welcome!!! that's why I do this!

Hopefully all works out mate! Move to bittrex begins now.

That's a good move, glad to hear this!!

Just to clarify maybe a stupid question. What makes bittrex better than poloneix? I have resteemed and upvoted man hopefully you get your money back or find out where it is.

A lot of those issues are addressed right in the post and also in the replies, of every one of my posts on this issue.

Thanks for the RS and UV.

Spreading word daily on things to help everyone, and esp. the new people coming daily, is key.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your suggestion,well is it safe to use bitrex for sbd transfer or withdrawl ?

Yes. Their wallets rarely have issues.

Totally true, still be 2 months and I didn't even get a email yet haha

Poloniex -- Crypto's version of a Gov't disappointment.

Polo is a mess

It's a joke of an exchange

Beautiful and Informative post !
Thank you so much for your effort !!

Upvoted !



Upvoted and RESTEEMED!


I see you are new here, welcome to Steemit!


Also reminder...... weekends are for the #SteemitCampfire posts....

stop by anytime!!!!

Drop that # today a few places and invite people, there is a cut/paste template in my post up on it you can use/modify.

Invite people - meet more people, etc.


Thank you for the information. Does anyone here use Gemini?

I have not, not enough coins but I have pondered looking deeper at it.

I really am trying to get away from Centralized stuff AMAP.


Also reminder...... weekends are for the #SteemitCampfire posts....

stop by anytime!!!!

Drop that # today a few places and invite people, there is a cut/paste template in my post up on it you can use/modify.

Invite people - meet more people, etc.


poloniex .......... do i need to comment ?



That is a good comment LOL

Ahhh polo, thought that removing Troll box will help...

Poloniex screwing us again, people should just quit using that crap exchange...
