Top 11 for September

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Top 11 for September

I am big on lists. There are lists, of lists, of future lists to write out. I don’t know exactly how I got to be so all over the place, but here I am. To be more streamlined and focused, I’ve been making the conscious effort to be more prolific and holding myself to goals. This is just the short list of things I am looking into for September. These are just my opinions and not investment advice. As always do you own due diligence and research.


The all-time heavy weight champion of the world. Bitcoin dominance will break the cryptoshere. As this ratio yings and yangs in circles, projects will bankrupt. Nevertheless, Bitcoin is the seed that started it all, so what better place to start than here?


Another major player changing the world. In its young history, Ethereum has had some missteps, always in the eye of the beholder. However, nothing is perfect upon creation. It is interesting to watch and contribute to how it all evolves. MetaMask has been around for a minute, but I have just started messing with it, love it.
Even if power users and miners are the ones recording and saving the whole blockchain, lightweight users can still write on Ethereum’s blockchain, pretty dope. I’m keeping these nice and short, but you can fall down the rabbit hole for years and never reach the bottom.


There is not all that much to say here. Everyone has the projects that they like and follow. Verge XVG has been my long-time favorite for a plethora of reasons. But this is a short list, so here:

  • Privacy as a choice
  • Outgoing, helpful, and engaging community. The XVG family.
  • Multi Algo PoW

There have been many ups, many downs, many of both yet to come. Verge keeps it interesting for sure. At least I’m enjoying the ride. I’ve included a link to my little write up for Verge a few months back. Not many people liked it, I thought it was funny. More importantly, the concepts still hold true at this moment.


I got into Tokenpay peripherally thru Verge. Tokenpay donated the XVG necessary for Verge to reach its crowdfund goal, allowing them to partner with Mindgeek, who are a giant internet payment processor. To keep it short, here are just a few of Tokenpay’s recent highlights. Just know these folks are killing it in the cryptospace:

  • Tokensuisse
  • Partnerships with Verge and Litecoin
  • Release of the eFin whitepaper

This was the first Decentralized-ish platform that I started playing around with. Here you will find some cool people and positive vibes. Plus, it is a great way to practice packaging your ideas. It’s all in what you are looking for really.


I just really like this game. It has taught me a bunch about the different ERC coins(ERC20, ERC721, ect.) I also messed around with making some videos of gameplay. 0xUniverse is a very young project, yet they have a really cool, diverse, and helpful community. I love watching it evolve and grow.

7.Cognitive Bias

The list is now moving away from crypto, but keep in mind, this is just a study list to help my focus. Maybe it can help you as well, that’s part of the goal, sparking interests. Cognitive Bias is a term I’ve been hearing a lot recently. My Bro mentioned it and whatever he tells me to look into, I look into. Here are a couple links to get started. Please do add to the suggestions.

8.Game Theory

I have read a little about this and it makes sense. The one concept that I do not like, how Game Theory resounds the echo: “All it takes is that one A-hole to F up the whole game”. If you model real world occurrences on to a zero sum game, then there are ways to win. To get to the top, I want it from being hoisted by arms, and not by stepping or standing on heads. But again, I’m getting my feet wet here, so reading and tubing suggestion are greatly appreciated.

9.Building a Studio

Music is the rock, the foundation on which my mind is built upon. I have been way less focused on music, but just know that it is always the prime focus. It is a slow going process, but I am building a studio space, to rehearse and record. Much love to the family and friends making it possible!

10.Adobe Creative Cloud

There is so much potential when using these programs. All it takes is time. The goal here is to get better everyday.

11.Ham Radio

Until we relearn to communicate with brainwaves, speech is the preferred format. The Outernet is wired together by electromagnetic waves. Ham radio’s primary focus is disaster and emergency response, as it should be. Hence, acquiring a HAM license comes with some responsibility. But man, what a great way to contribute to the greater good.

In conclusion, it is evident that I am not an expert on any of this stuff. Actually, it is the opposite, this is the top 11 for which I am reaching. The blanks are there to fill. I hope you can get something out it.
Thanks for listening, have a glorious day, and as always God Bless.

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