Bitcoin gives us a chance to be free and prosperous

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 


Government currency keeps devaluing, and so keeps people in poverty, unable to save and become prosperous.

Bitcoin allows people the choice to withdraw their support from a system which has left them disenfranchised, to be free of the whims of Zimbabwean economists or Federal Reserve chairpersons. Bitcoin gives a voice to the voiceless, to stand in the face of a system that has forgotten them, and say calmly: "no"

You have a choice. You can choose a currency that is based on the violent threat of taxation and war, or a currency that is based on mathematics, and the confidence of your fellow man. People are forced, in some respect, to use dollars, pesos or euros, yet people use Bitcoin by choice. What does that say about its merits as money?


About me

kurt robinson in the mountains of puebla

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, but now I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling Latin America, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool shit I post, and follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox, like The Paradise Paradox on Facebook here, and subscribe to The Paradise Paradox on YouTube, and on iTunes

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Hi @churdtzu

What I like the most of crypto is that there is no border control, thus you can draw and pay where you want.

Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and shared on Twitter✔ for my followers to read. Changed the title slightly hope you don't mind. Now following and looking forward to reading more of your blogs. Cheers. Stephen

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 28 Nov 2016 - 21:03 UTC

#Bitcoin gives us a chance to be free and prosperous..!! #GOLD #SILVER @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

That's the way currency has been designed. Physical gold and silver, on the other hand can offer the same freedoms as bitcoin with silver being within reach for most people.

Being new to the crypto-currency revolution but having experienced the protection that physical gold and silver have offered and still offer (perhaps even more so now) and unfortunately in most cases we still have to convert both to a currency to spend.

Physical gold/silver have natural appeal even in very remote, isolated places and would probably be accepted as payment quicker than a crypto-currency which will require some form of digital interaction.

Both physical gold/silver and crypto-currencies have their advantages. It will take a while for crypto's to be "fully tested" to see how they stand the test of time.

Yes, I'm a big fan of precious metals as well. I love that, here in Mexico, I can walk into a bank and buy some silver coins. I tried asking for silver certificates at the National Australia Bank once, and the woman put on a smug look and told me she'd never heard of such a thing. Funny how the world can get so turned upside down, that someone in a bank doesn't know anything about real money.

Thanks for commenting and have a good one