RE: How Tim Draper was So Right with his $10,000 Bitcoin prediction 3 Years Ago

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How Tim Draper was So Right with his $10,000 Bitcoin prediction 3 Years Ago

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

bitcoin was made to end the world. think about it, when all our money is is digital all they have to do is shut the internet down and everyone will die because no money for food or water no grocery stores, and the few that survive will get killed off by drones

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good point to be weary of. Technology makes life easier but then people lack the skill to live without that technology. A dependency...a co-dependence, symbiosis

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think you smell a rat in the digital currency world. They cannot wait to get rid of paper money and the privacy and freedom that goes with it. They (G20) can easily outlaw private cryptos and generate a government or global crypto (think IMF...SDRs). The real 1984 is late but is coming soon to your world. Anyone ever hear of the TULIP BUBBLE? Americans need to wake up before it is too late and their freedom is gone!

uh oh

The very reason you need to have some silver! Wake Up America Before It Is Too Late!