in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


Hello folks,

For the past week, we have experienced a dramatic decrease of Bitcoin, ETH and the rest of the durable cryptocurrency (won't label the potency element, as each cryptocurrency has potential, depending on the global economic and technological trends).

From my pov, the decrease is caused by pressures from the IMF, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and major world banks and investment groups which rely 90% on market manipulation, bailouts and workforce extorsion( Morgan Stanley, Berkshire Hathaway, Barclays)

Simply by mentioning their disapproval of the non-regulated feature of the blockchain and by not supporting any form of start-up or facilitating any kind of process development in this matter, the confidence of the day-trader and of the middle investor into this new revolutionized life-changing form of currency, falls drastically.

By spreading rumors of terrorism funding, weapons of mass destruction intermediary transactions, all having their payment core in bitcoin or other cryptos, they are inoculating the idea that people who support this inadvertently support such causes.
We observed huge cash-outs, especially on the Asian markets, when this type of panic occurs and if the moment is perceived as the right one to cash out (eg: BTC goes from 2.2k to 2.9k)

The problem is not with the system. Blockchain with its smart contract has proven to be brilliant. Based on this system, the world's financial leaders are not trying to close it, on the contrary, their intention is to devalue any currency which falls out of the regulation scope, and to introduce their new system, with currencies well preset by them, which could be stored in their financial institutions, to be tracked and blocked at any time, and in case that particular government is causing trouble, to devalue them in a matter of minutes.

The downfall is not here yet times are changing and we have to be prepared.
It is one of their major goals, that one day cash will be replaced by a well established cyber module that will generate credits, points, to replace the piece of paper that can't be tracked. Even though blockchain is similar with their dreams, it provides way too much independence and until it is regulated and branded at national and international levels, they will not rest.

This is just an opinion, similar to a conspiracy, it has flaws and it is opened to suggestions.

Peace out!

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