RE: BITCOIN (BTC) Mid-Day Update #2: BOTTOM Could Be NEAR!!

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BITCOIN (BTC) Mid-Day Update #2: BOTTOM Could Be NEAR!!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Love you Haejin. My favorite Ellitionician. You've got my witness vote and I'll keep upvoting :) I love your dtube videos keep those coming

If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.


P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.

Bernie -18 at home after a long day trolling. Stop feeding the communist pig haters

Pigs are way too intelligent to be communists :)

@berniesanders are you a socialist? A FREE market is that - FREE. Haejin didn't force us to follow him. Just because he's taken the reward pool from you doesn't mean he's cheating. You may not like it and this is why I ask if you are a socialist. Your idealistic world of free market that's fair is the current world we live in. BTW, in case you didn't notice, it sucks! I am tired of Government telling me what is and isn't fair. Go to SteemitForSocialist platform because with socialism being such a wonderful thing and all I am sure you will see lots of those platforms sprout up. Get a life and find something else to do. I bet you are like 25, living at home with your parents, telling them how bad capitalism is and how you can change the world for the better if people would just listen to you.

You got that right. The real Bernie Sanders was a democrat shill. He is NOT a socialist by any means. The guy is rich as shit and as soon as the party told him to roll over he did just that. He actually endorsed, and told his followers to vote for, hilary! HAHAHAHAHA. Fucking politicians are all the same.

You dont get his point. You come up with a line that is not usefull here...

This is why people in the USA have a shit minimum wage and the rich have %99 of the money. People in countries like Norway and Sweden that have the highest living standards in the work have many socialist policies and heavily tax the rich. So much for your idiotic socialism bogyman. Actually Sweden has been going downhill since they became more and more socialist. Any wealth that they still have had been gotten when they were more free market.

sweden? im from there! regarding the politics I have no clue, as I haven been living there for the past 12 years.

The real Bernie Sanders is NOT a socialist. He is a fucking spineless democrat just like the rest of them. He was a puppet, to begin with, he gained a bit of momentum, then was railroaded out by the people who make the real decisions. He then immediately rolled over like a good dog and told his followers to vote for hilary. HAHAHAHAHAHA, and people think he cared. Suckers.

Bernie sanders is ANTI bitcoin and ANTI tech and ANTI economy and ANTI everyhthing


take care of your words my friend ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Can't wait.

Watching the humanitarian bubble pop just before it brings evolution down in slow motion won't be the worst thing to watch and way to go for a mortal ;)

stop ruining the name of bernie sanders

HAHAHA the real bernie is a piece of garbage as well. Guy rolled right over and told people to vote for hilary. HAHAHA both these guys are a joke. In fact I would not be surprised if it was the same guy.

Ok Bernie, you tell me what to do in your world of this platform, I'm new and just because I like something and you don't somehow now I'm flagged, you can go fuck yourself my friend. You act like the us government and all the other bullshit self appointed leaders and dictators on this planet. I never asked to be ( Governed by anyone). What the fuck do I care what these people do with there earnings, I'm just here learning and trying to earn a little bit of crypto in the process. You defenitly strike me as someone who has the words, "Punch Me" in Permanent Marker on your forehead. Minding mine and leaving yours alone, live by it, "Dick"Peace, Kris

Great idea!! ! Thanks for everything!!! HODL BTFD👨‍🚀

At this point I'm hoping the bottom's more or less been reached, running out of fiat ammos!!!

same here.. breach doesn't seem to be very impulsive for the moment.....


YOU’VE LITERALLY BEEN SAYING THE BOTTOM IS NEAR FOR A FUCKING MONTH. If anyone thinks this guy is a good TA analyst theyre a fucking idiot. If i just consistently keep calling a market to go up or down guess what, IT WILL EVENTUALLY.

Haejin is literally so crap. All he does is change his predictions every time he gets completely debunked. Look back months ago. He was saying cast your buy ladders THIS IS THE BOTTOM! when it was 15k. Look at his alt predictions. Totally invalidated. If you look objectively and dont be blinded by his claims of awareness and that he’s some sort of guru you’ll see that his actual numbers and predictions are worse than the average punter.

Haejin your a cool guy and i love your analysis but you keep moving the wedge. The only people that can save Bitcoin are the banks and wall street and they are watching on the side lines laughing at the mess they created.

Yeah I also noticed that moving wedge. Haeijin is a sneaky follow. Judging by his latest update, it looks like he's finally given up on that "bullish wick" hypothesis. It's clear that Haejin shifts his predictions based on the prevailing winds. Just go back a few weeks and look at some of his outlandish alt predictions which never came close to materializing. Of course, newbies, who want an "expert" to confirm their biases fall for it every time.

i am a new follower to your page. its good to see that through all the abuse you are still putting out work.
keep doing what you do best.

this is a community and we need to pull together.

A few hours ago I did this analysis with possible support points and I think that in the climb you can make a shoulder head inverted shoulder.

Captura de pantalla 2018-02-05 a las 6.54.58 p.m..png

I await your comments. Thanks

Overnight price should show us the next steps.

Thanks again, these updates keep the calm.
Have been trying to learn how the read the MACD, for an additional method as well as EW, do you see an indication in the MACD of a reversal? Perhaps I am using the wrong MACD chart, as I cant see it...been using

Still heading downward. Wondering where is bottom. lol

Keep it up!


First to say this is a great TA !

I hope it's the bottom. This blood bath is insane! Everything hit a lot lower then I would ever have expected!

Thanks Haejen you are truly a master at this.

Hey berniesanders, I like Bernie as a politician but now I do not like him anymore and would not support him because of your BS post here. That makes me think if Barnie also thinks the way you are thinking and posting here.

I have been charting and re-charting Elliott waves as I observed price action today. Your analysis makes me more confident in mine, so of course thank you for sharing your perspectives so frequently. I also really liked your Head & Shoulders fractal...I never even thought about looking for something like that or what it's significance could be.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fucking bear markt ahead :-) Soon all your followers in minus and build bigger SELLWALL.
Get ready for 5k... 3k... 1,3k.... in this order. If we dont bounce at such levels just cry...

Any one have a take on how the traditional market is/will affect crypto?

Thanks. Great info!

this is great and helpful analysis for the rest of us...thank you for your insights. Tonight will be very interesting to observe if the bounce occurs. Thanks again.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Could it be a double bottom ?


I ladder my buys. I even ladder my ladders.

Pray for the impulsive breakout

Thank you Haejin for your unmeasure generosity in sharing these valuable knowledge and info

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


Is this and ending diagonol of an ABC 535?
drew this chart yesterday around 20 hours ago. Believe an ending diagnol means a reversal of the degree highers trend, meaning we are indeed heading up, or could the reversal also become a sideways slog?

BTC Ending DIagnol1.JPG

Please note I can see where I think I miscounted and this didn't quite play out, if the high between the opening high in the diag and the end of wave 2 high, but the one closer to 2 is counted, then that count brings this diag to completion now, as opposed to needing one more lower high and lower low to complete. Counting that as a wave, even though it doesn't quite hit the diag boundary also removes doubt over the ABC between end of wave 1 and end of 2.
So i really hope i miscounted :)

분석 잘 보고 마음 잡고 있어요. 분서구감사합니다.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So, to confirm bottom, the price must break $9500. It does not like it would do soon. Hope so anyway.

I can see it getting down to around 5000 before it starts to go up again.

Is Tether a risk or not according to you?

Risk to cryptos in general? Maybe. Risk to holders of Tether? Absolutely. Use bitUSD!!!

I believe tether could potentially have issues in maintaining 1:1 to USD


I hope is the bottom......

Thank you for the info!

Thank you Haejin for what you do!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice, this is the count that I had posted as a reply on your last update; seems like we're on the same page (y)

Haejin, do you think this will be a long recovery?

Thank you

I think we will be dippin' one last time, to around 5000k. That's where last years September rally found its higher high. This area of support line has not been properly tested, so there's still a gap to be filled.

Thank you for the update~

great post check my article on the stock market correction and bitcoin


Jaws of Death for BTC...can you see it hitting 700 on the bottom side?

So was that the long term bottom? We're back to $7551 BTC as of 2/6/2018 !!

Love this idea and workaround!!! And really love the post. Only wish I had more cash. I'm buying GBTC in my retirement accounts, where I do have cash available.

Nice job on the call. I thought we were out of the correction but you were right on this one. I am loving the 1-5 motive waves I am seeing. Keeping fingers crossed we bust out!!

Thanks for keeping it up in face of these unreasonable crazies hating on you for posting quality, albeit opinions, and being rewarded for it.

사랑합니다. 해진사마님!!!

I am expecting $25k by the end of June 2018.
Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you

Haejin, I find your explanations to be the easiest to follow. TA is a guide, not gospel so thanks for taking the time to educate the uneducated in TA, such as myself :-)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment