To @haejin's 10,000+ FOLLOWERS: Take Away Your Witness VOTES for @themarkymark

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

@themarkymark is the WORST kind of WITNESS for STEEMIT!! This man is executing his personal vendetta to drive @haejin's earnings and blogs away! He also threatened my blog with $4 Mil in Steem Power....for what? For helping others profit with my analysis? NUTS! He also pretty much gave me an ultimatum to decline my payouts or be destroyed by $4 Mil in Steem Power that will be used to downvote me.!! IS THIS THE KIND OF WITNESS STEEM NEEDS??

He is the one who wants me to decline my payouts while allowing @berniesanders free range with his band of THUGS!!



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As your follower I have to say: NO.
In fact I'm not voting for him as a witness, but if I would, such post wouldn't be a reason for me to consider vote change.

Votes for posts, up or down, are not related to witness duty.
When he votes he votes as a user. Everyone with vesting shares (aka Steem Power) has a right to esteem posts and comments at their own discretion and to adjust their potential payout by casting upvotes or downvotes. You are using this right yourself, so please don't demand taking it away from others.
(nonetheless you have every right to do whatever you please, isn't that platform great?)

But since your audience (number of followers + number of views) is pretty high, I think it is a good opportunity to hijack this thread ;-) for the sake of the platform and convince people to vote for witnesses, of course as they like.

vote for witnesses

Please chose 1 to 30 witnesses that YOU think are worthy of your vote.
To get some idea What are Steem witnesses, take a look at FAQ.
You might want to read @timcliff's Witness Voting Guide. There are plenty of posts about witnesses on Steem and it's really worth spending some time for improving your knowledge.
Security and reliability of the Steem platform is at stake.

If you are in doubt feel free to join #witness channel on a, or contact me there directly as Gandalf.

I voted for Haejin as Witness you can also eat a D filthy maggot with your friendly politics.

Why are you starting with aggression and downvoting my comment even though you seem to agree with it (because you claim to be voting for someone as a witness).
That btw reminds me a "three problems" joke.

@haejin, all,

As a witness who just steeped down from that race, I would like to share my views in this issue in the hopes this achieves a positive outcome for everyone.

You will find them in this post What i learnt from the Haejin wars, i only ask for it to be read by the concerned parties.

Thanks in advance.

PS: @gtg hope you don't mind I piggy backed your comment.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can't complain while hijacking with 50% OT myself ;-)

@haejin stop it brother. Take the high road. Most of us that are new here to Steemit enjoy your technical Analysis and have just started to follow you. I would love to see you be the bigger man that I think you may be and call off the dogs of war. Let's all get back to helping each other in this crazy Crypto World 2018 can be a HUGE year for all of us! So I implore you now to just keep on keeping on and do not get down in the mud. God Bless and Happy New Year.

They don't understand probably because steem is not easy to learn. And used to backing down and cowing to bullies. You have earned every bit of steem by providing a service. Most folks are jealous or just sheep.

Just like you have no?

I appreciate all of the work that goes into your posts... but maybe try to talk to him privately like civil adults instead of screaming it in the playground

I agree, but also to realize that it is not one person. Consider the broad community and the other whales.

haha work, good one

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yep, we will. Every fucking time. Your time is limited... we aren't stupid you are such a fraud. Keep going... Waste more power on me instead of on valuable members of our community. Cuntmouth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Nice censorship

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The money is never in his pocket until 7 days when the post is paid out until than people are free to disagree with the amount his getting paid or choose to vote and pay him some more. there is nothing wrong with people flagging him if they think he is making too much money off content they dont think is original or good enough to warrant the payment

This isn't about being the better man, it's about @haejin 's livelihood. He provides original content and deserves to be paid out. Plain and simple. Some people don't want to reveal the "secret sauce" but @haejin is giving it out...for free!!! Thank you @haejin and I'm going to be working hard to keep you doing what you do!

Haejin has repeatedly said he's rich and doesn't need the money at all. I think Haejin deserves rewards, but just his incoming rewards from the past week are worth nearly 100,000 USD.

Haejin isn't going to starve. He should decline rewards on posts like this. I have no problem with his technical analysis, but collected rewards from attack posts proves @berniesanders point.

$100k in a week? is is this a typo or an attempt to intentionally mislead? Anyway, he is receiving upvotes in the way Steem was intended-by quality blogs receiving genuine upvotes by his followers. Steem planners never intended the use of bots and sockpuppets to gain millions in Steempower my manipulating the platform, as what has been going on. They downvote the best blogs, making false inflammatory accusations like "reward pool rape"- then upvote themselves into trending with shitty blog posts intended to distract or decieve- The recent so called "informative" post by krysic (a bernie sockpuppet) recently in which rand-o-whale(also part of bernie sanders) was rated 5/5 for his "service"- just look at how much that post raked in! That is where your attention should be. Oh and who appears as a witness in defense of them? Markymark! LOL, this place is totally CONTAMINATED with disinformation , bots and sockpuppets..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Just look here. I'm not taking a side, I'm just stating a fact, haejin's rewards total $138,129 at current market prices with 2.43% of the reward pool going to him. Not 6%, but also not 0.6%.

Well hmm, which is it $100k in a week or $138k total. Yes those are high amounts, but If one person has 2.43% of the reward pool going to him without use of bots or manipulation, it means he is doing something RIGHT, and should not be denigrated for it...Steem reward pool is set up for healthy competition. When someone (or many) come along that write blogs of higher quality/demand, they will gain some of the share away from haejin. Meantime, people should focus on this, writing better quality posts! Haejin has a legit following, bringing people from all over outside Steem to read his blog posts. Over all he is GOOD FOR STEEM

Well, I think what this really proves is trolls are good for Steem. Correction, rich trolls. Haejin and Bernie are getting so rich from this. Of course when you start flagging charities and poker leagues, you kind of become king of the trolls. Feel sorry for the minnows though. :(

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Not everybody actually wants to know the secret sauce. They should not have to pay for it. The worth of Haejin's posts is determined by the community as a whole. That includes both people who use his teachings and people who don't. He is doing great. Astronomically great. I have a hard time justifying he would need more than the community is willing to give him. downvotes are just part of the game. His net positive is really impressive. Anything more should not come from the reward pool.

I don't disagree I enjoy his chart Analysis. It's why I follow and I also am a technical trader so I understand what he is doing and saying. God Bless and Happy New Year.

Original... 2/3 copy/paste isn't original..

So after being attacked you would just take the beating? Man up Jake. Quitters quit, winners win not by backing down. I understand that it is a distraction from learning and earning but that is the world we currently live in. Life is a mixed bag and you can't always have easy sailing. Maybe if more folks supported haejin, because we know how smart he is, instead of telling him what to do we would spend less time on it.

Just seems to me like he has the high road and is better than getting in the mud with the shit slinging. Wasn’t it proven that he only gets .6% of reward pool and not 6% that was being accused of? I don’t know maybe both sides want the drama? Helps make money? Im all for everyone making some cash! 👍🏻

I followed both of them before all of this started I have made posts for bernieblackfriday when I just started steemit and I found Haejin on YouTube and made insane profits from his info. I just think a guy like berniesanders should mind his own business his making a ton off his posts and his crying over this mans posts. Theres alot of us who profited off Haejin’s posts and chose steemit as a way to pay him back.

You are helping those who bully Haejin.

I think this war or words is getting a little over the top, we are here to create and appreciate great content, the main purpose of being here for me is to bring something good to the community, be kind and let the prosperity flow.
If you are making good money, sharing it won’t make you broke,there is no OVERHEAD, different from other types of business, in this platform I see an incredible amount of potential!! We have to chill out and really look at the positive side of things. @Haejin, thanks for your content and please keep creating videos of cryptocurrencies , I do enjoy them and learned a little everyday from them. Thanks and I hope people mature and keep forward. Happy new year and many blessings!!

@haejin why you always have to talk about yourself in 3rd person...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

If he is Luca Changretta than you are Tommy Shelby. We know how that vendetta turned out 😀

Peaky Blinders reference? Instant Follow.


I was on your side until this post. I like the trading content you post. But I believe you are misusing your power for bad rather than good. I am not a bot or shill or what have you, just an independent steemit user that weighed the facts and formed this opinion on my own.

@haejin, please consider your actions in the broader scope of this community. It is easy to let greed blind you. I'm sure as a trader you are well aware of this. Until you change your ways, I will flag every post that you make.


Edit: came back to find my content downvoted to oblivion. This just affirms my beliefs. Shouldn't have gotten involved.

Edit2: Agreement has been reached. Moving on.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

nice~~thanks for the prediction

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This is starting to look like evidence that @nijeah, @heajin, and this new @baejin account were all created by @berniesanders.

What tools exist to determine user account creation trails?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What tools exist to determine user account creation trails?

You can check the steemd page of a user for the recovery account. For most people its @steem but in the case of these 2-3 accounts that you've mentioned, they were created by @anonsteem, so you cannot retrace the actual account creator because someone has used a third-party site to create those accounts.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

wish will be out of bearding guys soon.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

lovely post Many many happy returns of the day Bitcoin
and whats about my B'day tomorrow on Jan. 5th
GIFT me generously wanna start Altcoin Hedge Fund Startup
BTC: 1JydjBwdbNTruAHwaXXvpwyvLHQxEFiUeT
ETHER: 0x1910D1742b22275d1B124a936ae4732E67B50086
BTC Cash: 15Z55LFtzxmfaRuhgu3kkVkZAppjKnXn1a

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Saya sangat suka

@haejin, seriously, do you think that @adamyonas comment is an appropriate in a discussion about voting / no-voting for witnesses? I'm not your adversary, and still, you are upvoting (you have full right to do so) a comment that consist in half of a hate speech towards me (not to mention other comments of this user) and in half of a lie (obviously, he didn't voted for you as a witness).
Don't let that voting drama blind you.

May be we may have a token called haejin!

@haejin, I noticed this a few days ago when looking at the types of comment he was making, and also the way in which he gives downvotes(oh and also by looking at his wallet history, a bit of a giveaway). I am convinced he is actually associated with the Bsanders-mafia-bot-sockpuppet-gang. Sad the way Steem has become so infiltrated by an entity(ies) determined to maintain power and destroy the best quality blogs.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Looks like the program failed here. I guess you gotta account for "Chuck Norris" sometimes being called "Walker Texas Ranger". It's hard to be smart.

Apa kalian berdua sedang berkelahi

seru juga nontonnya.. eh bacanya... wwkwkwk

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It would be great if haejin could cover Upfiring (UFR) and Authorship (ATS).

How about you just stop being a little bitch about it?

My dad can beat up your dad!

Competition is a good thing and so is a little rumble to shake things up.

Keep going... you better change your IP address bitch... We are legion...

Redacting automatic upvote on this post. Do not like. Wars stop with armistice not fire.

thank you for staying strong and following your heart! @haejin
and please remember that this is the last stand of those that feel left out ... so stay on target in these last few 'days' of resistance to the inevitable global prosperity!

@haejin if you're going to make these kinds of posts, you should at least decline rewards for them I feel.

For this ill make sure i have him voted

forever hae-jin fighting!!!!!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I wouldn't worry about the guys trying to pull you back.
There are many such people in the world unfortunately but very fee people like you helping others to make money with your analysis and this indeed help newbies like myself and many others.
God bless you and keep up the good work.
Don't care if haejin is accurate its his nature of being helpful that matters

You must be a complete fool if you think what he does is good work. Ooh you have no rep and no picture, now I get it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Good post ❤

Upvoted by @lhecenam check my blog if you want

I wote for lukestokes !

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Vote @dragosroua for witness!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Are you always crying? Share your knowledge for free.

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Dan has little to do with the platform anymore. But if you know him personally good luck, this could use some intervention.
Just keep in mind folks this is a beta platform and we are learning about what needs fixing with each passing day. This is what beta's are for. I just wish there was an easy answer that the developers could apply sooner than later. This war is in fact damaging the Steemit reputation.

I do however wish that the Generals in this war would come to a roundtable and find a way to address this.
When the ones actually benefiting from the Haejin post are being beat on simply because they are saying thank you for the advice it is wrong and unethical. But the rules that reward Haejin WERE NOT SET UP BY HEAJIN.

Also I think if you disagree with Haejin getting such rich rewards form the pool Zeroing his rewards from the pool to $0.00 is also wrong. The flagging has the ability to determine a stopping point.

There is a solution to this problem that can be applied but cooler heads tend to have their opinions FLAGGED simply for voicing an opinion on the problem. I have asked simply for arbitration and Bernie has flagged me for doing so. That lead to me getting angry and participating in the name flaming.
THAT HAS TO STOP. But until the flagging of the followers ends I think that abusive name calling and over zealous flagging will continue.

Just my two STEEMS Worth.Steemerica_mini.JPG Steemerica_mini.JPG

In my opinion this is worth expanding into a post. ^_^

There is misbehavior occurring on both sides of this conflict - and the flexing of muscle does count as such - both ways. We can all do better.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Apparently I have become a victim of @haejin as well.
For.. Upvoting your comment?

Yup, that's all it takes to piss off an insecure greedy tyrant.

What kind of idiot wastes a downvote on a three letter comment!?

the one that is trying to harass and censor another.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

@haejin you are!
Can you please update 0x and expanse

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