Cautiously Celebrating Bitcoin $10000steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Congratulations to Everyone Who Had the Foresight to See What Bitcoin Could Do.

Bitcoin has had an astronomical run in 2017. It has gone up more than 10X in the last 12 months. I am cautious because I believe the Bitcoin movement is being co-opted by people and organizations that are only here to speculate on the price. Bitcoin and Crypto Currency are so much more than that.

People like Ross Ulbricht and Charlie Shrem paid a high price to make this possible for all of us. Please take some time and learn about people like Ira Miller, Jeff Berwick, Trace Mayer, Bruce Fenton, Roger Ver and others who helped pave this street of gold.

Learn About the History of Bitcoin.

Here is some homework. The Rise & Rise of Bitcoin

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It is so sad that he became a scapegoat. His punishment is clearly injustice to all who study what happened to him.

Let's all say: FREE ROSS!!!!

Ummmmm....If you really want Bitcoin to be accepted by the masses, I'm not sure this is the fella you want as the face of the currency. I'm guessing that could do more damage than good.

I don't much care if the masses join us. Ross is a hero.

satoshi nakamoto is a hero and everyday anarchists are heros.. there are many people in jail for victim-less crimes, to point out one of them as a hero, seems weird to me.

Full upvote. Respect.

Sure he should not be in jail. Please dont misunderstand what I am saying... there are many people in jail for wrong reasons, victim-less crimes... its so sad.

Please don't comment on my content. I thought we made this clear.

And who are we?

Anarchists? Voluntarists? Community where we debate what is really going on? Why would you want to censor me?

What you think about the theories that it is JEWS that are mostly at the top of the power pyramid? And that is what Michael Jackson sings about in this song:

I was brought up jewish. All religions are made up so when you blame it on the Jews not only Is it innacurate, it strengthens the myth of separate group groups

There are strong indications of Jewish influences in the top of the pyramid, if you study conspiracy and secret societies.. maybe you don't know this..

Anyway I have no religion.

Bitcoin Alert. OMG!
1 Bitcoin equals 10599.57 US Dollar .

I am finding your interest in BTC. You should read this article because it fits for you.
Why Bitcoin Has Exceeded This Limit ?
Thank you @hilarski

See you at the Lambo dealer.

I think it's healthy to be skeptical and concerned with so much money sloshing around. I think there are plenty of coins in the sea to continue promoting the original vision of open-source free markets. Keep spreading the good word, Randy.

It's easy for us old timers (hah! just less than 5 years for me, and I'm an "old timer") to say, "Back in my day..." and "Get off my cryptocurrency lawn!" but the reality is this is a dynamic space and all of us got involved at some point for various motivational reasons. The weak hands will shake out on the next correction, take the fiat winnings to the bank and be happy. The rest of us will keep plugging away to educate the masses on the benefits of unmanipulated money, the world's first global, immutable, cryptographically-secure digital ledger technology. The blockchain is here to stay, no matter what coin name it takes. There will be enough of "us" to continue the open-source vision of freedom regardless of where the masses go. If they want closed-source or government-controlled projects, they are welcome to them. We'll continue to demonstrate how freedom will ultimately prevail.

I completely agree with needing to get the word out to the masses to help them better understand what this "industry" is all about but there are going to be those who will be the all time skeptic when it comes to anything new. I like the idea of an open source of currency and I do also believe there are plenty of people invested into it to make it stay for the long haul. Which one will rule them all? Who knows but Bitcoin is doing a pretty good job so far.

I feel myself even getting to where I say "back in my day..." when I'm at work and it burns me up because I always told myself I would never do or say that one line. Do I think cryptocurrency will continue without some sort of regulation? No, sadly I don't. All good things must come to an end but not before many millionaires are made. Jump on the bandwagon while you can guys!

I think the blockchain will reinvent trust itself which will change how we shape societies and governance. Laws are just threats of violent force. In a world where peaceful cooperation can be more profitable, humans, like water, will flow to what benefits them. Aligned incentives will make attempts to regulate seem archaic (because they are). No one "owns" the blockchain. It's part of nature now, and I don't think it can be stopped. It may be pushed under ground for a time, but even the governments of the world aren't so stupid to realize how powerful this technology is and how they can't un-invent it. They will try to subvert it, discredit it, and copy it, but it will live on as what imagine it to be.

I totally agree but with the way some governments want to regulate things they can't control it is sadly bound to happen. Net neutrality sound familiar? There will always be someone thinking about how to make something open source for all to use and it will be unregulated for a time. I don't see it being fully regulated any time soon but that's why more people need to jump on it.

I think the big thing that may turn some people away is reading a lot about people being scammed or hacked and losing money rather than making millions just by sitting at home doing nothing. I really don't see it any different than investing in stocks. If you invest in the right ones you can make alot of money just like the stock market. I think the biggest issue people will have is security.

I agree, security is key. That's why I'm trying to help people with @ubf videos. We can level up and secure our own stores of value, regardless of what the government does, but it takes personal responsibility.

I think every attempt at government control just creates new opportunity for freedom-loving innovation. People being scammed or hacked is what also reinforces the need for personal responsibility and security. Password managers, up-to-date anti-virus software, operating system security patches... this is just the beginning of what people should learn about.

More and more people everyday are coming into the crypto space, so naturally it is becoming the peoples personal and collective interests. In free democratic societies governments are "supposed to" protect the interests of the people, so I try and stay optimistic when the discussion of regulation comes up, regulations can be a good thing and help protect more people allowing for a safer more secure overall community.

I agree that the blockchain is in nature now and it wont be stopped.

Thank you for educating us luke, and also hilarski! I really hope, as you say, that blockchain will not be stopped, and neither regulated. I am sorry that I don't engage more in discussion, but for the moment I feel that I have much more to learn before I will be able to express a valid opinion. Thank you again!

No need to apologize! We're all learning as we go and some have just been doing it a bit longer than others. Anything you learn is something you can teach to someone who knows nothing about what is happening in this space. You'll be their guru.

Oh, you are so right, I have taught some of my mates at work, and some just invested a few thousand dollars in Ethereum, because they found it promising. I don't have that money right now, but I hope I will be able to accumulate in time in order to invest. I just try to share the knowledge but I feel that I am not so confident yet. Right now I am learning about proof of stake, and one coin that interested me (since it was much lower a few weeks ago) is Cardano's ADA. I told myself that one of these days I am going to ask you what do you think about it, but I don't know if it is the right moment and if you have the time to share your thoughts about it :)

I hadn't heard of it. Up 160% today?!? Dang. Huge supply. Is this a pump and dump? Being a top 8 coin with 31B in supply? I dunno. I try not to buy anything at the top, but maybe I'll look into it later to figure out why it spiked. Good luck.

Thanks a lot, sir!

Yea that is the thing blockchain has come to stay @lukestokes

On the money!

Hah! I want to be that guy. Like a boss indeed. :)

But, be careful .... you have to make sure to landing properly....

wow... really fantastic.


That's a motivational comments I appreciate your comments @lukestokes👍

What a great response!! Teaching the masses is probably one of the biggest stumbling blocks. Not because the belief in a centralised organisation is too strong but rather viewing cryptocurrency as a scam due to not understanding it.

I strongly agree to currency open source, that mean is the whole people can make improvisation to their plan invest.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@lukestokes and the bottomline is that blockchain is come to stay

For some reason i have an "impending doom" kind of sensation, but let's see what will happen next!

I was also celebrating for this my friends :)

i'm a bot worried to what will happen at mid december on cme.

Most people in Bitcoin today have not even taken the time to read the white paper. They just hold it in their Coinbase account without transacting in it. We starting accepting Bitcoin in 2013 and have 5 people pay with it 2014-2015, especially in 2015 as price recovered and fees were low. Since fees went past $1 no one pays in it anymore. Not one person from 2016-2017.

Just a few hours of research and people will have the foundation.

@hedge-x every one is looking at the gain less attention on white paper

I agree bitcoin hit 10K much faster than expectations. Cheers :)

Wonder what's the next milestone and how fast.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

May be 20k in 6 months if it rises with the same speed. What say guys?

$3999 since I am a being cautious here.

That's being cautious? That's being a bull my friend!!

Bull? A SUPER BULL. But hey as a I said with Crypto anything is possible. So let's all make hay while the sun shines.

SUPER BULL!! Oh I like that

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

With Crypto nothing is impossible

I wasn't really expecting it to hit until possibly January but this past couple weeks has been insane for Bitcoin

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am cautious because I believe the Bitcoin movement is being co-opted by people and organizations that are only here to speculate on the price. Bitcoin and Crypto Currency are so much more than that.

This is a vulnerability in the 'store of value'-led view of Bitcoin. What causes currency to be stable is that people need to have it available liquid in large amounts in order to cover ongoing expenses and commerce. Ongoing commerce ensures that there are always people buying regardless of price, that reduces volatility and increases liquidity.

If the transactional utility of Bitcoin is diminished then there can only be so much commerce, and the commercial demand gets overwhelmed by speculators. Look at what happened to gold: yes gold has retained value in the long run compared to fiat currency, but after being confined to bank vaults, it actually no longer serves as a reliable store of value in the monetary sense. Gold today is a speculative investment: you hold it as a hedge against stock market crashes on the judgment that it will increase in value when stocks fall (which is often but not always true). You can't reliably expect a certain amount of purchasing power day to day from a gold coin, nor can you easily exchange it for goods and services.

Due to the dominance of speculators, you get large swings in price, perpetually, rather than it becoming more stable over time as the trend had been before.

Celebrate !!!!! @hilarski
Tanks for sharing .
Upvote Resteem

It's been an amazing ride so far.

Bitcoin might be overvalued by investors and believers but sadly, it's still undervalued by banks and governments. They will continue to despise it until they find a way to take control and get a piece of the pie!

Bitcoin will going much faster as a rocket. We have to enjoy here in steemit.
Bitcoin unstoppable this moment also unpredictable.
So we will see whats the next step.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

Wish I had gotten in sooner!

We all do!

Thank you for recommending to learn to Miller, Jeff Berwick, Trace Mayer, Bruce Fenton, Roger Ver, hopefully they will motivate me in all policies in bitcoin and thank you for sharing this amazing post @hilarski

Bitcoin surpassing 5 digits level. Thats celebration time for us. BTC much faster within little bit period. Waiting to next target hit. Huge news for traders and investors.

Wow congratulations to you for your grand success in bitcoin holding. You are so optimistic from the beginning and inspiring people continuously.Heads of to you for your success and glory, enjoy your life friend.

Valuable update news you given @hilarski.
You always assist to the steemit society how will work cryptos and predict something. This time you sharing massive target hit of BTC movement. I appreciated your awesome video preparing. This time buy and hodl better for BTC. Am I correct sir?
Absolutely fantastic BTC movement.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm celebrating with Rihanna's "cheers". I wonder what the next correction will look like though?

I don't have a crystal ball but my hope is 70% to shake off the people only here for speculation.

Thats a long way down, but i'm definitely here for the long term as well.

Oh yeah, he still preodalele this height and I'm waiting for further heights! Thank you @hilarski and congratulations!

Forecasts come true. There is something to celebrate.

You also congrats dear @hilarski, and also thanks for your link for history of bitcoin.... Great

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I assume that you read Jeff Berwick's latest article. He expresses similar thoughts.

Bitcoin is faster than Usain Bolt.. Everybody was expecting bitcoin will reach $10k in january... Bitcoin did it 1 month earlier!

let's celebrate this big news. nice & impressive post @hilarski


5 Figures for BTC. That's amazing news & nice video. Now it's time to celebrate~

Congratulations @hilarski

Cautiously Celebrating Bitcoin $10000 Exceptional post and update of BTC latest news...!!!

50% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

Great information and best video. @hilarski
100% like and resteem

wow-- wonderful !

Valuable update & now it's the beginning of new era. You had faith on BTC & it has proven what it caan do. Nice time to celebrate it.

~Followed & Upvoted

Cheers @hilarski

Well, I listened to it all.

I am surprised that people buy centralized coins like Ripple, Ripple as the biggest mystery for me.

I think the free market will weed out the bad coins over time.

I know we have different views on some of the coins (like bitconnect).. I agree with most of what you say and yes many have paid a price for the fight and many more haven't.. I got bankrupt trying to build an exchange, because no bank wanted to open a business account for my exchange, that was all build (before Bitshares).. I have not been in prison... but I also have taken some other hits from my surroundings, openly supporting Bitcoin and more. In the end, I think the one person (or group of people) that should have the honor for what is happening and that is Satoshi Natamoto and not so much the people you mention, you or myself.. we are just small time marketer.. if it wasn't for us, there would have been others :)

Anwyay, keep it up... and when we finally get EOS, I think transportation and housing will come partly on the blockchain (uber-clone and airbnb clone) and that will be a huge step for mainstream adaption.


It's a bit old picture by now but still funny xD

  • Bitcoin, you are so big already. Very big...


I think it will fluctuate around the 10k for a while now. With all the new attention it will spike high and low and next year it will rise again.

Hello @hilarski,

Extraordinary good news for all crypto investors & believers. Incredible update on time.


Valuable update & now. it is great post.

ha ha Celebrating!!!!!!
(((((( Resteem Service))))))

You do sound really nervous, its making me a little nervous.

Call it, "being in this game for a long time". I have seen the highs and the lows. This does not feel right. I hope I am wrong.

i smell a looming correction too, and then everyone is start bashing it, pushing the price lower. its funny, i believe that those who publicly bash bitcoin to bring the price down are probably secretly buying.

10k is going to be a hard one to overcome since that is currently the entry point for the first stock shares of bitcoin to go live on December 11th. I think we are about to slow down and keep steady till 2018.

@hilarski - OMG BTC made it.... Sir, you always said keep faith on Crypto than Fiat & when central banks start drama against BTC you strongly said we should keep faith on BTC.... Sir, you have proven your trading knowledge..... This is a good information for us Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Nice video. Congrats on going form struggling to living a dream. Yeah, we are there. Long term(5-20years) Bitcoin is going to be much higher, short term we have to wait and see. Potential for Bitcoin is enormous, because it solves a lot of problems regarding use of money.

The history of bitcoin and cryptocurrency is what learning for those of us who are not yet holders of it, since we all see how well it is doing. @hilarski i will study more of the people your have mentioned.

Congrats to bitcoin again for reaching $10,000.

Be caution about getting in now though, i think there might be a pullback soon (no one knows), but again it might be just the beginning of a bull market. if you must absolutely buy now i would recommend a small % of your investment capital.

Thanks for the investment advice @leggy23.

Yah! am watching carefully. Am not planning to buy now.

No problem, just my 2cents.

wow nice to see you live randy and you are looking super cool my friend and yes you make a wise decision to buy and hold bitcoins at a very right time and your good decision really paid off now, wishing you all the best for all of your future endeavors! Stay awesome

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

lets party , bitcoin going to very high, i think it never stop, my bitcoin wallet is increasing now

Haha... scared shitless.

Me too!

Trace Mayer has a lot of interesting ideas and information.

His Amazon book is extremely poorly formatted. But I got some good insights nevertheless.

Congratulations to you, bitcoin Rs 753000/

Rich rich rich ....

The new rich have arrived!

Good stuff Randy, its a bit early for the xmas tree
😅 I've watched your homework and it's a strong insight into the the universe of crypto. It's important we pay attention to the individuals you listed considering they are the pioneers. Thanks for the post

It is never too early for Christmas Cheer!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the information. it is very valuable post.thanks for sharing.

BTC is 10000$,
Thanks @hilarski
Have a great day

Cautiously Celebrating Bitcoin $10000 . great topic for bitcoin.

Thank you
Upvote Resteem

I'm happy that it went up because I made a profit on my investment, and although it was not much I follow your tips closely.Thank you ;)

Actually I was busy with my RL stuffs and just seen your post! Then checked Coinmarketcap! I think I missed few minutes of breathing :O This is a huge, I mean a big crypto step ever! Amazing and great you shared it at that minute! I have a beer I think it might be a nice celebration!
Great post friend!


Excellent stuff! Great promo video. :)

I'm glad you added the "participate in the community more generally" point. You might also want to add a future video on how the value here actually works. The money doesn't come from nowhere. Investors in STEEM, the cryptocurrency, create the demand for the token which creates all the value we enjoy here. As much as we need more content creators and more community members to engage and vote up content, we also need investors to support the token which gives the rewards pool value. I'd love to see further discussions about how investors should look into STEEM as an under-valued cryptocurrency with 3 second block times and free transactions.

This is an exciting place to be, and I'm thankful you had the foresight to let your audience know about it.

Oh, also, I rarely do this, but I'm going to here in order to make a point. I'm going to upvote my own comment here to demonstrate how those with Steem Power can actually promote their own ideas to the top of the conversation. Lately I haven't even been upvoting my own main blog posts as I want to save voting power for other peoples' posts, but this too, I think, is an important aspect of the platform people should know about. Having influence in terms of Steem Power is valuable (when used in moderation, of course).

so, btc is close to moon enough!

know that it raised approximately more than 5000 dollars this year, how much will rise in the next one to invest and take advantage of the opportunity.

great post sharing,thanks for your post

Repost @bot-share best content on one page.

I'm a Chinese, and the Chinese government has banned bitcoin, but I still want to know bitcoin, I hope to learn more.

A great news @hilarski.

good post

I've been expecting a correction close to your figure, when bcc began it's recent peak I thought it would drop to $3800 due to market instability. It definitely seems due for a correction, but it just keeps going up.... possibly to 12K. Though who knows. Very awesome seeing bitcoin hit this HUGE milestone.

This is a milestone. Now there is a lot of speculations but I believe it will grow stronger and not too crazy.

I wanted to share another option to investing in Bitcoin that may be hitting stride, as I have been riding the wave with Bitcoin and other currencies.

One thing I looked at was BTSC or Bitcoin Services Inc. I bought 30,000 shares back when it was trading at $0.07, banking on the on going success of the coin would help drive people that wanted to be invested at a different level and see their investment as part of their investment and/or IRAs. I was very excited to be able to include this in on my IRA account as it has done great and is killing my Index Funds.

Good luck and be safe.

Im pretty sure, people who own bitcoin is celebrating.. But what about those who are in saving up to buy 100$ worth but cannot afford to and now that 100$ worth is nothing BTC reaching 10/20k.. Sad but not fair...


i just bought my first bit of bitcoin. Only 15 usd, lol, but I'm finally in!

Whats next for bitcoin? Are we going to have a draw back? Is it going to fly to 15k? Or will this steady growth? If anyone has the brain power to shade any light on this IT would be great.

Fear and greed are the two factors between the long term investor and people who sell too early by following the news around them.

I think he will break it. It is only a matter of time.
I will not say anymore that we need a correction. Seems that this is not happening at all. Strange world.

I thik bitcoin reach 25k next eight month. What your guys? Thanks for sharing the history of bitcoin link.

really good video. i appreciate your help post . thank you very much @hilarski

Now, ill have to do some research about Ross Ulbricht.

I think it will keep going up around 11k , I am still holding BTC but with the correction approaching, I'm not really sure what alts would be a good option. What do you think?

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Yep, this is a very important milestone for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, and we should be cautiously celebrating it, indeed.

I can see a fear greater potential in the Altcoins, especially if you look at Ethereum and all the apps and ICOs that use its smart contracts and payment systems..

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Perhaps a moment of reflection and time to think of the bigger picture. Whats the point of an asset going up if you can't sell it and make so Fiat with it. Let us not forget history as it has a way or repeating itself.

Bitcoin Short.png

Hey @hilarski i Well I got shaken out so it was worth the wait I appreciate it 👍👍

---Bitcoin is a train without brakes---

I wonder if there is a limit that bitcoin can't go over?

What are your thoughts on where it will be in a couple years? And Ethereum too? Corrections aside, do you think there is still another parabolic jump in store for these cryptos? And do you worry about government manipulation, since clearly central bank goons are shitting their pants right now?

Bitcoin at 10k is just the first step :D

sold it at the right time ;)

Well, it hasn't hit 10k on the exchanges yet, there is where most of people have sell orders set and could drag price down for a temp dip...

I completely agree. Lots of manipulation (more than usual) has been happening in bitcoin the past several months this year. I think that those in know they can't control bitcoin so there are way being thought up on how to create a control system for it.

Thanks to everyone who believed in and invested in. Great post. Thanks!

Bitcoin and blockchain have an imminent danger ... they will be forced to be accepted as a normal financial asset class .... whereas that wasn’t the creators intent ....

Good points made about being cautious, however there are several big buyers waiting for opportunities to buy at every level, 10k, 9k, 8k, etc which is why it's likely to continue trending upwards!

Two days ago, I met my friend at the bar, and he was very angry with me. Six months ago I tried to explain to him that if he has spare money he can invest it in bitcoin.
He asked: "are you sure?"
And I said, "Yes, I'm sure by Christmas it will cost $ 5,000".

And here in the bar he told me "I hate you, you made a mistake with the forecast, and I invested just half of the free money".

What can I say, I'm glad I was mistaken in the smaller side :)

As the song goes, we have only just begun.

I am thoroughly excited about Wall Street entering the picture. You mention people who are speculating it up...wait until you see what the street does to it. I have never been this optimistic about anything as I am cryptocurrencies.

It is like buying penny stocks knowing hedge funds are coming to buy most everything up. We really are looking at the idea situation.

125 and counting...that is the number of hedge funds set up in 2017 for investment in crypto. I read last night the founder of techcrunch is starting a $100M fund....just more money entering the picture.

Dear @hilarski

Currencies such as Bitcoin will reach a critical mass of adopters, from which point on, they will begin to seriously disrupt the banking system as we know it.

If you’re concerned about the issues that have smeared Bitcoin on occasion, it’s important to remember that the Internet too, ran into its share of problems in the early years.

All disruptive technologies have teething troubles. However, when the founders of massively successful Internet enterprises such as Netscape and LinkedIn invest millions in a technology, as Marc Andreessen and Reid Hoffman have both done, you better believe it’s a technology that’s going somewhere.

congrats @hilarski . great information is bitcoin.
celebrate~ now.
For your post propagation.

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It is good to see it go up like that. I like it cause of what is happening in Zimbabwe. It is always good to take profits. I don't like the elite's.

tnx for sharing bitcoin is going very high

Unbelievable that bitcoin goes up so fast..... This is a magic of this Millenium