US Stock Market Outflows Over $30 Billion, Crypto Market Up $46 Billion in the Same Amount of Time!steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 


Hold Tight Folks the Wall of Money is Approaching Our Sector.

CNBC Reports-

-Investors have pulled $30 billion from U.S. stock funds over the last 10 weeks, Bank of America Merrill Lynch says.

-The latest week of outflows marks the 10th straight week of withdrawals, the longest in more than a decade, and internal positioning changes also indicate investors are becoming more defensive, the report says.

-The outflows occurred despite the S&P 500's nearly 1 percent gain this quarter and a record high on Aug. 8.

Compare the US Stock Market to the Crypto Currency Market.

Stock market $30 Billion down in 10 weeks. Crypto market $46 Billion up in the exact same time. This trend looks like it will continue. CNBC reports that the money is flowing into Asia and other markets but we know that some of it is coming our way as well.

Every wealthy person I know has contacted me about Crypto. I regularly receive private messages from uber wealthy people who want to put a chunk of their money in the Crypto Currency sector but they don't know how. I have helped so many people open and fund their first Bitcoin wallets.

The wealthy people were just the beginning. The real money is the millions of people with a smaller amount to invest and the funds that invest their capital. That money will be arriving soon. So for anyone out there that still thinks we are in a bubble, they have not seen anything yet. Sure Bitcoin might drop 20-30% for a few weeks or months but the sector will continue its long term upward trend.

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It looks very promising for the Cryptos. Tons of billions of money in low yielding bonds that wants some explosive growth. The trend is going to be self reinforcing as more and more wealthy persons go into digital currencies.

Total market cap is looking solid in the crypto world. This past weekend was a big weekend for some of the alt currencies. Exciting times ahead. There are still plenty of people who don't know about the crypto market. More and more new money should be entering everyday.

Nice lets rude with it :)

Oh I am waiting for that 20-30% drop in price with such anticiption! :)

me too;-)

This is me right now:

This is very interesting ;-)

What are your thoughts on 'Ghost month' and the effects on cryptocurrencies? Will the Chinese take a step back in the coming weeks?

I have never heard of it @Cryptotem

'Ghost Month' is basically considered bad time to invest by East Asian countries...this year it is between 22nd August till 19th September.

Great tip! It sounds like it will be a good time for me to just trade my BTC until the ballers come back.

Beep beep. Hi @hilarski!
You have used tip! in your comment - that`s my magic word for sending tips ;)
Click here if you wish to learn more!

Thats pretty insightful actually! Do you have a good link to info in English about this maybe @vj1309 ?

Here is the link for more details.

Thanks for elaborating @vj1309! :-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I like how you say "Sure Bitcoin might drop 20-30% for a few weeks or months..." casually, cos you know, it's crypto and that's a regular day in the office for us. 😁

Exactly @Choogirl. The wild swings are just part of the game. You have to come to our Decent.Bet launch party on September 23rd here in PTY!

Oh cool. Let me know the deets. Are you writing a post about it? Or you can DM me in steemit chat/ discord.

Here is the ICO info but the location for the party has not been set yet.

Thanks. I'm not into gambling but this does actually look quite look cool. I'll keep an eye out for more info.

i actually don't know a better investment than cryptocurrencies!
And soon, all people will realize it.

I just want siacoin move up :)

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm sure this is just the beginning. Currently only 1% of the world population is invested in cryptocurrency. Imagine if this number rises to 5%. This is the time to accumulate and hold tight in order to achieve financial freedom which is what every crypto enthusiast strive for.

Glad to have held on to my bitcoin over the years, did not buy huge amounts due to our fiat currency rate of exchange, however it has grown substantially with passive earnings @hilarski

We are living in exciting times @vj1309

Indeed :)

A buddy of mine who does investing in San Fran told me that his boss had them in a meeting that was 100% about Crypto and its rise and there was a article/chart showing that billions have been pulled from traditional investing this year and every 40 cents on the dollar was being poured into cryptocurrency. Crazy.

WOW!! That is amazing.

The biggest irony will be that all the cash that the FED printed to levitate legacy financial assets will now flow into cryptos, helping lift all the little people out of poverty. I just doesn't get any more poetic than that.


Thank you for sharing @hilarski. This is a very exciting post! When looking at the brief history of cryptocurrencies, it makes the future look even more promising. Steemit to the moon!

cant wait for that flood of banksters and investors coming...

Yah Socks is like bikes with tranning wheels!!

That's a great news for Crypto Currency Market. There is a huge difference of $16 Billion. Hope market will high in future.

RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 28 Aug 2017 - 16:48 UTC

US Stock Market Outflows Over $30 Billion, #Crypto Market Up $46 Billion in the Same Time!…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

amigo #resteemia at your service

everyone joining with the new trend. impressive update @hilarski

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

It could be good and it could be bad. Right now I don't think the exchanges and miners can handle a big influx of capital. I for one am getting frustrated with the high fees and transfer times and it seems like it's only going to get worse.

It will get worse before it gets better but the good thing is the tech is always improving.

I look forward to it! This means my paltry $40 in various cryptos will become $70 in various cryptos! lol

Wow that is absolutely crazy
The total market cap for crypto has been going insane and it seems like there are more good times ahead @hilarski! :)

wow it is amazing. Thank you for providing information

That would be the wealthy getting out of the way. Time for the 401(K) bagholders to get wiped out again. After all, it will come back again, right?

I don't know I have not had anything in the Stock market in a decade.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wow our sector is beginning and now we are near to bigger markets so this image talk itself.

We need this! Thank you for sharing.

we are so lucky to own crypto earlier!

@hilarski - Sire, love your work. Nice information Sire. Crypto is the future Sire. Therfore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I appreciate that, followed back!

You are absolutely correct! Lots of people contact me personally and get help to fund their 1st BTC as well. Few of them now became millionaires as well!
Seems crypto will pass forex market place too! Thank you very much for sharing such great information with us!

(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me five more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)


Great post @hilarski. It's true, my associates and friends are finally pulling their heads out of their asses and asking how to get into crypto.
Better late than never!

Absolutely, they took their time and caused me headaches but the will be coming en masse.

WoW amazing news sir, this surely attracts even more investor into market and this is good news for all of us. thanks for sharing

Crypto giving hard time and always will ....

30 billion out of the stock market. Signs of the beginning of a stock market crash?

Thanks for sharing Hilarski

US stock market p/e ratio is getting very high. There's fewer and fewer great opportunities in the stock market and that money has to go somewhere.

Also September is generally a bad month for the markets, so part of this could be people selling some of their stocks now, and hope to repurchase in a couple months at a lower price.