Is Bitcoin an NSA engineered psyop to roll out a global digital currency?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

A document from 20 YEARS AGO (long before Bitcoin existed) entitled, “How to make a mint: The cryptography of anonymous electronic cash” detailed how to create cryptocurrency. (

"The NSA, in other words, detailed key elements of Bitcoin long before Bitcoin ever came into existence. Much of the Bitcoin protocol is detailed in this document, including signature authentication techniques, eliminating cryptocoin counterfeits through transaction authentication and several features that support anonymity and untraceability of transactions. The document even outlines the heightened risk of money laundering that’s easily accomplished with cryptocurrencies. It also describes “secure hashing” to be “both one-way and collision-free.”"



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This is an interesting story. It doesn't surprise me to learn this but I certainly appreciate you sharing this information. It puts everything in a different light, which makes perfect since; given the current world economics.

They are clever, I will give the deep state that.

Offcourse somebody from the government has to be behind it

This is flat earth level logic

the group or individual named Nakamoto Satoshi never claimed to have first perceived electronic cash, what they did come up with is a work-around to the the Byzantine Generals Problem and enable a trustless system that is reliable and secure. they did NOT invent electronic cash.