Its true, I did make a little money at the bitcoin party ...

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Will it be around forever? I don't know, I hate to contradict Cliff High's web bots, perhaps this is all beyond my comprehension. But I feel that a day is fast approaching where I will divest myself of all cryptos to buy silver, land and maybe a few cows and chickens. The myriad of cryptos will probably delude the market with many chasing the next tulip mania. I am in Bitcoin and ETH and Light Coin, and most recently steemit. I feel like I am at a party, but like all parties, this too will come to an end, at some point. I'll be headed back to the ranch.

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i def think this euphoria is sitting in the clouds and at some point will have to land back down to earth, hopefully it willl be soft landing and not a crash landing. THis whole crypto boom similiar to that of the tech boom, alot will fall down to the dust bin and a maybe a handfull will stay and usher in the next era of crypto boom. Im definitely holding on to my gold and silver but will be adding some BTC, DASH and ETHER.

I am with you ... I don't want to miss out on a good party. Just trying to make sure I don't get too euphoric and leave with an empty wallet.

You know I don't have much in crypto myself, but I think if you do have a nice amount, investing in land is a very good option.

I agree that we are most likely in a bubble right now, that will see a "correction" sooner than later. BUT I truly think the whole crypto world is fully undervalued currently and in the long term the whole market cap will pass the 1 T mark.
Just my optimistic view on things.

I agree, I think the party has only just started. Let's just not loose sight of where the exits are... you know just in case;)