Cryptocurrency What is Litecoin ? Litecoin Details

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

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Litecoin – The Cryptocurrency
The Cryptocurrency has increased its value in public interest rapidly. More and more people are appreciating and embracing the concept of Cryptocurrency. In the world of Cryptocurrency, two famous kinds of peer-to-peer and open source currency have been launched around the world by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The one is Bitcoin, which is commonly known by almost everyone and the other is Litecoin, which is a substitute for Bitcoin. They are the kind of rewards which is used as a process of “MINING”.


What is Litecoin?

Just like Bitcoin, the Litecoin is also an open source and peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and widely used by many businessmen, investors and entrepreneurs since its invention in 2011, right after the bitcoin. It is usually called as Digital money which keeps a Blockchain to enhance transactions. Litecoin is beneficial when someone directly wants to transfer funds and money raisings between businesses or in person, without any kind of intermediary source such as banks.
Litecoin is different from Bitcoin
Bitcoin has occupied its place in the world of cryptocurrency but Litecoin has its own worth and demand. It is different from bitcoin because of 3 things:
Number of Coins
Market Cap
The Litecoin is created by Charlie Lee to make differences between bitcoin and Litecoin. It generated blockchains differently and four times faster than bitcoin. It can hold an intrinsic value because of their limited supply. Litecoin is ranking among the 5 top cryptocurrencies at the time of its launch.
How to buy Litecoin?
if someone is interested in buying Litecoin and don’t want to mine it, then it can be purchased or exchange with another type of cryptocurrency from exchange websites. It can be stored in a digital wallet just like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. There are 2 kinds of Litecoin wallets names as software-based wallet and hardware based or physical wallets.

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