10 Coins Crossed today 1 Billion USD Market Capitalization

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

This is just crazy but today exactly 10 coins made it to the billionaires club.

Most of this coins you know already but just as a few words. NEO was called Antshares before and its said to be "Ethereum of China". Price spikes on it are crazy. IOTA trades on Bitfinex and is still cheap, we will see what happens with it. Bitcoin Cash is a version of BTC, Ethereum Classic is version of Ethereum.

Next Coins in Queque

To be fair i should add only QTUM here but since BTS, EOS and STEEM are "close" i kept the screen bigger. As we can see other coins are missing much to get into 1 billion.

Bittrex Beats Poloniex Volumes

This is just a bonus to this but actually NEO helped Bittrex alot. Currently Bittrex has 2x the volume of Poloniex. I wrote on twitter about it, feel free to retweet and follow me. Im gettign close to 5000 people there and 9000 up here on Steemit ;)

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of http://fuk.io blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!

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nice post. what do you think about pivx? It's my favorite~

I Think you should check out new upcoming ICO , Neo , Gas, District0x . They have more potential .

I would recommend check out new upcoming ICO 0x project . It is really impressive project .

Nice post man, well stated, I honestly can't wait to all these coins to blow up and see what's in store for the future! BTC is about to hit $4000 per coin, that's insane!!! That means that $10,000 per coin is closer than we thought! I would definitely ad FunFair Coin (FUN) to the list of up coming promising coins. Who wouldn't want to gamble and win Ether? ;)

Tai Lopez? Seriously LOL :D

And steem is falling 😩

upvote me

why? give me a reason.

i'm following all three of you

I'm curious why steem is falling.. It has a lot of users and a thriving community. Maybe people are not speculating steem enough ;)

I think bitcoin trend at this time, make other coin trade volume lower than usual

i've got 10 people into steem personally i hope it improves in price

It takes a dedicated community and one with no interest in making dust money

Could be that users are holding to it. Eventually I believe more people will be joining the steemit platform due to the dwindling profits from youtube given the fact that it is loosing ad revenues. Steem has a lot of potential just give it some time and lets see 🤞

Tokens are rolling now but steem will rise again. Non token Alts fell pretty hard yesterday in general not just steem. I bought some. I still don't have a big position but I'm adding some when I can. Building. It's like savings to me. I think "would i have saved this much if i wasn't doing this?" I did good today i'll probably buy more soon it's a buyers market in non neo eth ... related. I hope all doing well today. peace


Agree it's a great time to buy it. I am thinking of investing in it as a noob, to boost my SP. Any ideas how much I should buy? Like a hundred bucks worth will that make much difference?

It's totally linear. Twice the SP gives twice the upvote. If 70 SP has a $0.04 upvote, then 140 will give $0.08.

thank you, good to know. Is probably obvious but now I need to figure out how much upvote $ comes from how much SP

$100 adds about $0.01 to your 100% vote value. It adds up over time but it is pretty modest at first.

Saving up the SP you get from posting and commenting can also build up your power over time.

Nice, that's a good rule of thumb.

so it's hard to get much money, huh?

Invest as much as you are willing to lose.

As for your SP making a difference, I can tell that my 70 SP is worth around $0.04, so it really depends on how much of a difference you're aiming at.

I've been trying to find out how much give "maximum benefit". The approximately $100 worth of power I currently hold certainly makes a difference, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone who knows more details.

Invest amount that you could burn and not worry after twice or you will worry a lot.

Hope it just correction, just wait

That's good though, buy, buy, buy, buyyyy!! ;) & HOLD!

Look at that! NEO just joined the race to the moon!

Here's a short recap of the race to the moon. 9th day of August, 2017. BTC still leads by a mile, followed by ETH (While BCC aka BCH is nowhere to be found, maybe running on the other side of the moon!). Running 3rd is ZEC, followed by DASH. These two runners are almost in the same pace, battling endlessly for the 3rd spot. Followed by LTC and Monero, these guys are steadily shuffling between 5th and 6th spot. After running restlessly for months 24/7, a new contender suddenly appeared, beating ETC, EOS, IOTA, Ripple, Stellar, and DOGE! And it's NEO!!! Formerly a crawling ant, then metamorphosed into a steadfast runner! Let's follow NEO's quest and witness if NEO can beat Monero and Litecoin in the next few days!

Exciting times ahead!

haha yes a major, once in a lifetime bull market is starting, forget about Dogecoin, c'mon man, get into OMG. QTUM, NEO, TenX and Civic - in fact with Neo, if you have a big enough position you can stake enough to live on the beach in Thailand comfortably, and I mean REALLY comfortably

good idea

I woke up and it was a brand new list, new contenders like NEO dominated while i slept.

what's with NEO? why does the first blockchain from china matters? what if someone hate china?

Technology don't teach racism, human did

I hate china

Why :) Fuck China @@!!!$# China is fuck

A crypto only run in one country seems dangerous you want nodes worldwide for security

So... what's the moon at? $1T USD?

When marketcap reach $1T it should be named sun

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I am shocked at bitcoin after the fork to be honest. It is now at a record high again and doesn't seem to be losing value anytime soon. Any sleeper coins you think are going to go though the roof @kingscrown

I still think steem is the best because not only are you investing in a currency but you are also investing in yourself and or your business!


Have any idea why ripple is not increasing

Supply coin too high,
slowly move, prize can't be jumped

I have been wondering about that myself. I got in at 18 cents and I'm tempted to convert some more BTC into XRP but if the correction happens soon, it would be better to convert it to USD and wait to go in at a discount.

When will be STEEM be a billion dollar coin? I hope it will be soon, may before 2018, finger crossed.

Wake me when that billion starts with a "t". :P

Thank you kingscrown for the updates. It helps to analyzed the list. Large moves in play.

Thanks for the info mate!

but what if steemit never raises ::(

i would say litecoin :D

I'm really happy to see Ripple in there :)
IOTA and NEO grew quite fast.
Hopefully steem will be at top ten soon!
Thanks for posting :)

I am so mad at myself for not buying NEO. I was looking at it when it was ant shares and just didn't pull the trigger.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My dad - of all people - sent me an article about "this Chinese bitcoin" in mid July. Antshares was in the $5 range then. I looked at it and dismissed it and got back to watching bitcoin and ethereum. I'm still waiting for his "I told you so" follow-up.

i been on ANT ico.. sold too early though :)

Me too,

I sold half of Antshares at 10 RMB, and another half at 50 RMB/share.
Not so bad, but no one can predict the future.
TBH, I don't understand Antshares at the moment

I'm all in on Monero and Steem

Great post!

Bitconnect is interesting hmmm

This post received a 3.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @buzzbeergeek! For more information, click here!

Cool thing I have been buying a lot of XRP lately :)

XRP has been quite recently. It's already big and famous, so very slight chance to go x10, x20; but can still be a solid investment

I bought ripple too because I thought it looked like having a real good chance at the transaction environment and it had bank interest. But no great moves yet.

at last bittrex beat poloniex;)
soon 20 will be coins with value more than billion.

polo's service is bad and always have some issues withdraw and deposit. Really like bittrex

Bittrex is great except for their NEO fees! They are taking so much money from us!

Interesting... I've never had an issue with them. I also like that you can earn interest.

I've never interacted with their customer service though.

Its been a good couple of days! I had positions in NEO, Qtum & Omg

congrats man, OMG is really new, you must be following crypto very closely. I sold my NEO(antshares) to early, only satisfied with like %70 profit...

Glad people are ditching Polo

There are just too many alt coins that I can barely keep track of them. I'm pretty much just sticking to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Haha. I'll become specialized in those two. And Steem too, of course :P


I too have moved my trades to bittrex. I deeply miss the trollbox on polo tho. anyone know good alternatives of the trollbox? (live crypto chat)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

hitBtc have a nice trollbox and also tradingview

Liqui is a great place to trol

Almost every steem oriented discord channel has a dedicated crypto channel man :)

Yeah me too,
But i decide trade with DEX, and don't believe on centralized asset exchange again

not familiar with DEX. bittrex seems good enough. and maybe using polo for the nice graphs

For firsr time I use dex, it makes me confused the progress of learn make dex very easy now,

Hope you try dex too, :)

Very true. I miss the troll box too. It went by fast and it was hard to see everything but there was lots of interest and i got answers to my questions quickly. Without the troll box Polo definitely feels less dynamic. Others here have pointed to chat rooms in Steemit community I forget the names dis something or other.

I know, not for bittrex but binance has a chat function. Free trading for the month too! https://www.binance.com/

BTC-E has a great ch.... oh... nevermind.

I moved to bittrex after continuously reading about people's experiences with Poloniex. It's great seeing more and more coins making into the billion dollar club because it only means the whole ecosystem is growing.

Me too dissapointed on poloniex,
But i decide to trade on direct market such as dex,

Yeah every coin is rallying and Steem is jumping off the cliff....All I see is a great buying opportunity. Some Steemians are just selling their steem short term to buy NEO. Once everyone sees the low price it will sky rocket!

Agree. Steemit is down for no clear reason

There are reasons, clear even once you investigate a bit.

Steemit has a popular platform, great buy right now!

Steem under 300k market cap im shocked. I know i shouldn't be comparing market caps as an indicator of gaining profit but Steem seems cheap.



great mate very informative post.

The next weeks will be good for cryptocurrency market, record marketcap and news ath

Thanks for sharing this tips and information. I am optimistic that steem will be top 10 by next year .

Surely crypto is the future...i too am thinking on buying Ripple...Would see what that leads to me... @kingscrown what do you think about ripple?...and Rightly bittrex seems much promising than poloneix which suffers from issues day in and out.

I would stay away personally, been very stagnant for about a month

Is not really blockchain technology, has centralised nodes(altho they are moving towards decentralised...but only on nodes approved by them ) ... Is used by corporate financial institutions to move fiat across borders etc. I doubt it will get much higher than a few hundred dollars.... If that.

Since i know, ripple company dominated hold xrp, i just try to thinking that this is centralized and they can easily to move prize

Very nice post!
I also like Bittrex the most of all exchanges, they support is very fast, not like poloneix been month and no updates on support :D

Bittrex 2x the trade volume of Poloniex...
Congratulations Poloniex.

@kingscrown Thanks for the informative post.
NEO blew up huge and should continue steady growth, im hoping to buy in this weekend. Fingers Crossed. Resteemed


I love bitcoin. And more and more. It will be the best coin.

I'm very happy with people enthusiast on cryptocurrency this day,

bitcoin cash will eventually drop out i rekon, also with eth classic,they are more hype coins.. Neo top 4 buy end of year

Pivx will lead the queue soon.

Father is moving, so do the kids.
with father success, kids will also.

Nice overview of the coins. We are truly in a transistion of society. The old geo based economisc-politics-world is losing. It is this crypto revolution that truly can judge people without any human bias. Everyone can step in. The rise of value is not so crazy, more and more people see this revolution as an solution of a lot of economic problems.

This technology avoid racism, that human do for long time

EOS, Basic attention token, TenX sound like really good investments right now..

When you decide to invest on EOS you must be patient to wait EOS technology implement for real case on next year

Good share.. Thanks

I should also start using bittex.

great post

Steem is falling but...

@ulfr it will grow as we grow

Thanks for sharing.

Great news for all of us.
All altcoins will reach high market capitalization
In future because daily increase in bitcoin rate volume.
Thanks for sharing information with us @kingscrown

dang, i hope steem steadily improves in price too

read if ur holding ripple
i have very very bad news for ripple holders i have read the white paper and its not good news at all

xrp tokens will not be used to transfer value they are just ledgers that will be communicating in the network

they can use other tokens also and ignore xrp if they please.
get out while you can guys , oh also this is just xrp is just token its not a real cryptocurrency its not even a blockchain.

help out your fellow crypto investors and warn them of this finding.

i am fairly aggressive and did well in the 1990s as a "momentum" trader. Now I am out of the stock market althogher, except my company 401k, and my biggest holding continue to be BTC and ETH - kinda like AOL and DELL back in the 90s. I did (luckily) rebuy my antshares that I sold during the late July bear market - I got back in what is now NEO at mostly 8-10 dollar range but some in the teens, in a month what I (we) paid won't matter at all, this looks like the new ETH. Last week I also got into TenX, Ark, QTUM, OMG , Elastic. Expanse - and I have to be honest, I sold my litecoin position and chased Civic today, hopefully it works out, I'm up 10% so far, and plan to buy more on dips. So the Asian BULL is alive and kicking ass -expect extreme volatility, but my Bittrex account, no joke, is up 45% today - in one day!!!! It takes the sting out of not getting any upvotes on any of my posts lol... kidding but not really.. good luck all,, and always remember @cryptoted loves you - btw I have upvoted and resteeemed this and am following. Peace

@kingscrown Thank you for posting! It's good to know these things. I suspect market cap will only go up in the near future because there will be a steady influx/transfer of cash for many years to come as the fiat currency begins to falter


I am basically a newbie when it comes to coin market and all that stuff. But I just want to know your opinion, that why steem is not in top 10 even though it has such a big and active community built around it. Do investors not see value in it?

On this stage, i think on cryptocurrency market have a lot market follower than market maker, you can see lot of people become panic buy or sell

Too much coin on undervalue and overvalue

The quickening is here.

Crypto fire start to burn

encouraging post.......

it is a great news bittrex beats poloniex

@kingscrown Make me your student student

great B

Now im familier about crepto currency thanks for the post

Lookout for QTUM and OmiseGO as they're hot on their trail..!!

Thank you @kingscrown for making an update as always...

Looking to join the club (buy cryptos) this weekend . . . thanks for the heads up on the pecking order . . .

it's hard to imagine 10 Coins Crossed today 1 Billion USD , though i know little about the coins , but it really surprised me ! thanks your post let me know a lot about the world !

Thanks for the information buddy. And i wish you get more success in your life :) @kingscrown

Hey @kingscrown Nice post. What would be a good price to enter Neo and any future price projections that you have in mind on charts?

Love it!

So which coin would you suggest someone to buy, if he is very new to blockchain and do not have enough money to spend?

Follow your heart,

nice post

Bitcoin Cash will be rock soon , are you beliave it friend ?
let see it.

The inportant thing for all.

Hey Great Article!!
It was really useful and Informative!!
Thanks for posting such an impressive article...it totally inspired me..
I write articles on bitcoins and other stuffs would really appreciate if you would check them out and give your views on it..
Thanks and i already upvoted and followed you :)
Hope to get followed back.

bittconnect is upcoming giant Join Bitconnect Here - https://goo.gl/RPFc3r

Is anyone know why NEO pump up ?

It rich feature as smart economy,
Or maybe because chinese's money power

Wow I'm surprised to see Litecoin still there, I thought people had long since sold it...?

Do you have an opinion on Antshares(Neo), ma lord?

Im glad to have bought 5 when they peeked at $10 a few months ago. So I can sell for about $130 profit if I want to now. I am very much on the side of holding though.

From @laowhy86 I know that most Chinese people already use their Cellphone and Wechat to pay digitally even at small stores and restaurants. So I would dare say the chinese people are ready for crypto and NEO might become the crypto that beats BTC for the Top position of the ladder.

Chinese dominate anything this day,
Maybe cryptocurrency will dominated by their own cryptocurrency and blockchain technology

Was the 4$ price drop in the last hour @kingscrown selling all his NEO? :D

Thank for sharing...

Very very informative post....... Great Analysis of the crypto market.....

any recommendations as to what to look into next?

I'm a big fan of ZenCash project and team. Currently trading under $5 on Bittrex. They are working on a "secure node" system that anyone holding 42 Zen can contribute to and be paid dividends. I find that there is a real desire to reach for Satoshi's original vision and they have a really clear roadmap to create an inclusive community that values privacy and security. Check out their blog. I really feel like once the word gets out more and people see what they are doing, that they are bound to attract more interest.


Good luck and a keen eye to you!

Great Market by just ten currencies........... This is the revolution of crypto world... Great analysis @kingscrown ......

Hello everyone how are you guys feel about NXT? It dropped so much. Would you guys buy?

hello @Kingcrown very nice post and advice, NEO Coin best coin now Buy now guys to get 200 % profit see the biggest news here

Followed, Resteemed and Voted!

Check out my post too!

Cool thing

How do you guys feel about NXT. Would you buy?

I hold ardor from last year and still wait

Upvote and Resteemed

I still not believe, how Ripple that is NOT a real crypto, have so much value.

Very Informative post :)

I wish i had some bitcoin :(

Can someone help me how to earn bitcoin genuine process ?

One way: http://bitwage.com. Also by posting useful and or interesting content here on Steemit, and converting what you earn to BTC. You might be able to do service work (chauffeuring, computer maintenance/repair, gardening, house painting...) for people who own bitcoin and are willing to pay in bitcoin. You can also do a search for information about faucets. You might also be able to cloud-mine. Good luck!

Typical for Bitcoin

I Think If/When Bitcoin Mcap Hits $100bln, $1bln Mcap For Other Crypto's Would Be Like Nothing :)

I'm scary when btc reach too high cap, price grow up and higher fee too

Nah, I Think They'll Find A Solution To This Scaling Problem And The Fees Will Decrease :)

Hope, they find solution quickly
Because fee price this day is too high for me

Wow that is absolutely amazing.
I hope steem can join them sooner or later.
So much money is being pumped into the markets it is crazy

Great post it´s allways good to know about this things! Im following you ! Resteeming this to my followers. Hope it helps a little.

It's strange that steеm falls so much. In theory, it should grow!

Goodnews... I m just happy to be part of billionaire family.
Thanks for the info.

A very imformative post

Hii @kingscrown successful greetings
Nice to meet you

#introduce my name @ firzee0717,
I come from #aceh Sumatra.
Welcome to #steemit for those of you who want to succeed here, I also want the same thing.
I'm also new here #Steem is still a lot to learn from seniors.

Nice to meet you all !!
Please help to promote me
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I love you all