A Few Coins on My Radar Right Now

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

So as i said in my previous - last bloody massacre was just a good moment to make buys. I did many and lots of people PM me on what i go into now.

Here is few coins i enjoy gathering now which are below their pump levels or never had pump yet.


Main market is LiveCoin but you an also get it on OpenLedger now. Graphene technology and a lot of news coming ie decentralized casino.


Had ICO lately and now has Bittrex and massive BitFinex. Massive price raise and volumes already. Ethereum based.


Just Bitfinex for now, was trading alot higher. Might be a sleeping giant due to Internet of Things hype.


Had massive pump to 60k lately now back to usual floor. Bittrex and OpenLedger rock the volumes here along with little exchange CoinEx. Lately had spike to 60k+.


Bittrex and Livecoin rock it. Had some nice news lately and price looks low.


Here no need to give exchanges - everybody knows. Below 1 USD is almost a sure bet it will come back to 1USD or maybe we can even see pump to 2USD again after some time.

Despite my hints do your verifications, its your money and you are responsible for them. This are just few ideas.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of http://fuk.io blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!

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on PPY (Peerplays) consider to vote for witness


Hope PPY does well

I voted. It's fun, try it!

great information for those people who d'not know lot about this

Gotta constantly be researching coins these days with five new ones coming out a week it seems! We are at 810 different currencies already and 174 different crypto assets.

The fear of missing the boat is likely causing lots of people to loose sleep. Do you or anyone reading this know of a wallet that lets the owner buy into collections of tokens? I know I would be interested.

Bitquence will provide baskets as soon as their platform gets released, but the project is at it's very beginning - just 1 week after ICO

thanks bon3s90, i will look into Bitquence. i think thats what im looking for.

Exodus wallet supports 8 crypto $ (BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, etc.) with an excellent interface.

thanks james, Exodus looks good but Bitquence is something that i would likely use as it will allow me to manage portfolios of tokens.

Where do you buy PPY from?

I'd suggest Open Ledger!

ppy is not showing up on openledger... any idea why?

so far the only way to buy it is from etherdelta maybe more exchanges added it already but etherdelta was the first one to sell it

and you mainly buy it with ethereum :)

More and more people are joining steemit.com on daily basis, so steem dollars are going to stay. Uvoted!

Peerplays is a good coin to purchase...You can not go wrong with SBD!

Nice list, makes my portfolio seem great!

to me Dash is the most scary btc competitor holder, it will be my next investment

Yeah, but Dash is going for mainstream adoption. More as a medium of exchange than as a store of value. I don't think it will benefit from having a price in the thousands of dollars. But will benefit from it's price holding steady.
If the price of Dash does go that high, they might need to sub-denominate it mDash or something.

Some interesting picks here. Definitely more research needed (on my part). Do you hold your Alts on an exchange or do you transfer to wallets for each? I don't see how you can trade regularly if your coins are in your own wallets but I don't trust exchanges following mt gox and issues at poloniex! What are your thought

Looks good

I like Iota, haven't really researched anything about the others but i will surely check them out! And I love these price dives a lot.. awesome opportunity to buy, sadly I'm on my travels at the moment and missed this one. :/

Iota is a interesting, im trying to catch the small market cap coins and low volume , and wait for the day for them to explode!

Yeah that is the smarter move for a smaller investment. It is a lot harder to get into the big fishes now.

Prices are still low and reasonable mate~ btw Steem is aiming for the moon. So i'd say go for it first asap!
Hope to see you around~

Oh I know but i still have 4 days before I get back home to my actual wallet and pc and all.. so I can't really buy much from here even though I really wanted to buy steem at 0.90$

Yes I wanted to buy Steem when it was that low as well. Waiting for capital transfers into wallet is painful.

hey man you really need to check out OMG solid creators and will boom in asia i got 1000 OMGs already hope it all goes well :)


Top pick from dollar vigilante Jeff berwick

Pivx is the next ethereum

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Big pay out with pivx

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@josephpdaniel Jeff chose PIVX over EOS ??

RIGHT! 'cause we all know JESUS is all about the DOLLARS...hahhahaha

SBD and Steem will have a nice growth after this crazy Bitcoin panic sell. What I expect is that we see more active users to support the currencies and the launch of Zappl. As for others PeerPlays seems like the best investing opportunity out there. It's expensive but dividends is something serious investors can't afford to miss out. Thanks for a reminder of these coins @kingscrown

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Also remember that when you buy on Bittrex, you don,t use USD. Your coins are backed by either BTC or ETH. This means that when BTC/ETH increase in value and your Altcoin also rise in value, it has a double feature rise in value. That's if you compare value to fiat though

And on Openledger, BTS is the backing currency, which by itself can have considerable growth soon. I love openledger, it truly is the "decentralized conglomerate" or checkout the inventors of Bitshares, Crypto Coins Enterprise Denmark or CCEDK.com

I quite like IOTA out of these picks. The fact that it DOES NOT use the blockchain is interesting and could be a genuine long term player. They use something called the tangle, its worth the research I think. It could be something that changes the world again like the blockchain is currently!

thanks for sharing your knowledge

I like that SBD play a lot!

Hi @kingscrown

Thank you for posting this and making us aware of some of these new coins! I have not heard of a few of them, but after reading this I am very interested. What do you think about bitcoin? It seems to be bouncing back a bit, do you think itll go over $5,000 if not $10,000 a coin in the future?

It's a bit of a lucky dip isn't it!

I just wonder, how many of these coins will be around in 3-5 years time?

I wonder the same thing...

Probably 10 or so in my opinion.

I think 10 may be a small estimate. You must consider how each coin can fill a specific niche. If you're building a social media platform, for example, you may look for different features than a bank trying to exchange currencies (XRP has advantages there). Bitshares is already breaking new ground in decentralized, low fee commodities trading, but a hospital trying to organize payment records may be looking more for something like a child chain (I believe Ardor is geared toward these purposes), which will undoubtedly have some well developed, targeted "plug and play" options in the future.

The catch is that you're unlikely to directly interact with these coins in the future on a regular basis. You will likely only see your costs reflected in whichever you commonly spend (of which there's room for at least a few just because people like to be different). You may go through a day using 20 different coins (or having 20 used on your behalf) and have absolutely no idea.

tl;dr -- room for 100s of coins, but when you go to the store you'll only see a couple accepted as common currency.

Thanks for the great picks! People need to realize to buy on weakness and sell on strength. A lot of those coins are sleepers and I look forward to seeing their growth in the future, especially IOTA. A company recently stopped using Bitcoin and switched to IOTA. You'll hear about this soon, I guarantee it.

It would be interesting to know why you buy these coins, is it only because of price analysis?

My favorite coin right now is Steem! Two days ago I thought it could go much lower, today I think it reversed into a bull market.

I'm interested in IOTA, but could not justify its valuation. I was starting to get tempting with its fall in price, but now it has shot back up again. I need to research it further before I drop more than just a modest test amount into it though. I think it's a technology that will either revolutionise the Internet or fade into obscurity.

SatoshiPay recently phased out Bitcoin in favor of IOTA. That seems be when the price turned around.

thanks for the insight and tips... i am accumulating WingsDAO , Guppy, Ubiq, Darcrus right now. trying to catch the very small market cap coins which could 100x one day! :)

again another great post.

Theres a lot of hype OmiseGO as they are apparently working with Mcdonolds.

I believe in the concept of the Internet of Things as we are entering the era where Millenials trying to take globalize everything possible and the Internet is the easiest way to make it happen. Any cryptocurrency like IOTA or MAID will play an essential key role in this situation. What matters is that when these projects can finally take off ? 1, 5, 10 maybe 30 more years. What I know is that technology is a self-denial subject and any new technology will technically reject old technology.

"steemit please buy my bags"

idk about IOTA...

There is no convincing technical analysis of Tangle. A DAG poises many problems.

Smart contracts are inherently impossible.

OMG is a really cool project.

They are listed on only a few exchanges, new project with small ICO cap.
They have Vitalik as an actual advisor. Not without his permission.

They are currently working with McDonalds.

Good points here. McDonalds and mass adoption...


Civic Coin (CVC) is probably the biggest opportunity out there right now. Trading on Bittrex

Can you please tell me what is exciting about it im also looking for new opportunities

It's all about identity confirmation and "know your customer". Banks, financial institutions, utilities, mortgage companies, car dealerships, credit card companies, and several others run background checks and identity-confirmation on their customers. Some do it because they have to by law, and some do it because they are trying to mitigate risk in their business.

Civic is a company that eliminates the third-party and hastens the process. They introduced the coin to reward people for confirming information about themselves and the customers they have on file, and those coins can also be used in exchange for that data.

They have already secured nearly two dozen partnerships with networks of over 250M people. This is just the start. This coin could be massive...not to mention, it was probably the most sought-after ICO in 2017, and now that you can get it on the exchanges, I believe it's a good time to buy.

Website: https://www.civic.com

Whitepaper: https://tokensale.civic.com/CivicTokenSaleWhitePaper.pdf

The Whitepaper is worth the read.

I jumped on OMG totally at the wrong time, basically right before it ate it :/. However, from what I read about them so far + the credibility of their advisers - this token has a potential to be HUUUUUGE in the longer term.

I totally agree with you i got 1000 at 0.60 if it goes well will keep adding and holding :) good luck man

you win meme of the week!

yeah i am happy

Suddenly almost all the crypto coins are at a rise. This is good for the community.

Steem is going rise. Many people arejoining this site and many more already have steem without even joining Steemit.com.

What are your thoughts on Bytecoin, Digital Note and Monero.

PPY = Promising future
Like a boss

You for sure have exotic tastes.. but I love the responsible disclaimer "do your own research", I see many writers which are really just using their reputation to tell people what to buy. At least you list a set of strange dishes and you warn the guests!
Crypto ON! Followed and upvoted (:

I agree on IOATA & OMG. I'll look at the others

Thanks for your recommendations. I'll be sure to look into IOTA. I'm surprised you didn't mention EOS. What's your opinion on EOS?

I'm curious too about opinion on EOS.

Great advice for anyone looking to diversify their crypto coins porfolio, I'll have a look, thanks for the info

Everyone been mentioning IOTA this week...I really have to look into it.

Me personally, I'm looking into Nimiq (NEM). Interesting use of the blockchain technology along with browser based mining due to the fact that they only use random segments to verify reducing the size and speed of transactions.

Not sure if it will fly since it's so new but...worth a look I think.

Where or what exchange can you buy these cryptos at? Thanks.

invest and hold OMGs man :) i bought it at bitfinex u can buy it with bitcoins or ethereum or usd's but i dont know much about the exchange so u can just transfer the amount you want to buy as btc or eth and convert it :) and btw you can store it so easily on myetherwallet dont keep it on bitfinex :) good luck

Yeah sometimes we forget just how many cryptocurrencies and opportunities are out there... sometimes a small investment can be a real gain in the next 1-2 years.. I guess with life there is rick and we want all to do well, but always invest what you are willing to lose and you can't go wrong!

To me, IOTA is revolutionary. Not only does it look great as a speculative investment but the technology behind is new world. Being able to share virtually any kind of technological resource with anyone in the world is incredible. This is cryptocurrency I'm going to heavily invest in.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the article. I think for a crypto-currency to have a future it should have the following features:

0- Mineable
1- Limited supply
2- Protocols that encourage decentralization of the network in long run
3- Active community

Based on my research I found Peercoin, Komodo, and Decred to be worth investing among the cryptos with price < $2 (except Decred)

Amazing post i already got 1000 OMGs i really believe in this one it have some really solid creators and they are going to be big in asia will keep adding and holding :)

this is a great information @kingscrown. thanks for sharing and this is really informative and can help one make decision on these

Great Stuff

Great update right here,just a week some of your picks have proven good thumbs up guy!, i still always suggest you DYOR: do your own research.

Resteemed followed all and upvoted

Nice pickups, but bitcoin is number one and will remain for like 10-20 years

Bitcoin is the strongest and safest software

Thanks for the recommendations


what do you think about it? You know about it? Know about the owners? Does it remind you anything similar in the past?

dang thats dope. might have to pick some up

thanks for that info... just wanted to know how long they will last

Nice article! Upvoted and followed, thanks @weirdheadaches

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi, Someone can explain to me, the advantages or the problem that solves this coin. (IOTA coin)


The lucky guys that got OmiseGO on the pre sale got 1,000 OMG per 1 ETH (they paid 0.001 ETH per each OMG).

Since the trading had already begun at Bitfinex during the crypto massacre and not all pre-sale buyers had received their tokens, I assumed that the price could reach 0.002 ETH, rewarding the seller with double ETH (but at a loss in USD).

I made an excellent purchase a bit higher than that, at 0.00022.

OmiseGO seems to me an asset to keep for a long time.

It's great to here PPY here. I also keep my eyes on it!

Steemit looks to have more interest with the kickback from likes and the sentiment on twitter shows .


-Very nice post, Congratulations, love you and Proud of you.....

Steem is always a good idea

IOTA and Exclusive seem interesting to me too. My only issue with Exclusive has been volatility nad I'm not sure how many active devs are on the project

I bought Exclusive a couple of days ago, strange coin as it was resurrected from the dead! is a Masternode coin and low total coin supply which is attractive, could turn out a turkey though.

Exclusive coin... that's a new one.

I belive there are many coins right now you could buy and sell after a few weeks to make a fine profit.

interesting list

HODL to victory!


Dogecoin back

You missed the best sleeper of all MTL, metal pay. Zero news on it and its been going on an upward climb ever since hitting bittrex. Media blitz hasn't even begun yet and the volume keeps growing.

Great picks. Don't forget to diversify into other metal physical coins too. Spread the investment risk into other asset classes.

Check Namecoin, and Humaniq as well. I think those are going to jump soon.

Hello, I just bought Btc 0.01 for RM 1000 and found another seller selling at cheaper price. I just want to know is it different broker/seller selling and buying btc at different prices? Is it leverage or what?
Light me up lol

Very nice post @kingjan following you now

Hope man you make us a lot of money with these calls :)

It seems the entire altcoin market now moves in lock-step with bitcoin. A few years ago, the exact opposite was true.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Cheers! @kingscrown

Hope you got this

Nice update. Keep it up follow back @jemimah

Question: Why Steem Dollars and not Steem?

What are your thoughts on wetrust? It looks like a clever application and the price is still quite low

I was watching IOTA. Looks like it has potential :D

Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

I still think that DGB is a good buy, especially at these prices. It might drop back to 400 at some point still, but don't see it falling any lower.
From your coins, I like Vox and Excl. Probably buying back into Excl soon.
I love that those coins which are not on Poloniex are so much easier to pump because of low volumes.

They seem like they are doing well.
I'll keep an eye on them
Thanks for the suggestions @kingscrown

I am invested heavy in iota i think it will be one of the next big time coins!!! Fingers crossed

How many were thinking this during the bloodbath?


Nice to see you posting again after a week :) Awesome initiative in this post. I love it. Yeah, I was scrolling down and seeing all these other coins, thinking why haven't I seen Steem yet.. Then finally at the bottom I saw SBD and was like ahh yeah :P

Great stuff. Post more regularly. It will be nice :) Talk soon!

Awesome post will follow. Was looking into GNT but now...... thanks for the tip.

I will buy as much as I can. ill look into these coins. thanks for making me aware of them.
thanks for shering @kingscrown

OMG looks really promising

nice list, thank you for sharing :)
I used the bloodbath as well do buy more coins ;)

You forgot BCC - the new Bitcoin HARD FORK that was just announced by Craig Wright's group:

Nice to see what youre looking into, however maybe an explaination about why these coins exactly could go a bit more into detail. There are a lot of coins out there and the fact that a coin spiked to 60k does not make it a smart investment just yet. I hope youre trading goes well and I appreciate the post. Just looking for some more backup info on why coins are worth investing ;-)


Here no need to give exchanges - everybody knows. Below 1 USD is almost a sure bet it will come back to 1USD or maybe we can even see pump to 2USD again after some time.

Your Majesty,

I've seen this strategy of buying SBD popping up a lot. Do you mind going a little deeper into this?

What is backing up the artificial floor? Is there potential for a Swiss National Bank incident like we saw in CHF?

So many questions I know... Any guidance or discussion around this would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you for the info appreciated !!!

Upvoted and followed. Thank you for your posts. Can you add your criteria for why you pick these coins currently and how you determine that they are good value currently. Also if you are feeling generous which coins are you moving away from any why?

IOTA is interesting coin.

Thanks for the recommendations. I hear many things about IOTA.

thanks for your content .
upvoted and followed now :).

Been thinking a little about IOTA myself. SBD isn't a coin though...

Dont forget STRATIS! :) They have a very nice Roadmap and deliver great Tech.

I have not even heard of such tokens before, except for SBD.

Have a look at OHM also. Very low priced, high potential.

Great article, upvoted and resteemed