There IS Strength In Numbers.. FIGHT BACK! Mannarino

in bitcoin •  3 years ago 

The fact that I got suspended from Linkedln, and YouTube is censoring my videos tells me that I am over the target. Help me to get my work out there by sharing my vlog/videos and other things I post. There is strength in numbers and THIS is how we fight back.. GM


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Thanks again for bringing us the information, @marketreport & Gregory. What's linkedIn? You mean Clinkedln?

I think, you should Contact support of Linkedln. @marketreport

Don't worry we will help you together.

So sad sir very bad news.

ohh yeach.. I will share on my steemit blog.. thanks for support..

Keep up the great work Greg.

Thanks. Greg.

what does the support service say?

someone does not like the truth, I hope you will be unblocked

I'll fight with you til the end! Or until the NWO detroys us all