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Invest all your money into skunkcoin! I have good word it's going to moon! lol

But seriously, I think this question won't even be asked in the not-too-distant-future.


@shayne Yeah, it was something that I had a gut feeling about a while ago when I saw all of the money coming into this space. It could have went the opposite way for me but it did not.

Everyone is speculating with the dream of getting rich. What everyone loses sight of is when the coin go up in value it only means one thing - INFLATION. There is something rotten in the State of Denmark!

Everything in the real world is also getting expensive and unaffordable. Even the basis necessities of life are starting to ballon in price.

Maybe keeping money in cryptos is a way of keeping pace with rising prices. If you had money in the banks then you will be going backwards.

My first statement is not entirely correct - the masses still have not yet caught on. When they do is the time when all hell will break loss.

@marcusxman you are correct that a lot of people are hoping to strike gold and it is definitely an indication that when people speculate with a coin (technology) that they cannot hold over the currency that they can that something has definitely gone very wrong somewhere.

However, a lot of people that are sleep are starting to ask questions and the more they hear about Bitcoin the more will pour into this space. We are all really at the beginning of something that will be history making in my opinion.

I currently have no faith in our traditional banking system or government for that matter. We now know that the banks are "Too Big To Fail" so your money will be used again to bailout some bank while you take the hit. Cryptocurrency is the only logical way to go if you want some semblance of control and security over your finances.

@cryptoconexus I too have no faith and the current banking system and I do not even think that the banks themselves have faith with the current process which is why they are looking towards this space for solutions. They definitely in this space for a reason and my motto is just to follow the money which is why I'm here just like the big banks.

Mr. Walt starting to do very well on steem, thats great cause you are a good content creator.

@rarepepemaster I appreciate your feedback as I'm just trying to contribute to the community as far as being active and posting as much as I can.

Nice video Mrwalt, well delivered sir

@satoshikiddo glad that you like the video and I appreciate your feedback.

No you should not, that would be irresponsible

@heymattsokol I appreciate your feedback but I already did it about 6 months ago so it is too late now, lol! That is the main reason in the video why I was not vocal about it until now as I did not want any distractions from loved ones that would have told me to play it safe and keep my money in the bank and etc. I did my research and I was convinced that this space (Bitcoin) and (Ether) were growing and is where I needed to be and where I needed to put my money to work. I just followed what the banks and companies were starting to do so I figured if they are doing it there must be a lot more to this that I do not know. Back then news was just starting to pop about all of the things that we now hear on a daily basis. However, because of that decision I accelerated my retirement plans 20 years ahead of schedule, so you are correct under normal circumstances that would not have been a good decision but we aren't in normal times.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well played. I sure was not that smart. Be sure to watch this video about security if you didn't already know it:

@mikehere thank you for stopping by as I will definitely watch the video. I dig the Dollar Vigilante's content for sure.

I honestly have started moving towards this I tried my time in stocks and quite frankily it doesn't click the same way but I did learn alot of useful skills. Here so far I have actually managed to do quite well and its so crazy how you can profit from the minting or the trading or the usage of the coin.

@bitcoinluxury just like you I got tired of the stock market and the ridiculous fees and regulations, etc. It was hard for me to get into the different companies as I did not believe in them. Cryptocurrencies now I can definitely get behind them as I see the vision and it is like the DotCom era all over again except we are all at the beginning as in my opinion this is still the beginning.

Agree, I can connect with your thinking. With a lot of these alt coins I can look for and see if there is a community if this is something I truly believe in.

@bitcoinluxury that is why I have just decided to narrow it down to 3 coins so that I do not get side-tracked and it keeps things much more simpler. So now it is just Bitcoin, Either, and Steem.