This article should clear up what's happening with segregated Witness. It's very important to understand this as it's divided the Bitcoin Community as a whole, and it is going to do so again when the topic of Bitcoin Gold, an equihash variety that's ASICS resistant, comes front-and-center about 60 hours or so from now.
Source :
### Join my collective of miners when we launch the early access program for Phusion's Multipool before the end of 2017. Be sure to get in early for our miner rewards program. We are affiliating with DarkFlame and his studio dreams to grow a social network of miners who want to participate in a liquid and decentralized market. > Learn more about the Miners Post Reward Token from @darkflame here :
> **If you're a miner and want to get involved with a new decentralized pool of software engineers who will be redistributing used computer parts for mining follow @phusionphil or go to in order to sign up for early access when we start sign up later this year. We will be using PPS (Paid Per Share) payout for miners.** - *a message from PhusionPhil*