in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

We are approaching the 4/20 and the ALT-coin market starts to buzz as we are entering the rally season. Yeah, we will se again football (egg-hand) players and VIPs that will teach us how and when to buy (mostly how to lose money). The general public will become interested again in coins that will moon and enter the trades at the top of the range...and so on.
But until than we have the all trusty POTCOINS, the coins that like to rally around the 4/20, so you smartyjackals keep an eye opened on the green ones:

CANN: Bottomed, but no solid structure to work with
Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 00.02.38.png

POT: Bottomed, no solid structure yet, and no huge rally in previos `December
Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 00.13.08.png

You get the picture.
So finger crossed, just waiting for a little help from the almighty BITCOIN, that needs to get on an upward trend for all the chicken-ALTs to get going.
So remember, if you se green, go forward :))

Please DO NOT take any actions of trading or not trading based on my personal opinions. Be your own master and judge your own odds and budgets. Be smart!

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