Whatever Dood! February Edition

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

What's up everyone? Woke up a few hours ago, tired, hung over from the super bowl and feeling a little down checking out the crypto markets. What a bloodbath! So I always get cheered up writing my Whatever posts and decided why not write one up real quick.... What can I say... Steemit cheers me up :)

On a positive note I was happy to see the Eagles beat the Patriots! I made a small friendly bet of 1000 Dogecoin with a friend on twitter and won. Spent the night with family, and ate chicken wings, ribs and drank craft beer. Woke up bloated, tired, and hung over LOL. I was actually happy to step away from the charts for a few hours and not think about crypto!

So the price of bitcoin and most altcoins are down right now. In the case of bitcoin it's really down! Around 65% down! CNBC called it the Crypto Crush of 2018! Fair enough, things are looking bearish and ugly right now. I will say this though, when TD Ameritrade pays for a Super Bowl commercial that advertises Bitcoin Futures at the end, I think the writing is on the wall. Wall St is entering crypto. Although this looks bad now, if you look at the history of bitcoin, this is what bitcoin does. The price rockets up, then comes crashing down, then stabilizes for a bit, then rockets back up again. If you bought at 20k I feel for you, but honestly, I think in the long run, things are going to be alright.

I think this video, although funny is good to keep in mind.

My attitude towards it all is this. I had a really good year. I took profits towards the top, added dramatically to my current portfolio and although I wish I would of took a little more at the top, I'm really happy with where I am right now for future growth. If you just entered the crypto market towards the top I feel for you. Looks like the stock market is tanking too today. Crazy!

I'm currently watching the altcoin market closely. This is when I buy my coins and build my bags. I'm currently moving really slow, watching, waiting, looking for levels of resistance and support, and making my decisions accordingly. Currently added some XRP, and TRX to my bags. I think a lot of coins were overbought and over priced. So I'll be adding to all my bags slowly and cautiously. I'lI also take this time to research new projects I've considered getting into.

Looking over charts this morning I came to the realization, that if we don't see a reversal soon my vacation plans may change. Although I have it covered if I choose to, I just wont be able to justify those expenses if the market doesn't recover somewhat. I'm shooting for the end of September, and a lot can happen between now and then. Regardless, some travel is going to be in my future, so I'm going to keep buying gear, and the only thing that may change is the final destination.

Well I don't even know what to say about February at this point. Stay alert and look for bargains will be my strategy. Slow and cautious bag building is my plan. The goal is to buy low and sell high. Not sure how much lower prices will go, but I'll be looking over charts and buying some of these lows for some future sells. If the chart looks good, buy it! At least that 's my attitude. Cheap coins bought today are the huge gains taken in the future. At least that's my hope and intention.

Remember folks, nothing here is meant as financial advice. Seek a licensed professional for financial advice, not some guy on the internet who refers to himself as The Dood. Everything here is mere speculation, and opinion and nothing more. Thanks for reading and happy trading everyone.

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Everything could change in the next few months. It's almost impossible to second guess the markets.

I totally agree. Just trying to keep things in perspective. I knew we were due for a nice correction, I never thought we'd be back below 7k though. This is just wild.

I think this crash may well be my way in. On Weds I'm meeting someone who's going to show me how to buy and then, when things look like they're bottoming out, I'm going to make my first trade. Wish me luck!

Good luck! Corrections open a lot of opportunities for new traders. I've had the same attitude with things. Where one person sees disaster, another often sees opportunity. Best of luck to you :)

Glad to hear someone else is still buying TRX... I've been laddering in on the way down as some of my friends have been losing their shirts selling off at a loss and telling me I'm crazy for buying it. We'll see... until then, I'm like you.... let's sit back and wait.

I'm with you man. Sounds like a good plan! The project seems way to strong to sell off at a loss. At least at this point in time.

This year has been quite the roller coaster. I was hoping the 8k btc mark would be our turn around point but apparently not. I felt bad momentarily buying back in around then, but quickly realized its still half price compared to only a month ago, and with time will certainly double again regardless of when you buy back in.

I'd like to think bitcoin is a great buy at current prices. I was shooting around 7k for the recovery, but at this point not really sure of anything. Just watching and waiting like everyone else. I think long term though, we're all going to be alright. Not advice, just my opinion on the matter. Thanks for commenting :) Stay strong!

I'm still buying TRX too, glad to hear I'm not alone. My dollar average for my positions are still red, but it won't take much to get to green once it does start moving up again.

I like it too. Been averaging down, and I plan on holding long term.

I called it the Monday bloodbath but we hodl the fort ;)

Indeed. Still a bit scary. This is interesting https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/960636265962942465

IOHK_Charles Charles Hoskinson tweeted @ 05 Feb 2018 - 22:08 UTC

Here is an advanced copy of tomorrow's testimony by the SEC on cryptocurrencies before the Senate: scribd.com/document/37081…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.