Brain Space ICO

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Brain Space

Stage "Brain Space" - your progression on the global field. "The production of a framework that will end up being a solid establishment for the licensed innovation advertise on the planet, and decrease the way toward recognizing and building up the capability of creators to the dimension of access to the global field now and again": the Brain Space group attempts to illuminate this undertaking, on the grounds that without the open, advantageous and justifiable methodology for enlistment and recording of the aftereffects of scholarly action, and without the fundamental and reasonable instrument it is hard to envision the accomplishment of the objective showed in the systems of a large number of organizations deductively mechanical advancement of the social circle.


Token IMP
PreICO Price 1 IMP = 0.03 USD
Price 1 IMP = 0.08 USD
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC
Country Russia
Restricted areas USA, North Korea

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