Prices for crypto-currencies went down

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Prices for crypto-currencies went downScreenshot_22.png - On Tuesday, the Crypto-currency rates continued the decline, started on Monday. Bitcoin was the only exception.

By 07:13 Moscow time on the Bitfinex exchange bitkoin went up by 0.83% and traded at $ 6359.4. On Monday, bitcoin also went up.

On Monday, Ethereum went up by almost 5% on Monday. On Tuesday, the rate of this crypto currency decreased by 1.79% to $ 195.34.

After yesterday's rise in price by 2.6%, the Ripple rate on Tuesday fell by 1.61% to 0.26946.

The rate of Litecoin decreased by 1.6% to $ 54,130.

On Tuesday, "bearish" sentiments continued to dominate the crypto-currency market.

Investors refuse to invest in crypto-currencies after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Sunday suspended trading two crypto-currency products. Trades Bitcoin Tracker One and Ether Tracker One are suspended at least until September 20. Both are traded on the Nasdaq exchange in Stockholm.

Odnako snizheniye tsen na kriptovalyuty otkryvayet novyye vozmozhnosti. Novoye issledovaniye, provedennoye v iyule investitsionnoy platformoy tsennykh bumag SharesPost, pokazalo, chto 72% derzhateley kriptovalyut planiruyut uvelichit' svoi portfeli v sleduyushchem godu. Dannyye byli polucheny na osnove oprosa 2490 roznichnykh investorov i 528 akkreditovannykh investorov.
However, the decline in prices for crypto-currencies opens new opportunities. A new study, conducted in July by the SharesPost investment platform, showed that 72% of the holders of crypto currency plans to increase their portfolios next year. The data were obtained on the basis of a survey of 2,490 retail investors and 528 accredited investors.

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