RE: Which BTC exchanges will be supporting BCC? Not many - Full List Inside.

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Which BTC exchanges will be supporting BCC? Not many - Full List Inside.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

@futuristgear Thanks for the tip on my biohacking article. When I up voted it your comment disappeared. It still shows on my reply feed but but when i click the link to take me to the comment its not there. There has been some strange stuff going on since i posted that article. Maby your comment will show back up soon.

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No problem! :-)

I'm getting similar things happen too, some comments I've upvoted weren't showing my vote. But when I clicked to vote again it said; "you have already voted on this similarly" so maybe it's just a bug or something.

Agree with your other comment too! Some kind of blockchain based research platform could be very interesting for sure.