RE: 20 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt

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20 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Interesting thoughts, especially the idea of sports management and investing in athletes!

What I was left wondering is, what is the purpose of investing in athletes? Can the athlete/sports club/agency gather funding via blockchain, which it in case of success will pay back (with interest) to the investor?

Or is it just sort of betting for the success of your favourite athletes and their success with somebody who is willing to take other side of the same bet?

In case of latter, the concept seems highly speculative, and only valuable as long as somebody is willing to speculate against you without any material guaranteees. I.e it doesn’t really have other value than the thrill of speculation.

However, in case of the first possibility, the idea could really be disrupting. You’ve got some background info of the issue?

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