The amount of electricity running the Bitcoin Network could power 1.3 million homes.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

These are some crazy bitcoin stats!

Bitcoin's current estimated annual electricity consumption* (TWh) 14.02
Annualized global mining revenues $1,901,053,761
Annualized estimated global mining costs $700,823,391
Country closest to Bitcoin in terms of electricity consumption Slovenia
Estimated electricity used over the previous day (KWh) 38,401,282
Implied Watts per GH/s 0.301
Break-even Watts per GH/s (based on 5 cents per KWh) 0.815
Electricity consumed per transaction (KWh) 147.00
Number of U.S. households that could be powered by Bitcoin 1,297,821
Number of U.S. households powered for 1 day by the electricity consumed for a single transaction 4.96
Bitcoin's electricity consumption as a percentage of the world's electricity consumption 0.07%

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Who's counting all the lights on in the office towers of the big megabanks every night? I have a feeling if you added up all the savings (not having to go to ATM, drive to the bank, shit like that) Bitcoin would come out way ahead when it comes to energy use compared to business as usual!