
in bitcoinstarwars •  2 months ago 

All that bad men need to succeed is for good men to do nothing which men usually don't want to get involved in fighting evil which is how bad men take over the world, globalists are still planning to stage false flags and take out Trump, Alex Jones is talking about it. Globalists will try murdering people at black colleges, a bunch of alleged illegal immigrants, turn off the power all over America said Alex Jones, so they can get the Pentagon to blame it all on Trump as an excuse to take Trump out, globalists will continue to try all of this. Globalists are trying to do new pandemics to stop Trump which would be scarier than Covid while also trying to stage new Jan6 false flags while also trying to get war with Russia to go hot, globalists hope the general public will not blame them for all of this chaos said Alex Jones. Just like Fauci years before Covid on video, now Peter Hotep is threatening Trump said Alex Jones with new pandemics all with the goal of a future prison planet, RFK Jr and Elon Musk should sound the alarm, Fauci predicted Covid on video around 2017.

Globalists are trying to murder hundreds of migrants or black colleges said Alex Jones so they can blame it on MAGA supporters as an excuse to get the Pentagon to take Trump out, they'll even try turning off the power and getting world war 3 with Russia to go hot. 442/ Spike, I think Caddy is using stock images to pretend to be baking brownies when really Caddy is probably on the naughty list which everybody in the server is too lazy to look up.

Switched from phone WIFI to ethernet; Hawk Tuah Scam; Bitcoin hit $100K USD today; videos: Oatmeal Taylor Swift Shake It Off video, meet the yummiest queen in my Discord Server ten minute video; watched: Howie Mandel - Are Billy Corgan and Bill Burr Brothers? | Howie Mandel Does Stuff #218, The Madness 101-102, Alex Jones, Alex Stein - Milo Yiannopoulos EXPOSES Absolutely Everyone! | Ep 261, Biden Plans Blanket PARDON FOR FAUCI And Others In Fear Of Trump Admin w/Decoy Voice | Timcast IRL


Screenshot at 2024-12-04 16-30-45.png
Milo on Alex Stein

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-04 - Wednesday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:41 AM
Star Wars Skeleton Crew 101-102 Spoiler Review


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-04 - Wednesday - 12:17 AM - Discord Log

442/ Spike, I think Caddy is using stock images to pretend to be baking brownies when really Caddy is probably on the naughty list which everybody in the server is too lazy to look up. 443/ But you already have a super high role that normally most people probably shouldn't get any role above admin and yet many people have roles above admin and yet they should probably be demoted to below admin if I were you but I'm not you and I'm just the training wheels baby. 444/ Alliana, but I know you at a higher level because you're less anonymous than most people in the server and you do great things in the server and your offline life is amazing and that makes me trust you more making it hit different when you ask for promotions because you cool. 445/ You're not blocked, try to refresh, try to copy and paste the thread link to go directly to the end of the thread on Twitter; also, try different web browsers and sometimes Twitter malfunctions for people due to many factors maybe. 446/ Didn't this account seen in this screenshot allegedly claim to be involved in actual pizza theft, that's the question of the day. 447/ I got decades of experience in trolling the trolls who refuse to admit that I've really taken them to oatmeal school and let's just say honey didn't end up just in the bowl but got all over the place; a lot of what I do online involves trolling, marketing and more. 448/ Not only did Cookie Monster Caddy allegedly steal photos of the delicious Alliana brownies allegedly perhaps, I think Caddy also had this fake sock puppet alt account in our server a few months ago that was like pretending to be like a Chat GPT like bot or something. 449/ I told everybody for years Caddy is a troll and like nobody listened and now brownies are the God damn collateral damage of this mess, as my sister would say, don't break my heart, my heart is fragile, or I'll kill you. 450/ Caddy is a troll indeed but it seems most people in our server probably are trolls. 451/ Stolen pizza made it to my house multiple times around July and August of 2023 as already mentioned and documented online on all the websites many times over the years making this alleged account in this screenshot probably a crazy troll or something. 452/ Can you believe I have probably over 30 years of Internet experience and I've been an actor 37 of my 39 years of living? 453/ Trolls said for years they were trying to get me killed by getting me swatted multiple times over the years since 2023 and people sometimes die when police raid them and that is not good as it goes beyond trolling and basic cyber bullying. 454/ Alliana is having her girl boss Kill Bill moment. 455/ 455/ Different people define troll differently making the terminology and understanding of the aspects of what it might mean really tough for people to grasp as there are multiple levels to what it means. 01:57 AM: 456/ Mute roles like the ruler mute can mute people assuming they don't have other roles that might block mutes like that one account also had the image permission role which blocked the mute role, my server is like Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic The Gathering, roles are like playing cards. 457/ Alliana, no don't say that, you're letting the trolls win when you think too simple; remember I'm a master troller and the roles are like trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh with surprises depending on the combinations the roles might be used in, I'm always one step ahead of the trolls. 458/ Mute roles can only mute people who have roles that don't grant image permission on the channel level but instead only on the server level; the image permission role has that which means they can't be muted; so you have to remove that role from them before you can mute them. 459/ She gets it, Alliana for the win. 460/ Did you know that even guards can mute with the mute role and there are other mute roles too as you work your way up to higher roles and prison roles might block image permission and bot slash command. 461/ Caddy is a thug who would likely mute many people and not just Alliana who is yummy. 462/ People started photoshopping me on Facebook, Craigslist, Couch Surfing, and the Internet in general since at least roughly 2013 meaning the past like eleven years that I know of and maybe longer, so much Oatmeal Fake News since at least 2009 or longer. 463/ Caddy is a super troll. 464/ Alliana, this is why I always recommend that most people should only have roles that are way under the admin role because most people in this server are probably insane psychopathic trolls like Caddy; and better safe than sorry as these weirdos could be even in your walls. 465/ I probably won't but I hope others will simply want to take out the trash when the time comes; maybe Darth Loner will do the right thing if a bunch of crazy weirdos get super high roles; I'd rather see other people take out the trash so I don't have to. 466/ Lord of the Bowl Rings: Return of the Oatmeal King. 467/ I've been bullied all my life these past many decades, almost 40+ years now, like since the God damn 1900s, there were times in the 1990s these neighbor boys would force me to take off all my clothes at the park or outside in the ghetto trailer park in their yard. 12:06 PM: 468/ This is not the first time people photoshopped me. 469/ Did you know I've created around 50 different channels on YouTube, I don't think you can find them all or locate my main Hive Blog article outlining some of them. 470/ That might be partly true that TikTok sometimes echoes Twitter X. 471/ Not only do trolls lie about cooking brownies which actually came from Alliana, they also lie about me too on the Internet for so many years, this is how the trolls win with their Oatmeal Fake News. 472/ This is only the tip of the iceberg of all of the Oatmeal Fake News, this brownies story is only one example or illustration of how trolls lie about not just me but now also Alliana as this disease of deception is spreading like gangrene. 473/ Pandora's box is baking brownies. 474/ Why are you guys eating crap food like this? Food like this is gonna kill you people. 475/ People in my Discord Server eat terrible food, RFK Jr is spinning in his grave. 476/ You don't need Twitter X to see what's on Twitter but everybody is too stupid to know this because nobody knows how to Internet; wow, even I know this and my IQ is or was only 78 and probably a lot lower now; does that mean people in my Discord Server have an IQ even lower? 477/ YouTube deleted over ten thousand videos, that is literally over 10,000+ videos, I wrote articles on Hive documenting it, YouTube restored 3K of my videos in 2023 and another 3K videos a few days ago in 2024; people in my Discord Server don't know this because they fake. 478/ YouTube deleted over 4,000+ videos of mine in 2017 and then 3K+ in 2018 and 3K+ in 2022; I felt like nobody was trying to help me get YouTube to restore all my videos these past almost eight years since 2017; I felt mostly alone in this fight with Google; trolls laughed. 479/ I got YouTube to restore 3K+ of my videos in 2023, that is over three thousand videos, another 3K+ videos in 2024; will I be able to get YouTube to restore the other 4K+ videos in 2025, will anybody try to help me or am I totally alone in this eight-year battle with Google? 480/ Top meme masters could be promoted a little sometimes if you feel like rewarding people that way; hold art contests. 481/ Do you like my food guys, this is delicious Panda Express food I'm eating with Blake Webb right now in Vietnam, feels so good to be back. 482/ Looks like nobody has ever read any of my blogs on Hive or looked at my articles or videos which includes links to the way back machine at Archive.org and other websites too. 483/ People could simply search my name and the way back machine to see my connection to Archive.org and notice how most people are not really hearing what I'm saying; most people don't care what I say at all; those who do are cool. 484/ Speaking of fat, most people in my Discord Server are too fat thinking they know what I do yet being unaware of what I actually do even as I talk about it all over the Internet; most of my fake followers only follow less than one percent of what I actually do. 03:53 PM: 485/ Alliana, this is one of the reasons you have a super high roles, because you admit to how it would take forever to look over my stuff; seems many are lacking the kind of common sense that Alliana has which is why she is one of my favorites in our server. 486/ Alliana, you should ask people to press 1 if they see the screenshots of mine you share in our Discord Server. 487/ Here is Trump running away from the globalists with the fish. 488/ Thank you so much for following me on Twitter X, shoutout to everyone who screenshots me. 489/ One of the only reasons people in my Discord Server follow me on this secondary super secret Twitter X account is because I begged them to many times for like years; in other words, they were not smart enough to figure this out on their own. 490/ Immitation is said to be the highest form of a compliment; The Caddy Parody of Alliana was almost as Kathy-Bike-taking as the almost twenty Oatmeal Parody accounts we had in this Discord Server especially around 2023 which is where fake screenshots derived from. 486/ Alliana, you should ask people to press 1 if they see the screenshots of mine you share in our Discord Server. 491/ If you're in my Discord Server, why not lay down the law and promote and demote as you deem fit according to what you think. 06:09 PM: 492/ Imitation is the best form of flattery, I wonder if anybody saw my newest ten-minute long TikTok video that is all about the yummiest queen that lives inside our Oatmeal World Discord Server. 493/ Magnus is a super troll, I uploaded a ten minute video a second ago about the yummiest queen of the Oatmeal World Discord Server, TikTok said I can now upload one-hour long videos. 494/ I doubt anybody in our Discord Server watch any of my ten-minute long videos on TikTok let alone my many thousands of like multiple-hours-long YouTube videos, and more so I think most people watch my videos with the sound on mute so they can make their own oatmeal, yuck. 495/ Roy Merrick refused to buy me hard drives and all my trolls mock me for talking about how many terabytes of content I have as a content creator for almost four decades now. 496/ This is one of the many reasons Alliana has a super high role in our Discord Server, Alliana is not a troll unlike most people who mostly only pretend to watch me on mute to make their own oatmeal or laugh at me as they have no idea what I'm talking about. 497/ Alliana or anybody reading this should do a poll in our Discord Server asking how many people pay attention to these screenshots of mine that are shared in the server, just press 4 if you can see this or like this with a thumbs up. 498/ Alliana, let me translate, this is Super Troll Ripped Corey Taylor saying he doesn't care about what we're talking about; most people in the server are just like Corey; which tells me I have no reason to be in the server if most people don't even read what I would write. 499/ Yes, correct, Sissy and hamburger are right, I give everybody permission to promote and demote everybody to and from any and all roles for any reasons at all or no reasons at all, good luck everybody. 500/ Only two people out of the 2678 members in our Discord Server voted, that tells me nobody really wants me, seems like I'm wasting my time with too many trolls who are also wasting my time. 501/ We might promote in our Discord Server the top people who try their best to like archive and outline my entire life since 1985 onto the Internet to all the websites and apps in all the forms be it videos, memes, GIFs, photos, articles, posts, diagrams, illustrations, etc. 502/ Hey everybody, please feel free to demote and/or promote trolls in our Discord Server to and/or from any and all of the roles for any reason you want or no reasons at all, you are now free to do whatever you want in the server everybody, Diddy Party begins now. 503/ Magnus is correct, I love you Magnus, meow, I order everybody to always promote/demote everybody up and down to and from all the roles for any reasons and all reasons and no reasons all the time 24/7 starting now, Diddy Party Everybody, never stop the party 24/7 baby. 504/ Alliana can do whatever the Hell she wants to do baby, I told everybody they can do what they want in this Diddy Oatmeal Party but when I say everybody, you know that also includes Yummy Alliana meaning she too can do whatever she wants to do too baby. 505/ Zoophile at gravewormsyummy, Discord ID 1264061368168874065, you should probably give everybody the prison role and most people should probably not have roles above the admin role; but people are free to have whatever roles regardless even tho they probably shouldn't. 506/ Alliana, but the Oatmeal Diddy Party never ever ends, not tomorrow, not the next day, it goes on and on forever; everybody should never stop the party. 507/ The Diddy Oatmeal Party should never end, the point of the party isn't merely about promoting people as I've always said it is about promoting and demoting at the same time meaning everybody is free to adjust the roles for everybody up and down and not only up but also down. 508/ On the other hand, The Yummy Alliana Oatmeal Party can start and end any time Alliana says since she is the queen of the server. 509/ I recommend no porn, nudity or NSFW in general in the General Chat channel. 510/ Instead of always muting, why not just give people prison roles or demote them enough so they no longer have image permission? 511/ I recommend a two-step approach, first remove image permission from people and then try not to mute them after that until they make you. 512/ But links aren't automatically NSFW, people have to click on it to see it; are you saying you want to mute people who get somebody to someday look at NSFW outside of Discord? 513/ Parents should ban their kids from the Internet, you cannot stop kids from accessing porn without keeping them off the entire world wide web; it's like taking kids to an adult entertainment store and telling them not to wander; but at the same time, you have the power here. 514/ Cute cat and I'd probably give people a warning saying if you post NSFW links one more time, I'm gonna mute you. 515/ Another option would be in trying to find bots for our Discord Server that could prevent some people from the ability to post links at all meaning the bots would like delete messages automatically if they have links in them; it might be hard to find bots that are good enough. 516/ That is why you're the queen here. 517/ People with the prison role could try posting links to see what the AutoMod might do now. 518/ Roles level 45 and higher, that is Rulers and up, are immune to the Automod spam mute. 519/ Should I keep the spam immunity at rulers or lower it down to perhaps admins? 520/ Admin is a super high role but most in the server are out of their minds and end up with roles that are many dozens of levels above admin and then everybody thinks admin is low because of the normality of everybody having orange ruler roles when really they should be demoted. 521/ Imagine going to the cops saying give me back that money Magnus gave me which he robbed from the bank; just because some idiot gives you a super high role, that doesn't mean you're entitled to the role; but yes everybody is free to give and remove any and all roles, have fun. 522/ Guards-Prison and other prison roles should block image permission as long as they don't have certain special roles that might block the prison roles. 523/ Caddy may have demon possessed another account in the server. 524/ I didn't say don't give roles to people who want the roles, I simply said it's a red flag when people are asking generally speaking but there might be some exceptions once in a blue oatmeal moon. 525/ The requirements for gods or any roles would require a super big flowchart of competing factors to explain but for the most part I've also given people the power to give each other whatever roles they want and to also remove said roles in a never-ending tug-a-war. 526/ The ghost or twin of Alliana. 527/ Brought to you by this alt of Caddy which was previously this like bot thingy.

Twitter Tweets

12:52 PM

Globalists are trying to murder hundreds of migrants or black colleges said Alex Jones so they can blame it on MAGA supporters as an excuse to get the Pentagon to take Trump out, they'll even try turning off the power and getting world war 3 with Russia to go hot.

04:31 PM
On Alex Stein, I learned Milo Yiannopoulos was on The Weakest Link when he was 21.

08:35 PM
Instagram deleted my comment, I wrote sexy legs, Instagram said that is bullying even as @instagram lets people do child sex trafficking which I hope @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump goes after Instagram who are harassing children by letting them get trafficked on Instagram because that is super bullying.

11:54 PM
Bitcoin hit $100K USD today? It's about time.

2024-12-04 - Wednesday - 10:23 PM - Banned Log

2022-05-16 - Monday - 11:50 PM PT - I was happy when X unsuspended me at 11:50 PM PT, Monday, the 16th day of May of 2022, this was around the time Elon Musk was purchasing Twitter.

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Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Madness 101-102

2024-12-04 - Wednesday - 02:40 AM - The Madness 101-102

Stars Victor from Fear The Walking Dead. After a media pundit stumbles upon a dead body deep in the Poconos woods, he finds himself framed for the murder of a notorious white supremacist.

12:21 PM

12:26 PM
All that bad men need to succeed is for good men to do nothing which men usually don't want to get involved in fighting evil which is how bad men take over the world, globalists are still planning to stage false flags and take out Trump, Alex Jones is talking about it. 12:42 PM: Globalists will try murdering people at black colleges, a bunch of alleged illegal immigrants, turn off the power all over America said Alex Jones, so they can get the Pentagon to blame it all on Trump as an excuse to take Trump out, globalists will continue to try all of this. 12:56 PM: Alex Jones said today the globalists are planning to use the script from the Civil War movie that came out this year, they're trying to stage false flags bigger than Jan6 to blame it on MAGA supporters so the Pentagon can take out Trump, this is bigger than the Fishtank.

01:09 PM
Followers of Obama are trying to blow up power stations to blame it on MAGA supporters as a new Jan6 as an excuse to have the Pentagon and the military to take out Trump, people like Elon Musk should sound the alarm, globalists are counting on the general public not knowing this.

01:14 PM
Alex Jones blames CNN talking heads of reading scripts as globalists try to murder migrants to blame it on MAGA supporters as a new Jan6 false flag as an excuse for military and Pentagon to take out Trump, CNN is involved in this clear treason against the 47th President.

01:17 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 12/4/24 • HERE WE GO AGAIN - 5 PUBLIC HEALTH THREATS STARTING JAN 21st

01:24 PM
Trump as Harry Potter in this @MaverickDarby parody, we also see Alex Jones, Elon Musk, RFK Jr; globalists are trying to blow up migrants/black colleges as a new Jan6 to blame MAGA so the Pentagon/military can take out the 47th President.

02:08 PM
Globalists are trying to do new pandemics to stop Trump which would be scarier than Covid while also trying to stage new Jan6 false flags while also trying to get war with Russia to go hot, globalists hope the general public will not blame them for all of this chaos said Alex Jones

Fauci actually said on video Trump would face a pandemic, Fauci said it before Trump's first term in 2017, that was before Covid; looks like Peter Hotez is doing the same thing this time around before 2025; globalists are cornered wild animals which Jeremy Prime talks about in Cobra Cast 199 which is more enjoyable than Timcast

02:47 PM

03:06 PM
Instagram suspended my @ joeyarnoldvn account and yet allows for pedophiles involved in child sex trafficking to go after kids, saw this on Alex Jones, we got to forward this to Elon Musk during this Trump countdown to 47.

03:59 PM
Jeremy Prime, the man at the Game Stop who said it's Mam did a rap, I just saw this on Alex Jones.

04:15 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Wednesday 12/4/24 • CHASE GEISER - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

04:18 PM
Just like Fauci years before Covid on video, now Peter Hotep is threatening Trump said Alex Jones with new pandemics all with the goal of a future prison planet, RFK Jr and Elon Musk should sound the alarm, Fauci predicted Covid on video around 2017

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Snack: 02:40 PM. Bed around 04:30 AM. Weird dreams I forget. Awoke around 11:40 AM. Oatmeal Taylor Swift Shake It Off video. He is home. Discord work. Twitter. Breakfast: 01:00 PM. Connected my phone to ethernet around 01:50 PM since the hotspot WIFI to my computer was not working again. Lunch: 03:00 PM. Ran around in the cold looking for sparkling water, looked in the front garage, RV, then found it where I thought I left a box, lemon flavor, in the big garage in the attic above the stack of tires, only took me like ten minutes or less, back here around 03:48 PM. Dishes for like an hour starting around 04:40 PM. RV video: meet the yummiest queen in my Discord Server ten minute video. Dinner: 06:02 PM. Pray. Throwing up I hear, him. Food log: Snack: Campbell's Chunky savory chicken with white and wild rice in a can, was good, 02:40 PM. Breakfast: coffee, orange, 01:00 PM. Lunch: two small containers of Daisy cottage cheese with peaches, it was good, 03:00 PM. Several of the candy cane mint like ball candies, 04:30 PM. Dinner: walnuts, tuna thing, 06:02 PM. Tea.

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