3,000$ BITCONNECT (DAY THREE) Something Amazing Happened

in bitconnect •  7 years ago 

hey guys my experience so far with bit connect has been great!

3000$ bitconnect .jpg

I am glad i invested at the 1,000$ or higher level because gaining enough (ten dollar multiples) daily interest is allowing me to reinvest everyday and its growing quite quickly at about 25 to 30 bucks a day, i have been reinvesting mostly 20, or 10 differences daily..

So today I am opening my wallet to do my daily count, and expecting another 29 bucks of 1%-ish interest off of yesterdays totaled up principle of 2950$

and guess what i see...

Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 9.33.18 AM.png
BOOM ... 127$ earnings in my Lending Wallet

SO what happened???

Well the other day upon deciding to begin this blog to document my Bitconnect experience, I started updating on twitter and decided automate a twitter campaign for my team.

this is where the magic happens,, i scroll around my bit connect account and...

And guess what,
Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 9.46.54 AM.png
out of my initial first 1,000 automated impressions i received one (my first indirect, intra-web) referral!, An INTERNET MARKETER too (my target settings) , who must have seen the value in this thing immediately as well because..
he invested 1100$ of which i received 7% ----> 77$
add that to the 1.35 interest payments today on my loans total
knocked me a up^ a whole 127$

1st great idea I had.. signing up with Bitconnect and not waiting..

2nd great idea, sharing it with my friends,
3rd investing at a good level for growth,
4th, blogging, promoting, keeping my thumbs moving, and automating myself some traffic!

This is exciting!
this is SCALEABLE!
This is the 6kworkweek!

join my team y'all and ill give you my app secrets and ad campaigns on how to automate traffic like a boss too!
follow along with 6k for more internet secrets, internet marketing, eccomerce, hacks, internet money, traffic secrets, and 100% passive lifestyle opportunities!

start now!


Free yourself from the matrix
master one thing
Harness the power of Accelerated Karmic Psychic Attraction
remain passive

keep them thumbs movin..

<3 Love
- 6K

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