Play around with TradingView on the BitShares DEX

in bitshares •  7 years ago 

If you're interested in playing around with the new TradingView chart for the BitShares DEX then you can do so here.
Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at 1.13.43 PM.png

Please be aware that this only on the staging environment for now so don't execute any trades. You may encounter some bugs, but don't worry they will be squashed before the final release.

This upcoming update for the DEX really makes me excited and bullish for the future of the BitShares DEX.

If you have any questions about BitShares please add them below and I will do my best to answer them.

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That’s awesome and totally needed :)

Thank you for taking out time to answer my questions yesterday on twitter. I'm grateful

Sure can tell you it felt weird to have my mood elevated by seeing such things - to intense levels - did this crypto multi-verse cause I to forget what it really means to be excited in this world? ahahahaha .... "all is forgiven ... just give me my trading view" the tribe has spoken ... great work guys! this is soooo much needed and finally looks like here it comes - HUGS

This is awesome, great step to attract new users

Great update...this will get people more interested in using the platform..the other charts were horrible

very nice. Good work guys.

Wow! This is the best charting tool ever.

This is exactly what I was waiting for. Can you set alerts on technical patterns is the question.. If the answer is yes, my cranium will explode. If not, still a step in the right direction.

Only if Bitshares could be upgraded to a Steem-like backend, additional functionality like real-time alerts could be added without transaction fees. I know it would be a pain in the ass hard-fork but it would be well worth it.