Bixtrim - Currency Exchange Service

in bixtrim •  7 years ago 

What Is Bixtrim?

BIXTRIM is a blockchain-based multi-functional financial platform that will incorporate all the necessary cryptocurrency market features, products and services. The BIXTRIM ICO is looking to fund the use of crypto-based accounts with various established retail banks, and consequently become compliant with multiple financial services requirements.
Their advanced global platform will look to accommodate the advent crypto market fans who are looking to use the innovation to their advantage. To enable this, BIXTRIM will use their native cryptocurrency to allow anyone to participate by becoming a BMX token holder.

About Bixtrim

Goal of this document is to describe the investment project and present it to interested parties.
This whitepaper describes the Initial coin offering (a.k.a ICO) in which tokens of Bixtrim LLC (BXM) will be sold.
BXM is a crypto token that is designed to be used for all services provided by Bixtrim platform.
The white paper is created in order to present the project details and help interested parties make decision on potential token acquisition.

In document we cover philosophy, objectives and technology of the initiative:

  • Views and objectives of Bixtrim team;
  • Our vision of current global tendencies, challenges and problems of market of cryptocurrency;
  • The solutions we offer to our clients for resolving these questions;
  • The paper is not regulated by any legislative acts of any jurisdiction. The participation in the ICO is by customer’s free will.

Blokchain technology gives us infinite possibilities!

The Bixtrim team has an innovative vision of a future with simplified usage of crypto in every day life and we want our customers to be a part of it.

The popularity and quick success of cryptocurrencies has made it crucial for infrastructure and functionality to keep up. That is exactly why we found so many obstacles and issues that needed to be solved. Our team of like-minded people rallied in order to make these revolutionary ideas a reality.

Value of Tokens

A token refers to a digital asset that is sold for fiat currency (USD, EUR) or crypto currency of liquid value (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.). Tokens can have various functions, for example, they can give access to services of the company.

Bixtrim tokens can save you up to 60% on transaction fees on other exchange markets. In this case, the tokens of Bixtrim have the cost of $1 (not including various discounts during the ICO period) and can have the value of the money you save on transaction fees, which makes it's value significantly higher than the cost.

Our Products

  • Crypto Pawn Shop
    Bixtrim will develop a crypto pawn shop where coin owners can pawn them for a period of time and get them back after paying off the commitment. This possibility gives customers an opportunity to keep coins, as well as get the needed cash for a short-term and profit in a long term. Imagine a customer that has one coin which is worth $ 10.0K today. They need extra appliances to work out the additional cryptocurrency, so they decide to pawn the coin for 80% of its price, i.e. $8.0K. They use cash to expand mining, earn money and after a month pay off the pawn for $8.4K. By this time, the price of coin has risen to $20.0K. If they exchange the coin into cash they will get $9.6K profit from the transaction. Please note, that actual rates may vary.

  • Escrow Future
    Issuing cryptocurrency supporting exclusive and innovative Escrow feature. The coin issued by Bixtrim will have the option where the third party, independent predetermined or randomly chosen principal, will ensure the transaction. While the transactions are made via Bitxrim coin, system itself will guarantee the protection of deal - principal will not be able to make any other transaction to coins – they should make obligatory transfer to seller or buyer after a period of time. This will be unprecedented service - a new word in crypto market. For example, a customer buys a vehicle on a car auction abroad. Before they receive the car, they are not sure whether or not the car will be delivered or whether it will be in condition they saw in pictures. With Bixtrim Escrow feature, the principal will be responsible for checking the car before it arrives and decide whether it is in a satisfactory state.

  • Debit Card
    We will issue a revolutionary plastic card, linked directly to Bixtrim coin and other cryptocurrencies. The card will be serviceable in online shops, ATMs, PoS terminals and have a high daily limit. Owners of plastic cards will be able to do shopping or make transactions anytime, anywhere. Another benefit of owning the plastic card will be the following - coins will be directly converted to cash at current price in real time, real value without any transactions and exchanges needed. For example, a customer has 10 coins with current sales price of $100 each. If they decide to cash out coins right away, they should transfer it from their wallet and will get $1000 on bank account.

  • Futures Contracts
    We will develop an exclusive feature - futures contracts on Bixtrim platform supporting pre-defined date of transactions. Every user of platform will be able to use this feature and trade/play with ease. All the coins traded on Bixtrim platform will have futures support. While buyers/sellers are anonymous and the agreement between them will not be legally binding Bixtrim platform will serve as a guarantee and freeze some amounts of money for both parties. Imagine, a coin with current price of $1000. Customer X assumes that the price of coin will increase in a month from $1000 to $1200, while customer Y thinks it will decrease to $800. They agree to make transaction on predetermined date, after a month and Bixtrim platform freezes guaranteed amounts from both parties. On agreed date, the winner party will get the profit and the loser will pay off all the liabilities.

Bixtrim BXM Token ICO Details:

ICO Dates
Start- 1st June 2018
End- 31st August 2018
Total emission volume is 72 000 000 tokens, which are divided into several parts:
7 800 000 tokens will be sold in discount packages, including.
The first week of Sales 1 300 000 (60% discount)
The second week of Sales 2 600 000 (40% discount)
The third week of Sales 3 900 000 (20% discount)
Regular sales process begins from the fourth week
&45 800 000 tokens will be sold at an original price.
6 500 000 tokens for referral bonuses and lottery drawing.
11 900 000 tokens stay in possession of co-founders, partners and advisors.

Token info

Token: BXM
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20

Price in ICO1 BXM = 1 USD


First week of Sales: 60%
Second week of Sales: 40%
Third week of Sales: 20%

Tokens for sale53,600,000

Investment info

Min. investment: 30 BXM

Accepting: BTC, LTC, ETH, Fiat

Distributed in ICO: 74%

For More Information:


AUTHOR : royan3910
BTT LINK : royan3910

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