"THE BLACK CODES": he is reinforcing them today!!! Basically because he starts off with what Min. Mr. Malcolm-X Little, said years ago back in the 1960's, using the bogus "black" branding of bio-bodily beings = BROWNSKINS. He died directly due to his own demonic deceptions and devilish deceits!!!
Min. Mr. Malcolm-X Little, said the word "blacks" about 6 times trying to brainwash Americas Original-Ones. His "black" mantra is his main mindset that was maimed - misled and misguided = inside a madman's maze Matrix. And ARCH-ANGEL-ANCIENT ANCESTORS, acted against and amputated - annihilated and assassinated, him branding beauteous BROWNSKIN bio-bodily beings, "blacks"; "black-Americans", "black peoples". There are no such living "black" humans upon planet MOTHER NATURE EARTH!!!
"Dane Calloway - Make You Think (Official Audio)"