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Am Kohen Gadol, Kohen Harosh, Kohen mashiach, Khan, Naga. My line is patrilineal all the way to Aaron brother of Moses (Egyptian heretic king Akhenaten), from the tribe of Levi, yes, also spells evil. We are the serpent priests of the original priesthood brotherhood, keepers of ancient truth of original black House of Israel and Abrahamic Covenant.
We were the ones who were driven out from Ireland by the Universal Satanic cult of Jehovah (Saturn) / Mithraism (Sun) / Ceres (Earth), aka Catholic Church (word church is derrived from Ceres, the meaning of it is obfuscated by equating it with Greek eclesiasis, the assembly). It is we who have initiated the first Brahman priests into the mysteries of Spirit world.
The Phoenician phonetic origins of the word church is not derived from an assembly but from the name of a ancient Greek goddess Circe. According to Jordan Maxwell,* the word church comes from the cult of Circe.
"Circe (/ˈsɜːrsiː/; Ancient Greek: Κίρκη : Kírkē, pronounced [kírkɛː]) is an enchantress and a minor goddess in ancient Greek mythology and religion. In most accounts, Circe is described as the daughter of the sun god Helios and the Oceanid nymph Perse. Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of these and a magic wand or staff, she would transform her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals."
"Strabo writes that a tomb-shrine of Circe was attended in one of the Pharmacussae islands, off the coast of Attica, typical for hero-worship. Circe was also venerated in Mount Circeo, in the Italian peninsula, which took its name after her according to ancient legend. Strabo says that Circe had a shrine in the small town, and that the people there kept a bowl they claimed belonged to Odysseus. The promontory is occupied by ruins of a platform attributed with great probability to a temple of Venus or Circe."
Thus the Roman Catholic Church is based on the cult of Circe mixed with Mithraism, Ba'al, Cybele whatnot and serving as esoteric substitute for the actual esoteric Christ Consciousness of universal Unity.
"Modern genetic studies support the Samaritan narrative that they descend from indigenous Israelites. Shen et al. (2004) formerly speculated that outmarriage with foreign women may have taken place. Most recently the same group came up with genetic evidence that Samaritans are closely linked to Cohanim, and therefore can be traced back to an Israelite population prior to the Assyrian invasion. This correlates with expectations from the fact that the Samaritans retained endogamous and biblical patrilineal marriage customs, and that they remained a genetically isolated population." Wikipedia, Samaritans
The original black House of Israel is patrilineal, the tribe of Jews priests so called Kohens is also patrilineal, the original Abrahamic Judaism before the Samaritan vs Rabbinical schism is patrilineal, the original Moseretic heretics, as preserved by Karaite Jews, are patrilineal, all royal lines are patrilineal.
The unbroken generational genetic archive is passed by male Y chromosomes from father, while "Mitochondrial DNA is the circular chromosome found inside the cellular organelles called mitochondria. Located in the cytoplasm, mitochondria are the site of the cell's energy production and other metabolic functions. Offspring inherit mitochondria — and as a result mitochondrial DNA — from their mother." National Human Genome Research Institute (genome dot gov).
Jewish Rabbi & His Wife Find Out They Aren't The Actual Jews Of The Torah & That There's A Difference Between JEW & JEWISH‼️
(via fb ISUPK Washington DC)
The Messianic Moseretic Masonic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Satanic Luciferian apostates have switched to the mother's side, matrilineal, during the Babylonian so called exile around 580 BCE, first promoted by High Priest Ezra the Scribe, later widely adopted by the Turkish Khazarian "Jews" around 7th century as a better way to keep family wealth across generations as during that time wars killed more men than women, thus leaving female side of the family most likely to have relatives or survived descendants.
So, long story short, most of do called mother's mother Rabbinicsl Jews are not Jews at all. Obviously they not descendants of the origginal Utahy tribe of Utah, the original Judah (U/J & t/d), and they are not of black Abrahamic House of Israel, again obviously, and they are not even the original Phoenician Canaanites nor the original Atenists followers of heretic king Akhenaten / Moses.
They are a modern day fraud, and simple dna test can prove it. I most definitely have little in common with them, since they inbred themselves out of original black House of Israel, the Abrahamic Covenant, and humanity, making the Most High Creator and whole mankind as their enemy. This is why they are obsessed in repeating to everyone and themselves every year their story of how Jewish and chisen they are precisely because it is all lies and case of stolen history and identity of black and red peoples of North America & Africa. The ancient Chinese saw all that happening and knew full well about the atrocities committed by the so called Chosen ones whom they called simply the name stealers. Peace
On 30th of August 1998 CE Israel Daily made this admission that black people are in fact the true Israelites, not the so called Ashkenazi and whatnot white Babylonians / Khazarians.
Proof Ashkenazi Jews are Gentiles
Narrated by Yekcyr Malkiyah
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