Instagram poverty investment naysayers avoid bitcoin: let them.

in blackhole •  8 years ago 


This genesis experimental blockchain: only has room left for only 5,000,000 more instant multi-millionaires.

These future bitcoin millionares need to learn only to trade the following~

0.001~0.0001 bitcoins as $100,000 ~ $1,000,000 dollars~ around society.
If you HOLD your bitcoin these prices will come why? Its the way the technology is!

There are nearly 7 billion people born on our planet~ but out of those total?
How many of those will 1 FULL BITCOIN of 21,000,000 BITCOINS?

Today is $4500 / 1 BTC and $1000 / BCH.

Yet on the Street and Darkweb it's trading for $5000 for illegal activities the corrupt governments claim?
They are the cancer of the society. Social programming and social services who let you think they are the only HEROS of JUSTICE?

You think the the Worlds Ruling Governments and Fake Stream Media systems will ever tell you the truth look at this last election of America worldwide? The drama it produced... was all empowered by what?
Paper dollars, a horded gold system that is worth less then bitcoin which those Bankers deemed would never happen.

Gold was only valued for thousands of years cause its a elemental you can't forge or fraud. Yet it could be melted down and transported, it lacked one truth that made it very dangerous to hold in public.

It was possible to STEAL IT, ROB IT, LOSE IT.

Blockchain Technology: Fixed those issues, also doing one more thing.
Which business and bankers and goverments deem : FAIR.

If your a blue-collar worker: and a robot appears and you lose your job. Do you think its fair? Of course not.
But society makes you accept that its just the way it is. Unless you can learn to operate and fix the robot, you are now Jobless.

But that is horseshit! The economy has no true honor in fair trading!
Don't trust them systems the Bankers enslaved you with their bribing the governments!

Bankers are lobbying toilet paper money and not even giving their GOLD YET, to bend the rules and establish laws stating BitCoins are illegal. Remember that robot I said just now....?

BitCoin is a Free Decentralized Robot that can replace many of these jobs.
Security of Ones Assets: those who protect Gold Silver Copper of ones Nation.
Accountants who are slaves of the ruling bankers their middlemen and workers.
Bankers those who started this fraud for thousands of years manipulating the price of markets.

Put your trust in BitCoins!
Educate your children in BitCoins!

Its a example of a blackhole vs wealth inequalities.

You get them online, trade them online, enjoy having better financial protections, the best security powered by cryptography storing your wealth, fastest business transaction opportunities then Cash, Gold, Silver, Copper.

You can fire all Banks and make them homeless.
BitCoin makes you a Banker!
This is what they fear!

A honest decentralized system of financial transactions with no "Tax Theft" they can profit on with no middleman.

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