This dingy looking knee grow asks how can the Black Panther movie be about black empowerment when it’s derived from white people (who are against the black man, according to him) simply because he may have saw one or two black people relating this movie to black empowerment. How is social media about black empowerment when these platforms were derived from “da whyte mane”, yet he uses these platforms to beam in messages from Blackistan quite frequently. Where is the Blackistan social media platform? Anyways, so what if a few knee grows want to look at Black Panther in a way that inspires them to exalt black empowerment. So fucking what. My goodness. Let these knee grows be happy and enjoy the damn movie. Niggas literally have 365 days a year to be as bliggity black-black as humanly possible. I’m pretty confident that a black person can take one damn day off to enjoy a fictional movie about a fictional African kingdom, even if the damn movie is owned by a white corporation. Who gives a shit. Let black people be.
Why must you Blackistan niggas be so ready to knock the excitement out of black people every damn day on social media?
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