Daily spiritual reflection: The LORD will bless you if you respect him and obey his laws. Psalm 128:1

in bless •  3 years ago 

The book of psalms explains to us that the man who fears God is blessed, this is what respect for God consists of: "The LORD will bless you if you respect him and obey his laws.", Psalm 128:1. This beatitude also explains to us that the law of Moses is not enough to lead a spiritual life, the law is perfected with the fear of God. The spiritual gift of fear of the Lord is known as constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, stability.
There is a similar teaching in the book of Ecclesiastes: "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind", Ecclesiastes 12:13. The fear of God gives life to the law, quickens it: "For the letter kills but the spirit gives life", 2 Corinthians 3:6.
What commandment can be faithfully fulfilled without constancy or firmness?. Devotion is also a bond of love with the creator, devotion is a certainty that comes from the heart and links us to the perfection of the creator. Devotion in a practical sense is the emotional attachment to the law.
The fear of God is one of the most important gifts within the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, even more important than mercy (compassion, kindness, gentleness) and wisdom (the knowledge of the correct means to live).
Daily spiritual reflection. The LORD will bless you if you respect him and obey his laws. Psalm 128,1.jpg
The fear of God is the gift that makes conversion possible: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.", Acts 10:34-35. The opposite of the fear of God is impiety, the contempt for divine realities.
The fear of God is also the path to spiritual awakening: "The fear of God is the beginning of the wisdom (spiritual enlightenment)", Proverbs 1:7.
God gives us his spiritual gifts and laws so that we live in harmony with creation. God destined us by his providence to beatitude, but man, because of the hardness of his heart, sins and breaks with this design of the creator. We have to choose between misfortune, and beatitude.
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