What are blockchain social site apart from steemit?

in bloackchain •  5 years ago  (edited)

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I like publish0x. The main difference with Steemit is that upvotes are financed by donations and not from the community. Time will tell if this is a good system or not. I think there will be less abuse than on Steemit, since upvote bots are non existent. 

You can try it out for free here: https://www.publish0x.com/?a=O5xe7LAa7r

I never published an article there but sometimes i curate/read some articles. 

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I love so much this platform, I have two cashout in the process!

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @chesatochi

Can you please share link to your profile on this platform?

How long have you been using Publish0x?


Over a month and use mostly the platform to read crypto content and I receive reward from that.

I published a few samples to test the water but my focus is primarily here on Steem!


Dear @chesatochi

I just realized that (somehow) I've missed your previous comment. Just wanted to thank you for being always so responsive and sorry for such a late reply.
