GONT and inventory ownership

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Greetings, colleagues! Do you want to know how to prove the facts of ownership of assets between organizations and individuals? Then read the article about the GONT approach.

Relevance for the ICO world


The project conducts the ICO, but the project’s token does not imply a product-oriented service sense, instead the token is exchanged for the physical assets of the project or the company’s real shares.

For example, ICO career with sand – https://en.sandcoin.io/
The token is declared equal to the cubic meter of sand at a cost.

But how, after the ICO, to transfer ownership of the asset to the investor in the project’s token?

Usually, the facts of possession are written in a certain register. But this register is not decentralized and is managed by stakeholders.

How to implement a decentralized register between groups of individuals (for example, for ICO participants)?

In this situation, we need the help of GONT technology.

Before the ICO, organization A buys a node (or branch) in the decentralized space of GONT Space and injects there all the meanings of the asset, and also describes it carefully in the legal special. rules. After that, the organization A becomes the owner of the GONT address A_ADDR. And this is fixed in the global blockchain. All further transactions with this GONT address will have full semantics of the given meaning of the new asset. Organization A invites all other organizations {B, C, D, ..} to agree that GONT address A_ADDR and its vicinity (the address group in GONT) fully describe the asset. The fact of this agreement is also described in GONT and injected into all significant global blockchains. Now the GONT service is ready to generate Genesis INIT Blocks in the GONT-fork branch of this service (which is offered on the ICO).

2) Evolution of GONT transactions. Obviously, in the ICO process assets will be sold and their ownership must be automatically transferred to investors. Here appear the most understandable transactions – the purchase of a token and transfer of possession. These transactions will be added to the GONT sigas of each investor. At this stage, the investor owns a physical sig (file) with recorded transactions. Transactions are recorded by the GONT processor. Sig is already built according to the rules of GONT blockchain, but it is linked by hashes with a block of global blockchain.

3) The choice of the level of evidence.Shareholders come to an agreement what level of proof for them is optimal at a price.

SW or HW?

HW the level of proof is needed for the most important projects. In this case, physical chips will be released specifically for this GONT address. In the case of SW level of evidence, binary versions of the chip will automatically be collected (simulator with HW smart contract inside). Binary versions of the chip will be placed on GONT MasterNode – the chip generation factory.

4) Processor GP0S. A consensus based on GONT processorsAt the Genesis generation stage of the service block in GONT, all potential investors receive their own processor. In this case, all processors are completely equivalent (automatic generation). As the sig evolves, most processors from this pool of investors in the ICO should check the equivalence of the evolution of any sig on any processor. Each investor sees the same distribution of assets and understands their meanings in a single way (based on GONT Space). This will be implemented on the GONT protocol for the interaction of GONT processors. The formal equivalence check procedure can be performed at predefined intervals between all available processors. In case of discrepancy detection, a state of collision is declared and proceedings begin (search for a wolf in the network, etc.).

Ideal ICO – ICO conducted without GONT collisions!

Courts. For any court proceedings, it is, of course, necessary  the consensus of the GPoS to be recognized at the level of legislation. But it’s convenient to lobby, because for GPoS stands the intelligible architecture of the processor and the physical asset in the hands of the investor – the processor itself, which in the end will also be completely decentralized and open.

Thank you for attention! Have a productive day!

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