What we mean by Governence

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Data analysis, the internet of things and blockchain need to work together and by applying safety, moral, legal and technical support or governance when and where its needed will usher in adoptibility. Coinbase at least offers a telephone contact. Albeit they cannot perform, or accomplish what we need them to, Coinbase eases community tx concerns a bit. Eos has a delayed transaction mechanism coming out with Dawn 3.0 so if users makes an transacting error they have time to correct the mistake. A huge governance that finally helps extinguishes the outcries of the public who have lost large amounts of money this way. The reason the public, institutions, are not adopting to blockchain is because of the lack of governance a immutable program has. Its unchangeable, so it better be right and fair! Most companies would love to switch from being central to decentral because of the value created in automating a service. The taxi service can be replaced by a p2p service that does not require the centralized approach of Uber, the third party. For Uber to tokenize their economy, They would have to issue a coin thru an ICO. Peg thats coins value to the transporting of objects, in this case people, from point A to point B for C amount . Of course this would all become automated so the expense of Ubers central administration department would no longer exist. This can be accomplished through smart governance. Meaning the dapp could not allow Uber to hire someone who cannot see or is not allowed to drive. It cannot allow for drunken driving or any behavior that would put the passengers at risk and cause public outcry. If someone needs a car and pays for it with token but its not at the place it was agreed upon, it never shows up, then who is the customer going to call to get their money back. Every possible, loss of funds, scenario needs to be thought out, and sometimes those unforeseen governance problems arise because its human nature to make mistakes, but algorithms care not compensating for those mistakes, the way a human could in customer service. The code is not designed to apply moral, ethical, fairness to unpredictable consequences of human error. It may sound contrived but thats what is preventing the world from changing over to web 3. This whole notion that crypto goes hand in hand with hacking others money. large amounts of money usually are monitored so authority can see if money is being laundered, embezzled or hidden. With Crypto this is a little harder because there are only financial systems in place that track fiat currency. Thus large crypto transfers take longer than expected, because those large digital asset movements are monitored, by the same folks watching large fiat movement. Dont be fooled when the Government claims they are not regulating cryptocurrency, they already are in that sense. What scares me is, the thought, that the government is going to regulate blockchain the way they did the stock market. Governance is a science in itself. It requires the big picture of many different disciplines. The governance for a media site will be a lot different for a driverless car. But the financial governence aspect of the blolckchain cannot be managed by Federated governments because that would have to happen in a way that would not disrupt the creation, development and dentralized nature of our new Internet.
Pangeaecoin is seeing technology outpace the government's ability to adapt to this new financial environment. The governments will have to change, and develop not the blockchain technology. Atomic swaps are what makes this market different and powerful and lo and behold here comes uncle sam to tax the hell out of it with old stock market rules. We want a prosperous nation for all, they want a financial hierarchy that allows them to dictate, manipulate and pass laws in the middle of the night when everyone's sleeping to control and maintain a pool of people that work, for them. In fact the government is the real reason we did this in the first place. We have bailed the central bank out so many times that people have had enough of it and the wars we wage over control of the central bank.
We are visionaries that see the rise and financial freedom decentralizing brings, but we also know new hardware will be developed by leading industry makers of iot devices, sensors and processors to accommodate this tremendous growth of the internet from its central infancy.

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