Kenny Rowe discusses where crypto space is going, what’s most exciting about it and what we might expect in the near future.
This is Part 2 of our interview with Kenny Rowe, the COO of RChain, an early team member of MakerDAO and an advisor to CoinFund. He is also a thinker and observer of the crypto industry as a whole.
In this episode we talk about if crypto is a bubble, knowing when to exit crypto into physical assets, and where the industry is going in the future.
We also get into some interesting futuristic ideas like how distributed technologies can play into the idea of mind uploading and the emergence of collective intelligence.
What we cover in this episode:
- Is crypto a bubble, and where is it going?
- Implications of massive capital flows coming into crypto as an asset class
- What happens when everybody becomes crypto-wealthy?
- Possibility of hyperinflation in world crypto economy, and when to exit
- What are the safe hard assets to go to if the crypto hyperinflation hits?
- Technologies that can help create collective intelligence
- Are there technologies that can help develop consciousness?
- Human brain emulation, and the possible role of blockchain and other decentralized technologies
- First part of interview with Kenny Rowe
- MakerDAO website
- RChain website
- CoinFund website
- This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, a book by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth, a book by Robin Hanson
- Robin Hanson on Future Thinkers Podcast – Whole Brain Emulation
- Jordan Greenhall on Future Thinkers Podcast – Collective Intelligence in Global Collapse
- Crypto Radio’s Thought Leaders Series