RE: Particl: An Open Source Decentralized eCommerce Platform - Is Shadowcash Dead?

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Particl: An Open Source Decentralized eCommerce Platform - Is Shadowcash Dead?

in blockchain •  8 years ago 

You forgot to mention BitBay and BitHalo and BlackHalo in your comparison chat. I've already have had decentralized markets years before open bazaar and they don't use "arbiters". In fact, Shadowcash got their idea of Double deposit from BlackHalo which I've been coding for 4 years. Its not vaporware either has been usable in beta as long as the prototype 4 years ago. And for at least a year has been a commercial release candidate with 1000s of contracts done on the marktes. So for them to not list us in their comparison is bullshit. But i suppose they can't sell the dream if the reality already exists. The decision to get rid of SDC in favor of a new brand is something I don't understand at all. Especially since SDC was doing so excellent in the charts. OH WELL! One day my hard work will be recognized.

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I missed your reply initially so first, thanks for commenting.

I'd love to know more about these other platforms and I've been researching. I guess what I'd be looking for is if bithalo and bitbay were employing the same types of governance methodologies.

As far as getting rid of sdc, I guess it kind of makes sense if you're moving to a crypto agnostic platform. You don't want to be serving two masters when the idea is to open a marketplace where almost all crypto would be paired with PART.

I would love to see more posts from you examining all of this from your unique perspective, there's so much to know and learn