The Energy Efficiency Protocol

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

According to reports, US emissions rose 3.8% in 2018. This is even with the efforts to control carbon emissions due to its adverse effect on the climate. We should be looking for ways to improve our green energy consumption and reducing on the products that emit carbon. Energy is the single most cause of carbon emissions, but most people don't know this and with this lack of information, the problem continues to grow. Data to maximize data consumption is also lacking, incorrect or extremely difficult to obtain. This all gives a skewed analysis when building managers intend to find out Energy consumption for their buildings and in the process energy efficiency. BlueNote aims to fix and improve on these issues.


Bluenote is a unique project that stands out from other Energy based Blockchain solutions.

"The Bluenote Foundation has at its core mission to lead the transition to zero emission cities, but to do so in a way that is environmental, economically and socially sustainable".

For Carbon emissions to be reduced, there has to be a reliable data to measure and ultimately initiate actions that will base its solutions on this data. There hasn't been a reliable information platform until BlueNote. BlueNote will make sure Energy measurements, Data etc can be trusted again.

We can do without shelter and as such, it is the most profitable form of investment. Buildings are also one of the highest emission of Carbon. People will be more interested in buildings that can better manage energy. This is what the Bluenote Protocol will bring to real estate investments and Investors. Bluenote offers a reliable way of reducing electricity expenses which will, in turn, increase the financial returns of these buildings. Commercial office buildings will the focus of Bluenote mainly because they are governed by rational and quantitative decision making. Energy efficiency plays a big role in debt management of buildings. The higher the energy use, the higher the risk of defaulting in debt payments. This is a great investment risk that most Investors are unwilling to take.

Benefits of BlueNote Protocol.

  • With BlueNote, new transactions are simulated and new markets for the electric grid are created. These include but not limited to demand response, peak reduction, or grid balancing.
  • With the increase in the fight against carbon emissions, Government agencies can now encourage the public by enabling them to see, track and analyze civic strategies.
  • Other protocols are also free to create their own transactions on the Bluenote protocol.
  • Bluenote gives building an avenue to manage their buildings and the energy consumption efficiently.
  • Buildings can also find out ways to make their buildings more efficient.
  • Buildings can see how they fare in contrast to other buildings. This will make them improve if they see any slack in their building efficiency.
  • Bluenote helps buildings lower not only their operating cost but also increase their value.

BlueNote And The Blockchain.
The Blockchain is arguably the best technological innovation of the last decade. The benefits improve on the traditional financial system and this is one of the reasons investors are trooping and adopting the blockchain. The Blockchain will bring trust to the data and results with its decentralization and independence. Anyone from anywhere in the world can easily verify data.
The main aim of the BlueNote Protocol is to collate data, process and then analyse this data in a decentralized way which will make the whole process transparent, fast and easily accessible. These are just a few ways Bluenote aims to revolutionalize the energy sector using the Blockchain.

BlueNote Token (BNOW)
This is the native token of the exchange and all transactions will be made using Bluenote tokens. More about this token and crowdsale and how you can get it can be found on the website.

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