Facebook is "tied" to the chain with Libra

in blockchain •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello dear readers!

As everyone will know, Facebook, the giant of social networks launched its own cryptomoneda in 2020, this news caused a stir in the networks, especially those based on blockchain becoming the trend of the moment, center of analysis and conversation of experts in these issues.

Although there are now divided opinions regarding the Pound it is necessary to analyze what advantages this cryptomoneda brings us.


Libra was designed to be a stable digital cryptocurrency, fully backed by a reserve of real assets - the Libra Reserve - and by a competitive network of exchange platforms that buy and sell Libra. This means that anyone who owns Libra will have a high degree of security in being able to convert their digital currency into local currency based on an exchange rate, such as when, when traveling, one currency is exchanged for another.

Cryptographic panorama

The rise of Bitcoin in the last weeks that has brought a kind of stability in the prices of the other cryptomonedas, now the creation of this consortium of recognized companies with Facebook at the top, that join around this cryptomoneda called Libra, shocks, It brings new airs to cryptography, it makes us dream of the much desired massive adoption but it brings with it some questions.

With facebook entering fully into the encryption business:

What will happen to social networks like steemit, whleshares, weku among others?

What benefits does it bring for cryptography?

Are we at the door of mass adoption?

I want to call your attention to this topic, inviting you to participate in this debate to know your opinion as a cryptographic expert, as an apprentice or simply as someone who wants to express their opinion and participate in this discussion.


The future of platforms

First of all we must establish the great difference between these mentioned platforms, in my opinion they have very different uses, different functions facebook is a more light network if you can use this term, people use it to share with friends and family, while these blockchain based platforms have more tendency to blog full articles or news where people read and share with their followers full publications about a specific topic, this without mentioning technical aspects of security, centralization and consumption.

All this leads me to think that these platforms can and will continue to grow in parallel, the incursion of facebook into cryptography far from hiding will bring more visibility to these networks as it will make more popular the use of cryptocurrencies which would benefit this platforms. There are many people around the world who are ignorant of the cryptographic world, even though they have very active profiles on Facebook, WatsApp and Instagran, but from this I believe that cryptography will be more visible to many.

Benefits for everyone.

For nobody is a secret that Facebook is the social network with the most users in the whole world, besides it becomes with this movement in the biggest advertising vehicle of cryptography, we have all tried to promote our accounts from different platforms all over the Internet, They have launched campaigns to encourage, educate and motivate people to use and adopt cryptography.

With this alliance Facebook not only tries to solve, (as some have already said) the problem of trust, spoiled with scandals, the misuse of information and the violation of privacy in which the platform was involved, guaranteeing the security of the project, but to create a climate of trust with the participation in this project of all these recognized companies. All this will end up putting the cryptography issue on everyone's lips.

Payments: Mastercard, PayPal, PayU (Naspers' fintech arm), Stripe, Visa
Technology and markets: Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook / Calibra, Farfetch, Lyft, Mercado Pago, Spotify AB, Uber Technologies, Inc.
Telecommunications: Iliad, Vodafone Group
Blockchain: Anchorage, Bison Trails, Coinbase, Inc., Xapo Holdings Limited

Venture capital: Andreessen Horowitz, Breakthrough Initiatives, Ribbit Capital, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventures
Non-profit organizations, multilateral organizations and academic institutions: Creative Destruction Lab, Kiva, Mercy Corps, Women's World Banking.

I think this will benefit us!

Massive adoption?

I do not pretend to be an expert on the subject, I am not a prophet who can predict the future, much less a cryptographic guru but I am trying to read the clues that this whole cryptographic movement of the last weeks is giving us. A rebound in the BTC price, several of the most recognized companies in the world venturing into this business, I do not know what reading the "experts" will give to all this, but this enthusiastic new cryptographer understands that although this is not the step definitive, is a huge step towards mass adoption . Advertising, exhibition, recognized successful companies entering the business, please tell me what we need most.

I know we can not know the future, but the behavior of the market, the confidence of people and companies in some project, the viability, the advantages in terms of the dominant system, ami understand are indications that we are on the best path and that In the future, steps will be taken that will bring us closer to the adoption of cryptography as a system of commercial exchange and goods in the world.

Let me know your opinion, educate me more about this topic, what opinion or what expectations all this generates in you.

I read and respond to all your comments.

What will happen with social networks like steemit, whaleshares, weku, serey among others?

What benefits does it bring for cryptography?

Are we at the door of mass adoption?


@crypto.piotr - @juanmolina - @lanzjoseg - @jadams2k18 - @fucho80

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Thanks a lot for the memo i think libra is very exciting prospect of mass adoption convincing people the blockchain is useful and has a future i just hope they can do it correctly and like you say don't kill other platforms like this 1! Can you buy Libra yet?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @steemingmark, thanks for coming.

i think libra is very exciting prospect of mass adoption convincing people the blockchain is useful and has a future i just hope they can do it correctly and like you say do not kill other platforms like this 1!

We agree, I think Libra is a big step towards adoption, if we take into account that all these companies that participate in Libra have a good nose for the business, I think something good they are seeing.

Can you buy Libra yet?

I'm not sure about this, but if the official launch is mid-next year, I do not think it can be bought yet.

Friend, thank you for your comment.

Libra is going to be a stable coin for the most part and is really just a stab at being digital cash for people not into crypto to use. While it will get a lot more users to have a wallet and spend money like they would send crypto it won't directly get people into crypto. I could be wrong depending on what connection coinbase has to the coin. At this point, I have not heard that you will be able to earn libra from posting on Facebook so I don't see it as pulling people away from steem and the others. I do hope it bring in more money to bitcoin and the other major players. Now is the time to really push to get steem on Coinbase. That would change a lot for us.

My dear @stever82, thank you for coming and commenting.

At this point, I have not heard that you will be able to earn pounds from posting on Facebook so I do not see it as pulling people away from steem and the others. I do hope it brings in more money to bitcoin and the other major players.

At this time it seems that the idea of delivering pounds for publishing and commenting on Facebook is not considered. Particularly I think that if this coin is successful, in the future they can start to monetize the use of facebook. It's just my thought but it could happen.

Now is the time to really push to get steem on Coinbase. That would change a lot for us.

Very good, I think we have to keep pushing, but if things go on like this, I think we'll see more campaigns like this and more large and well-known companies entering the cryptography business. This is the future!

Thanks for your great friend comment.

Many people are not into cryptocurrencies.
Libra will not be the same, easier to join?
Interesting if it is for free, but I would not join Facebook more actively for it (actually I do nothing on Facebook I do not need it to stay in touch with the few people I know).
It might be a way to introduce more people into the world of cryptocurrencies.

Facebook is the share-your-life-with-every-farth-you-take site.
As I understand young people are less interested in Facebook (might depend from country to country).

Some businesses use it instead of a site.
Businesses with better service do not ask you to contact them via Facebook but Twitter or WhatsApp. They work way faster.

Writers you find on WordPress or blogspot.

Facebook has changed through the years.
You need to use your real name, give not one but more as 1 email address and phonenumber for "your own" security (you really believe that?) and they ask for your ID if they blocked you and way more info if you want it back.

And what do you think about face recognizing?
You really think it is invented as a great tool to find out the name of the love of your life you saw on the street?

If you have a wallet they will ask for your ID, picture of your face, bankaccount number, etc.

I doubt you can easily transfer your earnings to your paypal account.
And if so... do you have any idea how much info they have about you? Name, address, bankaccount, phonenumbers, email addresses, your ID and social security number, your family members, all sites you use and log in using Facebook, your paypal, whatsapp, with whom you chat and call... your fingerprint...

Coinbase started with it and now its no longer possible. Beats me why. They have all my info but I also can no longer buy and sell.

I noticed many wallets changed their rules? Law or depends on the country?

We better ask ourselves what the benefit of cryptocurrency will be if it is not more or less as the dollar pound or euro. You pay a fee for changing it or even twice or 4 times and tax over it since it is seen as an income.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello dear @wakeupkitty, thanks for coming and leave your opinion.

And what do you think about face recognizing?
You really think it is invented a great tool to find out the name of the love of your life you saw on the street?

If you have a wallet they will ask for your ID, picture of your face, bankaccount number, etc.

I doubt you can easily transfer your earnings to your paypal account.
And if so ... do you have any idea how much info they have about you? Name, address, bankaccount, phonenumbers, email addresses, your ID and social security number, your family members, all sites you use and log in using Facebook, your paypal, whatsapp, with whom you chat and call ... your fingerprint .. .

It is very interesting what you write, it is normal that with all the evidence of information leakage or misuse of it that has facebook has generated a climate of general distrust as to how they will use the information that we provide.

I think that one of the reasons for this alliance is to try to recover the confidence of the people, to show a different face, to try to make people forget or ignore the scandal.

Beyond that, I still think that the creation of libra brings veneficio to cryptography, as much as statistics say that young people are not interested in facebook, it is still the social network with more users on the planet and that will give you much more advertising to cryptography.

Thanks for your comment, you are always welcome.

Are the users really use Facebook or are many accounts nearly dead, not used or only to forward other posts written elsewhere?
I never been active and the only thing they want is to know everything about you, use, abuse and sell the info.

Posted using Partiko Android

Libra will be a major money spinner for facebook and its consertium should it go ahead they get to keep real money for investing while you use their coin to do your trading and earn transaction fees.

It really offers way more benefit to the company than the consumer

Hi @chekolher, thanks for coming.

It really offers way more benefit to the company than the consumer

I think that's always the case, every project that starts a company will always bring more benefits for them, that's what business is about, I think!

When I talk about benefits, I'm talking about the growth of cryptography, the projection that this project can give, the fact that all these recognized companies and facebook are after the creation of this coin will make cryptography much more visible to the world.

A sample of that is this publication and the similar thousands that are circulating at this moment, everyone who conceives of cryptography is talking about this and those who do not know begin to wonder what it is about.

Thank you for your kind comment, you are always welcome.

My comments about Libra from a similar post:

"A good subject you have opened. In my country crytpocurrency knowledge has not developed much. So many people use Facebook but they are even not aware of Libra or whatsoever called cryptocurrency.

I think that after privacy scandal Facebook has lost confidence all over the world. Thus their new crypto currency gives a fear about privacy.

With 27 co-corporations Facebook's Libra has a strong potential to expand and hand over of the control of monetary and fiscal policies from states to companies. Therefore a ban is likelihood from some countries.

It looks, as well as other cryptocurrencies, global regulations should be acted for Libra too."

Dear @videoaddiction thank you for coming.

I think that after privacy scandal Facebook has lost confidence all over the world. Thus their new crypto currency gives a fear about privacy.

This is right, the scandal of privacy has made people lose their confidence in Facebook, however, this does not deny the fact of the large number of people who use this network and do not know anything about cryptography, I think Libra will open the eyes of many towards the cryptographic world.

In our case, Venezuela is a country that led the first months of this year the tranacciones with BTC. However, a high percentage of Venezuelans do not know cryptography, but they use Facebook daily, so I still believe that despite the scandal, Libra will make the cryptographic world known to many people and that suits us all.

Thanks for your great comment brother.

Dear @videoaddiction

I think that after privacy scandal Facebook has lost confidence all over the world.

You nailed it. They have lost trust and on top of that Facebook is being considered "old-people" site by young generation. That will not help them in the future.


They have lost trust and on top of that Facebook is being considered "old-people" site by young generation. That will not help them in the future.

That is funny and true at the same time @crypto.piotr.

I have developed an "allergy" to Facebook after hearing what they have done. I don't trust them at all.

Hi @fucho80
Thanks for Sharing the post link through memo. I have gone through the post about Facebook Libra coin. Libra has been in the news since last few in the world of cryptocurrencies but still I didn't see any official detailed information from Facebook side. Based on the expert views- some says it's not going to be decentralised and will not have a good future because crypto Community demands decentralisation first. Some even say this can be a competition to exisiting social media platforms which are based on blockchain.

I have different view on this and that's my own view which can wrong either. I am happy that bow atleast realised that crytpo is nee form of currency and staying away will not help them anyway. I remember a year back they stop showing crytpo ads in their platform but they won't do as they're also entering in this. Even if they create something which will be under their control they must have thought all pros and cons of it being a giant in social media as per the current userbase.

I also don't see any competition to Steemit because both have different kind of authors and audience. In steem we have unique content while with Facebook its not like that and even I am not sure if Facebook is going to pay any share of their earnings to content creators.

Things are yet to unfolded and let's wait to see what will come out in future from the Facebook cryptocurrency team.

Indeed a nice topic dear friend and thanks again for sharing it with me. Have a great day

hi my dear @alokkumar121 thanks for coming.

Based on the expert views- some says it's not going to be decentralized and will not have a good future because crypto Community demands decentralisation first.

From what is seen and the opinion of some experts that I have read, this project will not be completely decentralized, which represents a disadvantage for the people and for the same project itself, because as we know one of the most attractive features of Decentralization is blockchain, although we must still wait.

I also do not see any competition to Steemit because both have different kind of authors and audience. In steem we have unique content while with Facebook its not like that and even I am not sure if Facebook is going to pay any share of their earnings to content creators.

Totally in agreement with you, for that reason I make it very clear that there are very marked differences of public, creators and style, which does not present them as rivals. I also think that now the monetization of the ceradores in facebook regarding the implementation of rewards like steemit is not raised. Although I think that in the future, if the currency is successful, it is possible that they do so.

That's just my opinion and I do not consider myself an expert.

Thanks for sharing this great comment.

Libra will not be a direct competitor to bitcoin, nor it be a steem-killer. It will be a different financial vehicle on top of fb. Earning fbcoin is like only buying a coin with a fix amount, and thats it.

This more like paypal or bank running on a blockchain.

Again, no harm, not related to cryptos.

Posted using Partiko iOS

hi my dear @guruvaj, thanks for passing and comment.

Libra will not be a direct competitor to bitcoin, nor will it be a steem-killer. It will be a different financial vehicle on top of fb. Earning fbcoin is like buying a coin with a fix amount, and thats it.

Certainly it is what is raised, but what I want to highlight is the visibility that cryptography will receive with companies like you entering the cryptographic business, this will benefit the massive adoption.

Thanks for your comment, you are always welcome friend.

Hi @fucho80

That good friend. I see that you are also touching the LIBRA issue. This really has a lot of issues ahead until it is released in the market. Lugo will talk about that when he enters the game of crypto coins

Saludos amigo.

I agree with you. I think facebook will make it possible for the masses to adopt blockchain and cryptos. But, there is a tiny downside. It may anger the governments who like to control the way people earn money. So, governments may even ban facebook!

Hello my dear @akdx, thank you for participating in this discussion.

I agree with you. I think facebook will make it possible for the masses to adopt blockchain and cryptos.

There is something positive that we should see here, although many censor and are against facebook for recent privacy issues, however, we must highlight the fact that it is an important showcase for crypto.

But, there is a tiny downside. It may anger the governments who like to control the way people earn money. So, governments may even ban facebook!

You are right friend, I think that right now there are governments working on that, there are those who study the possibility of introducing government controls in blockchain, but with all these advances that are taking place.

Thanks for your valuable comment.

  ·  6 years ago 

I don't believe in Facebook and Twitter, because they will freeze the membership account. If I use Libra, it will only be a small amount.

Dear @cloudblade, thanks for coming.

I do not believe in Facebook and Twitter, because they will freeze the membership account. If I use Libra, it will only be a small amount.

You are right not to trust them after so much scandal of privacy. However, this becomes a large window for cryptography.

  ·  6 years ago 

it is a large window for cryptography, but Facebook and Twitter are quite arrogant.
I am afraid that they will be deleted our account and let us lose all assets , because they had deleted many account !

Dear @fucho80

Interesting choice of topic. Seriously great read.

I only had a chance to read your publication a moment ago. It's quite clear to me that FB and their Libra is attracting attention worldwide. Recently it's a very hot topic :)

I'm wondering how much data will we have to share with FB in order to create account in their digital wallet. After all that would be very tempting for them, wouldn't it?

ps. any idea if one need to purchase Bitcoin first and then exchange it to Libra on some exchanges? Or can Libra be directly purchased with FIAT?


Dear friend @crypto.piotr thank you for coming.

I'm wondering how much will we have to share with FB in order to create account in their digital wallet. After all that would be very tempting for them, would not it?

Hahaha, Of course it is very tempting for them and obviously Facebook has lost a lot of credibility and trust, I think this is the call to all these recognized companies trying to build trust in people. From my point of view, the interesting thing here is the publicity and visibility that this is generating towards cryptography.

ps. any idea if one need to buy Bitcoin first and then exchange it to Libra on some exchanges? Or can Libra be directly purchased with FIAT?

From what I have read, this coin could be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies and fiat money as well.

Friend, thank you for your comment, it is always nice to read and respond to your comments.

Yes, privacy of data will always be a matter of concern with adoption of LIbra.

I think it won't bring down these listed site as many supposed. Though it might take the lead but am not sure it can eradicate them.

Each is independent and unique in itself.

Friend @botefarm, thanks for coming.

I think it will not bring down these listed sites as many supposed. Though it might take the lead but am not sure it can eradicate them.

Each is independent and unique in itself.

You are right in what you say, what I wanted to emphasize is that the creation of this coin constitutes a great publicity and expocision from the cryptography.

@fucho80, In my opinion Libra will not empower Communities. With Smart Media Token Protocol Steem Blockchain will going to empower communities (To some extent we are seeing it on Steemegine with the help of Scotbot).

And no matter how Decentralised Libra is looking but i don't want to believe that it is Decentralised. We have to wait and see what wave will come with the launch of Libra. Stay blessed.

Hello dear @chireerocks, thanks for coming

And no matter how Decentralized Libra is looking but I do not want to believe that it is Decentralized. We have to wait and see what wave will come with the launch of Libra. Stay blessed.

Totally agree with you, we only echo what this noise is bringing this news, but we must see everything and wait to see what happens, time will tell what this project brings, for now what we do is simple speculation.

Thank you friend, blessings.

That's true. Welcome and have a great time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @fucho80
Happy to have received your memo

As always, your vision proves to be too forward to grasp for us mere mortals :p

I know we can not know the future, but the behavior of the market, the confidence of people and companies in some project, the viability, the advantages in terms of the dominant system

Loved how you projected the uncertainty of the market along with a collective vision for the future. It is obvious no one really knows the future, no matter how confidently they claim so, but when comparing past events with future perceived outcomes, one can try to build a reasonable path towards success.

Thanks for the motivation and vision. Cheers.

I will NEVER use the Fakebook coin.
Fakebook is the biggest global privacy criminal in human history
They are also a Criminal against Free-speech and Human rights
They are also a criminal against the right to commerce
They broke the first amendment, the right to free speech which is the constitutional right of all americans.
That is the supreme law of the country and they don't respect it nor any laws of any country.
They lied to congress again and again also.
Fakebook will just close your account and steal your money just like they did to millions of people they deplatform now each year just due your political opinion or religious value.
Fakebook will demonetize hundreds of millions of people in wide sweeping discrimination like never before seen in human history just like they have depersoned people in this way.
Fakebook coin will bring hundreds of millions of people into blockchain though and they will migrate to steemit and many others boosting altcoins.
Fakebook may not be able to pass regulations but eventually will get it in as there is not enough resistance even to uphold the supreme law in the usa let alone stop them.
Fakebook is a despicale company, needs to be raided, arrested and broken up and account for their treasonous crimes against people.
They have also banned foreign government officials, the president of the usa has been silenced, and even foreign generals.
Fakebook has effectively committed acts of war versus foreign nation's generals.
Many countries will never allow it's use. Probably including russia. definitey not china, vietnam, cambodia, nor most muslim countries.
Fakebook is an evil discriminatory totalitarian criminal cartel dictatorship and should be broken up and shut down. No one should break the freespeeech of the people and their rights to peaceful religious beliefs and their right to commerce.
Fakebook needs a class action lawsuit against them of all people together who have experienced financial loss from their radical evil leftist deplatforming.
Fakebook coin is a shitcoin through and through.


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