in blockchain •  5 years ago 



One of the special attribute of the logistics industry is that it involves the use of very large data file. But the state of the industry at the moment has made it decapitated to handle large data and that has affected its development. It is lacking the necessary IT capabilities which has made data storage impossible like it should be done. This is the current malign situation of logistics which made Goose-q came through with a unique solution to the rescue of the industry before it goes from bad to worse.


Now that the Industry has Goose-q to depend on for a better data management, the platform will be playing its role as a transparent network to bring about a strong storage solution to data in nodes using the power of decentralisation and the blockchain. It will fulfil necessary usage requirements and open a transparent network for users to make use of data. Seeing the need for security, Goose-q has introduced a special feature of encryption in the digital community such that all the risks that can be involved are done with. Data also will be restricted from illegal use or access by parties that have nothing to do with them except they are given the permission. This is what the security of data is about when Goose-q is involved. The registered participants will have their identities registered to make them eligible to data submission and scrutiny in the community. An hardware device to do that will be available to handle the data to bring about a higher level of accuracy as they are store up data. Only those having something to do with data uploaded can view it or decrypt it successfully because they have the authority to do so. This is part of the privacy policy which keeps the data safe.



The support given by this platform makes a lot of things easier and more comfortable for tbe stake holders in the industry, such supports include;
It provides strong supervisor on the data stored and provides necessary verification when necessary.

There is a tax control management and supervision in every ramifications. It provides the perfect audit services and make free transporting possible for every individuals involved in it. The profit made with this platform will be way higher than what use to be generated before. Moreso, there is a better legal invoicing impacted into the industry.

Production management can be conducted safely through goose-q and that encapsulates the transport by trucks and vehincles.
Effective Mining and researchs can be made on the data collection process, mining researchs can be done and training is enhanced in the industry.
There is a support given to all car carriers when transporting cars. Production safety is enhanced as the carriers conveys the cars based on their capacities.

The professionals in the industry will be cared for. This project will make sure they get the best way are services and definitely, the drive drivers won't be left out in this process.

The data usage will cover a lot of activities in the industry like in the reduction of carbon, safety in transportation, environmental protection and many more social relevant activities that is valued.




With this project, the trust lacking would be restored and all the stakeholders will be able to play their roles the right way to make the industry stand again. All the stored data in the blockchain will remain the way they were before they were stored, thus giving no room for alterations. This is exactly what will add up to the creation of a perfect logistics space.


Bountyhunters ID: 38780

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