in blockchain •  7 years ago 

The Rateonium network was designed and developed over the last four years by experts from various economic sectors.
As a result, decades of experience from the pharmaceutical, automotive, and commodities industries, among others, have been incorporated into the development process of the system.
In close coordination with global players and different consumer groups from all the “Sinus-Milieus”, the needs and wishes for the final two Rateonium system components have been established and integrated into the system development.
And by employing blockchain technology, Rateonium has reached a significant milestone in consumer protection.

Blockchain-based consumer protection of the future
Various anonymization technologies have been implemented, providing
Rateonium users with the highest level of personal data privacy.
The wide range of international users is made possible by Rateonium’s globally unique rewards system.
For the first time, the economic value of qualified reviews is made clear to the consumer thanks to distribution of cryptocurrency based on these reviews.
The Rateonium cryptocurrency in the form of tokens can be exchanged at participating companies for customer rewards.
This closed system gives cooperation partners an immense initial competitive edge over their competitors when acquiring new customers and for retaining customers on
a long-term basis.
You will find all the details about the specific advantages of the Rateonium system
as you read further along in this white paper.
Rateonium creates a trustworthy and interactive network between customers and companies, made possible by guaranteed user anonymity.
The systematic and optimised possibility of regularly receiving rewards from companies keeps users’ intrinsic motivation to leave ratings at a constantly high level.
A comprehensive customer relations system is enabled by the concept of mutual benefits.
This white paper describes the entire Rateonium operating principle and the unique ways it can be used.
You will also be given an introduction to how the latest technology is being implemented and the crucial points of the latest research results in the field of customer psychology.
In addition to meeting the business objectives of our partner companies, we can
safely say that Rateonium has perfected the basic principle and technology of
recommendation marketing in a way that will have a lasting impact on a global scale.

Rateonium offers a decentralized, anonymous and transparent platform with various benefits for communities, business partners and investors

Users evaluate business products and services and exchange views with the community. The user receives an equivalent number of RTO tokens in advance.

Partner companies receive quality estimates from customers. The collected information offers them the next level of quality management and business expansion.

The Rateonium community offers new marketing channels for the company that are associated with their business activities. The client assessment system ensures transparency, acquisition and management of customer relationships.

Users can exchange their RTOs with our partner companies to improve individual products and services. Therefore, customers are rewarded for sharing their opinions.

The user has the ability to change the RTO token, which he received in the RTC. The currency of the RTC trading currency is registered on the largest currency exchange platform.


The App system is based on RATEONIUM Blockchain technology and provides maximum user comfort in combination with multi-level functionality
Rateonium application is the basis of the innovative evaluation system. It contains all functions, such as company classification or Around Me function. To prevent a planned increase in Rateonium, the application is available as a free download for every future user.

After the user has created his account and personal data has been encrypted using the RATE-SAFE process, the user has access to all application application areas.

This allows him to view reviews about restaurants in the neighborhood and mark them as useful or write their own reviews about the perceived service.

In addition, each user can check his current balance of the Rateonium token in the integrated Rateonium purse and compare what fees can currently be paid.

To increase the daily rating, users also see their rating compared to other users. Of course, the corresponding names are encrypted by their unique number and will be announced only on the user's request. Transactions between users are also possible. A special feature is the donation function of donations. Social projects have the opportunity to be mentioned in the search as a current donation project. Thus, each user has the opportunity to transfer Rateonium to the corresponding project and support the project.

Token launch summary

Token Pre Sale:
10.08.2018 – 25.08.2018
Token Sale:
25.08.2018 – 25.09.2018
Softcap: 32.000 ETH
Hardcap: 84.234 ETH
Total RTC Distribution:
801.703.971 RTC

ICO Timeline

Token distribution

Token sale event ≈83%
Strategic Partners ≈7%
Team ≈10%

Budget use

Technical development (scanners, production of Rateonium card) 25%
App development optimisation 20%
Data security server management 7%
Global marketing 35%
Team 5%
Global partner acquisition 8%


For more information:

Web: https://rateonium.com/?utm_source=bitcointalk&utm_campaign=bounty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@rateonium

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