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Introduction: Cottage industry is the pride of Bengal and the tradition of Bengalis. At one time Bangladesh was rich in cottage industry, it had a reputation and appreciation all over the world. Almost everything in the household is made in the rural houses of this country. These cottage industries not only meet the domestic needs but also earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting them abroad.
Cottage industry: Generally, cottage industry is a small number of people who spend a small amount of capital on physical labor and talent. The cottage industry also includes the things that the blacksmiths, potters, tati, kasari, shankhari, goldsmiths, carpenters, etc. of our country produce for their livelihood.Cottage industries in Bangladesh: Bangladesh has a glorious tradition in the field of cottage industries. In our country there are various materials required for cottage industry. Bangladesh's industrial sector is largely dependent on cottage industries. Today's Bangladesh is a prosperous town built on the ancient tradition of cottage industries such as weaving, leather industry, pottery, bamboo and cane industry, metal industry, ornamental industry etc. Apart from this, cottage industries, yarn industry, leather industry, silk industry etc. are also included in the cottage industry. There are various classes of lakes working in the cottage industry such as Sutradhar, Karmakar, Kumar, Shankhari etc.
Characteristics of cottage industry: Cottage industry has some features of its own. The main one is low capital. The cost is also lower as the production cost of cottage industries is lower. The downside of cottage industry, however, is that cottage industry products are not as glamorous; In this way, the cottage industry is losing market to the mechanical industry. It may be mentioned that not all cottage industries are glamorous or underdeveloped, many cottage industries are capable of gaining worldwide reputation. However, the cottage industry lags far behind the large-scale industry. In some cases, the cottage industry also serves as a complement to the large-scale industry. So despite many difficulties, the cottage industry has survived since ancient times.
Past glory of cottage industry: The cottage industry of Bangladesh was once very famous all over the world. The muslin of Dhaka became known all over the world for its finesse and excellence. In those days Baghdad, Ram, China were the most interested buyers of muslin. Bangladesh's cottage industry was highly valued all over the world. The cottage industries of this country are exported to almost every country in the world. Not only muslin cloth, but also Bengali pottery, knives, scissors etc. were the pride of Bangladesh. The hookah of Comilla, the rags of Mainamati, and the cool patti of Sylhet could not be compared to anything else. This cottage industry helped to maintain the comfort and affluence of different classes of artisans. The reason for the decline of cottage industry and the glorious position of cottage industry is no more. Now this tradition is almost dead. Because, the use of modern machinery in this industry is missing. As a result, the industry is lagging behind compared to large-scale industries. Our market is full of foreign products. So the domestic cottage industries are not getting its proper evaluation. Apart from this, people's tastes have changed a lot in recent times. As a result, people's interest in cottage industries has significantly decreased. Due to poverty, artisans involved in the cottage industry are gradually leaving the profession and turning to other professions. As a result, the cottage industry is losing its old glory. Apart from that, the cottage industry is deteriorating due to lack of government patronage. Due to these reasons, the traditional cottage industry of Bengal has lost its splendor.
Necessity of cottage industry: Cottage industry is our pride. According to Bangladesh, the need for this industry in poor countries is undeniable. On the one hand, handicrafts can meet the growing demand of the people, on the other hand, they can help the country to become self-reliant by reducing the import of foreign goods and reducing the waste of foreign exchange in the country. If it is possible to develop the cottage industry, the unemployed men and women of Bangladesh will get the opportunity of employment. Which will play a helpful role in achieving economic prosperity of the country.
Ways to revive cottage industry: According to Bangladesh, cottage industry must be revived in order to improve the poor country. For the development of this industry, all concerned should make efforts at the government and private levels. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the use of domestic industrial products by giving up the use of foreign industrial products. Cottage industry artisans need to be provided easy loans with the help of government and non-government organizations. Apart from that, it is necessary to take initiative to make the unskilled women of the country interested in this industry by training them. The manufacturing class needs to be more attentive towards the marketing system of cottage industries. The cottage artisans should be encouraged to produce cottage industry products by introducing cooperative system. In addition, the government will have to take steps to adopt and implement long-term plans to build new cottage industries. The market for cottage industries should be expanded within the country and this market should be expanded beyond the country. And if all these initiatives are implemented quickly, the country's cottage industry will regain its lost glory and tradition.
Future Prospects: The cottage industry is one of the most promising sectors for economic development in Bangladesh. Achieving economic growth and national progress through the expansion of cottage industries