DIM Announcement

in blockchain •  6 years ago 


Dear Community,

The HYBSE update and MiCrypto website have been successfully uploaded, for the first time, on our secured decentrialized server structure.

All user registrations will be indefinitely stored, going forward. We encourage the community to help use, test and improve the final Beta version as the movement towards the official regulatory environment finalises.

HYBSE — https://hybse.com/

MiCrypto’s secure server structure is now in the process of being connected to the HYBSE trading platform, which will also be published very soon.

MiCrypto — https://micrypto.tech/

Furthermore, DEAN SA is an initiative that assists parents, relatives, and sponsors in financing students. It is a tokenized savings plan with an immediate, partial, or monthly pay-out. DEAN SA guarantees tuition fees after purchasing the first token.

The DEAN SA website is the initial sign-up and information portal for the implementation of the above pilot project in Southern Africa. Currently, there are private and business sponsor options available.

Three specific mosaics are generated:

•DEAN SA STUDENT COIN represents the payment. A coin is sent to the student’s wallet after each monthly payment.

•DEAN SA STUDENT RELEASE COIN is the levy on the DEAN SA Student Coin. Depending on the payment plan selected; three coins are sent after 6 months of consecutive payments, or 6 coins are sent after 12 months of consecutive payments. Provided the DEAN SA Student coins are returned, then the above payments are made.

•DIM ZAR STUDENT COIN is for dedicated payments only, such as payments for text books and accommodation at certified retailers.

DEAN SA Link — https://deansa.io/

Finally, the time for the MAST reveal is here!

See our extensive blueprint document: https://hybridstockexchange.sharefile.com/d-sb4ed67378b849da9

We would appreciate all public participation in finalising this document, to embody as much influence from the community as you are all very much a part of it.

A member of the DIM Executive Team will be hosting a Q&A session on Reddit, on Friday 15th February, to answer any questions that may arise.
Stay tuned for more news!

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