Soqqle, the Gamified Learning Platform for Gen-Z students conducted the first ever Future of Work conference in Nanyang Technological University on the 22nd of March 2018. Bringing 14 speakers and 10 exhibitors into the Student Activity Centre, the goal of the event was to showcase how industrial 4.0 could be, and how it might feel to work in one.
Sponsored by Katalyst and New Energy Era, the event is co-hosted with the Nanyang Technology University Student Union. With feedback and reviews from students, the event further emphasizes the need to be aware of non-conventional jobs that students could do in the future of work.
Audiences described the speakers as relevant, credible and very good. With topics ranging from Green, Jobs, Education to Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, the key highlights were the ones delivered by Katalyst, New Energy Era.
Katalyst, helmed by Mr Raymond Ng, captivated audiences with a speech titled: "Blockchain Economics - Not as you see it.
Andy Tan from New Energy Era (NERA) talks about Green Tech and the Carbon Credit market in a talk titled "The truth behind Carbon Reduction - Uncovered and Untrusted "
Daniel, the Founder of Soqqle then proceeds to talk about Future of Work - and the need to reduce the gap between personal and professional goals, locked on the Blockchain. The talk is titled "Future of Work - without Work"
The event then wraps up with a panel discussion on how tokens could be designed for audiences to increase adoption.
Soqqle looks forward to future events to bring awareness of trends for the future of work - which is the key theme in their Alpha platform released recently in March ( Designed as a gamified platform for learning, the platform aims to make trend-hunting a self-discovery process, motivated with finding friends to join along the journey.