Humanity is set to face its biggest challenge ever as Mainstream Media finally unwinds decades of false reporting, lies, deceit and manipulation of the TRUTH..!!

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Decades of false reporting, lies, deceit and manipulation are set to be unwound..!!

Mainstream Media has been reporting lies for decades.png

#Blockchain Technology

Despite the continued garbage an vomiting diarrhoea that is still being reported by the Mainstream Narrative, things are about to change.

Most people turn on their TV and assume that what they are being told is the truth.

I am sorry for being the bearer of bad news, but sadly it isn't.

The fabricated fiction that has been peddled over the last decades is nothing more than a sickening and perverted manipulation of the truth in an attempt to mask the demise of Global Financial System that has been in total collapse for the last Century.

What few people realise and even less talking about, is that the pure fabric of humanity is set to be ripped apart and will see the World turned upside down when people finally see the TRUTH with the adoption of #Blockchain Technology..!!

#Blockchain Technology when applied to Mainstream Media

Most people who are talking about #Blockchain Technology are doing so by simply focusing in on the disruption to Finance and Banking, often referred to as Fintech.

I on the other hand are taking the disruptive characteristics of the application of #Blockchain Technology further and into an industry that will have the biggest disruption. Mainstream Media..!!

Few people are talking about it, but the reality is that humanity is set to be ripped to its core when the REVELATIONS of passed News Events are revisited on the #Blockchain.

This revisiting of passed News Events no matter how disturbing or shocking will finally unlock the REAL TRUTH..!!

Decentralised Digital Ledger Technology

Decentralised Digital Ledger Technology, otherwise known as #Blockchain Technology, will push humanity to the ultimate boundary of resistance and even beyond.

Passed historic News Events, no matter how perverse, distorted and horrifically manipulated they have been reported are about to unlock their hidden secrets.

Something that only a decade ago would have been totally and utterly unimaginable.

What was UP is now DOWN, and what is DOWN should still be UP

How individuals deal with the New World is totally down to them.

Beliefs are set to be challenged way beyond what most people can even begin to imagine and what was UP will be DOWN, and what was DOWN will be UP..!!

Historical Global Revelations that have taken place over the passed Centuries will pale into insignificance as the Revelations of the 21st Century are finally released.

Humanity will do what humanity has always done, it will simply adjust

These will be challenging, emotional and physical times and are set to test the resilience of humanity.

Yet with confidence, I believe humanity will do what humanity has always done, it will simply adjust.

Shockingly distorted and manipulated News Events that have helped shape humanity for the last +35 years are about to come to a head, leaving most with a feeling of total disconnect and disorientation as to what really is really right and wrong.

In simple terms, what was right will be wrong and what was wrong will be RIGHT..!!

Thanks again for reading.


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Shared on twitter. Stephen

I'm not in a mood for a lengthy comment, but I must at least make some observations. You start off by basing your arguments as being pertinent to the economic changes the blockchain will bring about.

However, you then broaden your discourse to include other subjects, which you only hint at , without explaining yuorself in a clear and logical manner.

The ending, that what was wrong will be right and what was right will be wrong, if you had limited it to the effects of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I would not have objected. However, by letting it float without any specifics it sounds like a generalised declaration, which is wrong.

For instance, love of the family, despite the elite being against it, (which is perhaps why so many do not have children and find the molestation, abuse, torture and killing of children as being morally acceptable), will always be right - and killing people in the billions so that you do not have to share with them, that will never be right.

Have I misunderstood the points you were trying to put across? If so, I am willing to share the blame, for perhaps my own emotions prevent me from understanding.

critical observations and debate are exactly what we need! On my part, I think information regarding many issues that were in the past rather opaque, have started coming out. A lot of people is paying attention and trying to find answers, BUT, most people seem to remain uninterested in reality. What do I mean by that? Most people still don't look for information outside the mainstream, and this includes academia, not only media. Easy and subservient explanations of our world and societies peddled by the msm still satisfies the majorities, and the idea of society being the responsibility of every one of us is nowhere to be seen, or accepted.

Thanks. I am old enough to remember a very different world. I am one of the lucky few, in that I have no television and never buy newspapers. About four years ago I first came across a video called'.

It left me reeling in shock, for the last time I had paid attention, we were doing all we can to improve the lives of all the animals and fowls we exploit for food. I am anti vegetarianism, but do not believe we have a right to make any creature suffer needlessly. It forced me to use my computer for learning and I soon got rid of my prejudices.

I am getting ready to start making a few political posts and I hope you read them and comment.

Definitively! I'm also writing on similar subjects. I'll look forward to read you.


I totally agree Shit is about to hit the fan!

"I totally agree Shit is about to hit the fan!"....nailed it..!! Stephen

Sorry, I disagree. Shit hit the fan some time ago. Now, there are many of us trying to clean up, but to be successful, we must find a way to make everyone aware of the truth. For me, the worst of all of it is the way they are attacking us through our children.

As you may be aware, Kennedy was appointed by Trump to check what the truth is regarding vaccines. They have started publishing the truth, but those who are directly affected, refuse to listen, because they don't think Bill Gates means 'their' children when he talks on television about stopping the vaccinations once he has brought down the world population to manageable levels. Check these videos to hear him for yourself, Reduce Population-01 and Reduce Population-02.

If you are old enough, think back 20 years. If he had admitted to using his money and vaccinations to sterilising and killing our children there would have been such an outcry that he would have soon been locked up for life. (Last year it was estimated thanks to him, 10 million girls in the USA have been sterilised). Now, everyone just shrugs and says, well, what can we do. There is a lot we can do, but people seem to have lost the willpower and the purity of soul to be shocked by such truths.

Honestly? I like your posts usually but you went way too idealistic, sensational and cryptic with this one. I can't even see the point. Everyone knows what you were telling.

I'd even guess you just made this post for the rewards - even if it were for 100% Power Up I would not accept it.

Sorry but if you're blogging, please put more effort into it, because this one is shapeless, "tasteless-odorless" and bullshitty