Game Changer: Paid $100 For A Video Promo On YouTube While The Same Content Generated $150 On Steemit πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅steemCreated with Sketch.

in blockchain β€’Β  8 years agoΒ  (edited)

Intelligent people make decisions based on opportunity costs. - Charlie Munger

True story, Charlie.

I think YouTube's Managers were not too intelligent when they decided on ignoring hundreds of global influencers, high stake players, content cracks and high potential users that were desperately knocking on their door.

Copyright issues, a chaotic appeal system, unjustified restrictions of advertisement and upload features are parts of the complaint chain youtubers are currently dealing with.

Well if you don't listen to your most valuable customers, then somebody else does.

With DTube ( a solid decentralized project is entering the online video market now.


I made a test and spent $100 to promote a video on Youtube. Then I published the same content on Steemit and earned $180. Brace yourself, YouTube! We're all gonna be DTubers in the future!

Games are changing!

I built some walls. What I built, represents maybe 1% of the work required to have something that can compete with YouTube. - @heimindanger

When announcing the launch of DTube - @dtube -, the founder didn't want to raise high expectations.

While I personally believe that decentralization is the future, don't get your hopes too high yet. Competing with YouTube is an heavy task that cannot be done by one man.

There is no doubt about the fact that it's going to be a tough task.

However, I'm pretty much convinced that this application will be a game changer!

Here's why video views generated on Steemit are already more valuable than on YouTube:

Three weeks ago I decided on promoting one of my surf videos on YouTube.

During one week the following ad was supposed to bring valuable traffic to my YouTube channel:

With regards to views the performance was pretty well.

The ratio impressions / views was > 40%, so in the end more than 7,000 views were generated.

I spent $106.40 for 7,621 views.

So I paid $0.014 per view.

However, during the whole campaign period NOT ONLY ONE new subscriber started to follow my channel.

The promoted video had an outstanding reach, but with no ongoing impact for my brand in general.

Conclusion: While the price of $100 for 7,000 views is reasonable, the users who supposedly "watched" my video didn't really engage with the content!

On Steemit I had a completely different experience.

The mentioned piece of content [What happens when a surfergirl and a musician decide to cooperate] was the most successful video I've published so far!

While I literally lost money on YouTube, on Steemit my efforts were more than paid-off, both related to money and growth!

On Steemit the vlog received more than 500 views and was rewarded with more than $180 (EDIT: See exact payout in USD in the comment section).

Are Top YouTubers even getting more than $150 for one single video?

I'm nobody on YouTube, so maybe the big players are making thousands of dollars per post. But actually I can't really believe that.

Furthermore - and this is the more valuable part - I was able to generate more than 60 (!) new followers with this piece of content. (Source: steemdb)

These numbers are evidence: to me personally it is far more beneficial publishing video content on Steemit (DTube) than on Youtube.

Build a door or an application on the blockchain πŸ˜‰

It's as @hilarski commented in my last post a couple of minutes ago:

I got chillz, we are changing the world.

YES, we do.

Have a great day, steemians!

Marly -

This banner was designed by the talented @rvanstel. Contact him for more info.

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Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Great content as aways!

I haven't upvoted your last comments since you're always upvoting yourself........😊

No YouTube no longer works well for creators.
I have about 500,000 combined views on my YouTube channel, with about 5,000 views per month.....this results in $10 per month if I'm lucky... one has to be absurdly successful in order to make any money at all on yt.

Totally agree! - YT is losing creators fast and DTube is well-placed in time to scoop up those creators. I am just a little bit worried that the payment procedure implemented into Steemit will prohibit DTube from really catching on and become the decentralized video sharing site that it deserves to be.

Thanks for this valuable adding, @stellabelle!!! That's the important detail I didn't have so far. Great that's it's now officially confirmed :-)
$10 per month... wow.

Yeah @stellabelle, THAT, right there.

As a blogger, AdSense doesn't "work" either. My niche blogs get 10,000-20,000 views a month, for which I am rewarded with a glorious $10-20 a month? After spending a ton of time social media blasting them all over creation? From the sound of it, YouTube is about the same... might work if you happen to be Jenna Marbles or Epic Rap Battles... but most people aren't.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I tend to disagree. Relying on Ad revenue is simply the wrong business model to pursue on YouTube. You can make a decent chunk of change even with 5-10k subscribers. If you go about it the smart way you can probably make more money with those sub counts than the "big" (dunno above 250k, 500k?) YouTubers make.

Relying on Ad revenue is simply the wrong business model to pursue on YouTube.

So which is the right model then? Enlighten us pls!!! :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Working on a post about it! Gon be long so it might take some more time hah

Sure would be nice if you shared this smart way of earning on YouTube.

You're wrong. The overall majority of players on YouTube are there for the economic advantages.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

But then again, you're not sure.

That's not true. YouTube is the best alternative for now, and it works very well. I do have high hopes for Dtube (I think it should be named something else though), but it's a long way to go.

The functionality of YouTube is great, and the stats are superior (of course, it's owned by one of the biggest companies in the world).

You really can't complain about 10$ a month for 5000 views, that's close to nothing. Think about it; 5000 views a month for a tv-channel would be a total disaster, even 500 000 a day would be a total disaster. I don't know what you mean by absurdly successful, but yes, you have to put work into it. People tend to think that it's just to register and post some short videos, and your YouTube channel will skyrocket, that's not how it works.

The problem is that people think they just can earn money on ads, but there are so many other ways to monetize YouTube videos (promote your own products, private sponsors, Amazon affiliate etc.).

Yes, YouTube are dealing with some censorship "issues", but that's because of their advertisers that don't want to have ads on controversial content (which I fully understand). You got to understand that ads are their revenue model. If you want to create controversial content don't whine about getting demonetized. YouTube owe you nothing, and you have to play by their rules if you want to be there.

Don't get me wrong, I really do hope Dtube is the beginning of a big change. However, if Dtube grows really big it will not be a walk in the park to earn money there either. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Still, YouTube works very well for many creators.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

What's the catch?

Wo ist der Haken Marly? Kommt Dtube ansatzweise mit dem Scaling zurecht, bzw. wie Performant ist die dezentrale Auslagerung, wenn der Traffic dort steigt? (:

Denkst du, dass YouTube rechtzeitig einlenken wird, wenn die Revenues irgendwann ausbleiben, oder gehen sie mit stolzer Brust sinkend auf ihrem eigenen Schiff unter?

Liebe Grüße (:

Hey! Da ist er ja wieder, hab Dich schon vermisst :-) Bin gestern durch Deinen Blog gesurft und habe gesehen, dass Du schon eine Woche nicht gepostet hast. Machst Du nun wirklich eine Pause?

Die grâßste Challenge besteht (laut Gründer mit dem ich gestern etwas gechattet habe) derzeit in der Bandbreite. Die ist durch IPFS per se limitiert. Das soll aber angepasst / ausgebaut werden.

Die (Darstellungs-)QualitÀt meines ersten Uploads auf DTube ist im Vergleich zu YouTube wesentlich besser. Allerdings haben auch einige User geschrieben, dass sie Probleme mit dem Abspielen hatten. Macht Sinn: hohe QualitÀt kânnen eben nicht alle (mit kleiner Download Rate) genießen. Hier muss man sich also noch Lâsungen für die breite Masse überlegen (Daten komprimieren!).

Ich werde erstmal beide Provider parallel nutzen, um die unterschiedlichen QualitΓ€ten anbieten und alle Follower "bedienen" zu kΓΆnnen. Per se ist aber DTube natΓΌrlich 100% lukrativer fΓΌr mich :-)

YouTube kann da ja gar nicht mitspielen - sie haben zentralisierte Strukturen, die sie nicht so einfach aufbrechen kΓΆnnen. Die WOLLEN sicher ihre Macht und Kontrolle ΓΌber die User und den Content gar nicht abgeben. Man kann ja keinen Blockchain in einen zentralisierten Laden stellen und sagen: Hurra, wir sind jetzt voll anarchistisch unterwegs! :-))) Also das ist zumindest meine amateurhafte Annahme.

Liebe Grüße & blog mal wieder was!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Du bindest dich aber schnell an Menschen :D Wir kennen uns doch kaum Marly! (:

Ich mache eine kleine Pause ja, war aber auch familienbedingt unterwegs und habe immer noch eine Woche Urlaub, den ich auskosten werde.

Mhm, solche grundlegenden Problematiken habe ich mir gedacht und dort wird es als dezentrale EntitΓ€t auf jeden Fall nochmal bedeutend schwieriger, weil ja auch die Kommunikation untereinander (Nodes/User) zusΓ€tzliche Ressourcen verschlingen wird.

Komprimierungsalgorithmus gibt es ja mehr als genug, nur muss das an die Bandbreite des spezifischen Users angepasst werden (:

Es gibt private Blockchain-Technologien, die schon Γ€hnliche Vorteile durch eigene Tokens bieten kΓΆnnen (siehe Ripple) und eventuell springt YouTube ja auf so einen Zug auf... Dass es keine open und public Chain geben wird war mir natΓΌrlich klar :D

Ich blogge bestimmt irgendwann wieder, vielleicht ja nΓ€chste Woche, wenn ich wieder im Arbeitstrott stecke.

Liebe Grüße (:

Du bindest dich aber schnell an Menschen :D

"Binden"? HÀh? Haha. Ach weil ich "vermissen" geschrieben habe... Verzeihung, die Spanier sind emotionaler in ihrer Ausdrucksweise (vermissen = habe Dich lange nicht gesehen, ohne Wertung). Wenn man ein paar Jahre hier lebt adaptiert man das. Ich vergesse dann immer, dass die Deutschen sehr distanziert und kühl sind und man sich ja auch nur die Hand gibt bei der Begrüßung und nicht gleich Küsschen verteilt :-D Ich nehm alles zurück.

Komprimierungsalgorithmus gibt es ja mehr als genug, nur muss das an die Bandbreite des spezifischen Users angepasst werden (:

Sollen sie mal einen "einbauen"... Ansonsten wird das nix mit der KonkurrenzfΓ€higkeit.

Auf bald!
(besser? haha)

This will be the new platform :) really interesting to compare both and even spend some money on promoting your video, to see what happens! Maybe steemit should be somehow promoted on youtube directly...

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

There are a lot of youtubers coming to steemit and making a lot of noise on YouTube, so I guess the cross promotion is running pretty well so far :-)

How's your Monday? Hope it's better than the last one, hehe

That's true :) But it could always be more ;D

Depends on how I look at it :D work is great, since I got off tomorrow, but I'm still waiting on my drone to return... I need it before the 28th of August, I'll be gone from that day on for 5 months and I wanted to take some videos/photos on my travels...

5 months of traveling?!? Wohooo! That's awesome!! Where are you going?

I'm also thinking about purchasing a drone. Which one did you buy?

nah more like 3 weeks and then my semester abroad in Barcelona starts :)

I got the Mavic Pro it's really good! Love it, but the camera was defect... go get you one you will love it :)

Thanks for the hint, will check it out!!

I love Barcelona :-)

You are totally right!... Youtube is in its own path to destroy themselves... They totally killed organic prints, if you dont pay, you dont get any view at all... And all the views you get are probably from bots or people who is paid to click videos, there is no growth in your audience... They have changed their code so much and screwed the users, my first video on youtube generated +40k views and +100 followers, and i was just a newbie, now i wont get any organic view at all, actually all the views my youtube videos get are the ones i get from steemit, youtube simply does not shows my uploads to anyone, neither my subscribers...

Que buena manera de analizar esta situacion y ademas me permitio determinar la escala de YouTube, no sabia! - To the moon @heimindanger con dtube!!!

actually its 43k impressions and 7k views:) but ye game is changed, now even new video bloggers can earn money with steemit+dtube, but on youtube you can post videos to gain folowers to steemit haha.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

Pardon! You're right. I deleted "impressions" which obviously were much more than 7K :-) The ratio is still the same.

On youtube you can post videos to gain followers to steemit haha

I guess it depends on how successful you're already on YT. If you are one of the big players there, then obviously the smartest move would be bringing your audience over to steemit (like several youtubers have already done in the past weeks :-)).
I'm just a little fish in this big YT tank, so I guess I won't catch too many there, hehe

also that $180 something it 50/50 split right between steem power and steem dollar? but yes, i totally get the decentralized video being a thing, seems like you found another home and that's awesome!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

actually its 180$ * 0.75 author share and then split 50x50 to steem power and dollar, and sbd right now 0.7-0.9$, but hey its plus not minus haha

But hey its plus not minus haha

Yeah, that was actually what I wanted to demonstrate here :-)
Could have been more precise with the numbers though. Thanks for the hint!!!

You're totally right, it's not a total payout of 180 USD. However, it's more money than most of the people earn on one day :-)

Seems like you found another home and that's awesome!

I did :-)

not knocking it. at all. hard work pays off and the breakdown you did is fantastic! all power to you! :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

Thank you!!!

Now I did the maths:

$180 * 0.75 author share = $135.
50% Steem = 67.50 (Price on 31th July: $1.20 USD) = $81 USD
50% SBD = 67.50 (Price on 31th July: 1.02 USD) = $68.85 USD

Total payout in USD on the 31th of July: $149.85

I changed it in the title accordingly :-))

see, that's why your badass. devil in the details! :)

Haha! I'm just a nerd, masqueraded as a surfergirl - LOL

hah! i'm a geek masquerading as a normal person.


Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I have to give Dtube a try but I wish there was a app so then I could be more easier to use on

Do you usually publish your steemit articles via mobile phone? I always use my computer for that.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

YouTube is destroying itself with their censorship and demonetization campaign. Good for them, I guess! Let them disappear from social spheres all together.

DTube and BitChute are the future!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Good job dear @surfermarly. really interesting to compare both and even spend some money on promoting your video, to see what happens! Maybe steemit should be somehow promoted on youtube directly. Every good deed will be rewarded with good also. @marhaban

excellent rundown of how dtube can be a more lucrative use of video promotion. i have also used viewly and dtube. i find viewly a bit more easier to add post upload.
have you tried viewly.

I have tried it, but I have a problem with the file size limitation (100 MB). My videos (HD) are all bigger than 300 MB. So I technically can't use viewly right now. But will stay tuned for the updates of course!

so a video resolution of 720p and above wouldn't be good for loading up to viewly. am i understanding this correctly.

Well can't tell you which resolution to choose. It depens on resolution + lenght of the whole video which will result in a file size (weight) which is here limited to 100MB.
So if you work with a high res your video would need to be very short to be < 100MB.

got would be easy to do and send up to 720p with no problem. thanks for the reply.

Let's face it... even if there is just a hint of a better way to monetize videos ... and take traffic and money away from channels like YouTube and Facebook, the internet is sure to be a better place because of it. Great post! Decentralize everything and give it back to the people who use it and need it.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

games are changing @surfermarly . we are going reinvent a brand new world.

@surfermarly True Indeed game changer.

Well if you don't listen to your most valuable customers, then somebody else does.
With DTube ( a solid decentralized project is entering the online video market now.

The world(technology in particular) is really moving at an amazing rate.
In Youtube you spend 100$ and get just views and even no follower(subscriber),and here that same post earns you 180$ wonderful.
Your next task is to just transfer all your Youtube content to Dtube.
You will now use Youtube to advertise Steemit and Dtube.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

good job @surfermarly . Every good deed will be rewarded with good also. According to us as a Muslim, a good will be rewarded 10 good even more. Although not replied with the same thing. For example you do good by giving 100 dollars. God will reward you more than that even though the path is different. You have been given good health now. That is also the reward given by god to you.


Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Thanks for the info and inspiration to stay on here and keep doing what we are doing..

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Let's see what dtube and steemit will become in the future :) We're still quite early adopters right now....

Hope dTube will release a app version for future so the steem family members can upload the video easily.

Brilliant! The advertising based model of conventional content platforms has pretty much run its course. YouTube (and FB and other spaces) are pretty much down to trading on "FOMO Dollars" these days... persuading content creators that they are "missing out" if they don't buy ad campaigns... while shrinking what they pay creators.

More and more people use ad blockers, or just avoid ad-based content... or just ignore ads completely. I'm trying to remember the last time I voluntarily clicked on any kind of advertising... perhaps for a movie? Six months ago?

In this world of niche content, mass-market promotions is not how we FIND each other, anymore... it's not how consumers find the content they want. The Steemit model works because it's peer-to-peer, not connecting at an "institutional" level.

Of course, it's not for everyone. This kind of model would be inefficient if you were Disney, or Pixar, or Ford Motor Company. But that's just my own bias and why I'm always saying "DON'T mass-market Steemit" because it attracts the wrong kind of crowd.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your results!

Thanks for your valuable comment, @denmarkguy which as much appreciated (as always)!
I replied too late, but still from the heart :)

I'm trying to remember the last time I voluntarily clicked on any kind of advertising... perhaps for a movie? Six months ago?

That's it. There have been too many ads, and people started to be annoyed.
I notice that I have even developed a certain automatism: I don't even PERCEIVE ads anymore. It's as if my eyes were completely deleting them from my visual field.

It's a great chance for alternative solutions (like DTube).
Really looking forward to it!!

Great information, thank you! I will soon start making videos, as i have a fully functional video studio in place already. I just upvoted you, and will be buying some steem shortly to make it worth while.

This is a bit relative. Because of how many followers you have on steemit!

Everything in life is relative :-)
But if you read @stellabelle's comment above you can see that even top vloggers only earn $10 per month on YouTube. That's easily made on steemit - even for a newbie!

Steemit is more for specific content. Youtube you can upload what you want. good post

On Steemit you can upload whatever you want, too. And people are doing so :)

But it will not be hot video or trend. Still have to wait as it evolves

Great post @surfermarly. Dtube is an amazing opportunity. Nice work highlighting it.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I agree with you. However what was the ROI on Yutube? steemit is the future

Which ROI? Haha. There was none.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Ok, steem on my friend, more success to you. Feel free to see my posts too ad send in your suggestions. I wish you more success.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

DTube is absolutely amazing. Great to see that there is another platform where people can grow and share their content. Especially after ad revenue going down on youtube as well as their terrible policies.
Bye bye youtubers
Hello Dtubers haha

I just wrote an article today about musicoin a new decentralized soundcloudesque platform for indie artists to actually get paid! I think this approach is going to destroy YouTube and their gimmicky corporate profit stealing ways. Great post

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

You are 100% right and i like the fact that @heimindanger didn't want to hype it too much.
Dtube its gonna work

I love your blog...

awesome dtube post @surfermarly!

I have been waiting for something like Dtube for a while. Dtube is still raw but I love It. The video made a couple cents but, the feeling of getting paid for your content is a cool feeling.

Wow! Pretty powerful post with some great info for steemit and again a "FAIL" for youtube! Nice! Thanks for putting all this together.

I could care less for YouTube and all of its machinations for squashing opinion. Opinions are what make arguments for or against problems that we humans have. And using YouTube as a political weapon is only driving content creators away.
If any are smart they would get off their system and use more niche servers.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

Amen to the new platform, as there will be more income for producers, more interaction from viewers and no censorship. Boy would it be great if it also generated the film on Wordpress or Steemit as YouTube.

I added my first one yesterday! Now I need to get used to it so I can optimize the use case.

Yeah, it's a HUGE step into the right direction, I fully agree here :)