Get Paid To..........Rent Out You Genetic Information???????

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

We are rapidly, and I mean very rapidly, moving towards a tokenized economy. For those who think that blockchain is going to take a while to develop, think again.

Over the next few years, people are going to be paid (in tokens) for a multitude of different things they do. At present, we can get paid to post, comment, and upvote, do web searches, listen to the radio, and share our computer memory. In the not too distant future, everything 14 year old boy will be paid to watch porn (so much for mowing lawns).

Now we see a company that is seeking to aid you in getting paid for your genetic information. That is right; research laboratories will rent out your genetic data. Actually, they already do this through organizations such as 23andme and AncestryDNA. The only difference, like with Google and Facebook, you are not the one to get paid.

Nebula Genomics is a company that seeks to use blockchain technology coupled with tokens to have people paid for renting out their genetic information. Basically, research companies would buy the Nebila token which will be used to gain access to said information. At the same time, individuals would use the tokens initially to get their DNA sequenced for their own personal use.

The goal is to have this system running within the next 6 months. Since the bulk of Nebula's revenues is going to come from companies, security is crucial. Of course, they also have to navigate the security plus privacy issue.

While there are still challenges with this particular program, this gives us insight into what the future holds.

How many of you are presently making money off your genetic information? Since I am going to guess very few, I think this could be considered a new revenue source for most.

As I read different aspect of the technological world, I am starting to see how quickly the blockchain idea is spreading. There are few uses that it cannot be applied. No matter what the industry, somebody is coming up with ways to implement it.

We are getting to the point where the potential is almost unlimited. Unlike many technologies, this is not a slow developing one. Real world applications are being designed on a daily basis. Ultimately, many of these will create a revenue stream for us as individuals.

Blockchain is 100 time more powerful and disruptive than the Internet was. This company is just another example of some possibilities that exist out there.

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Where do I sign up to get tokens for smoking weed..

I am sure someone is working on a blockchain to do that....somewhere...somehow.

It is coming....perhaps some of the dealers need to learn about blockchain.

I'd prefer if they used a SMT..

The technology is progressing.
I am of your opinion.

Sometime last year I did a Google search on disruptive technologies I can invest in for the future. The list started with IoT, machine learning and then blockchain technology. It was easier for me to see where IoT and Machine learning will come in until I got to know about Steemit early this year.

From then on, everything became to rapid that I almost got lost. So much future will be built on different blockchain platforms that it will be possible to earn from almost anything you do. Who would have thought that we will ever earn from playing video games or watching porn? And now we will earn from getting our genetic information out there which will also help many industries formulate solutions to most human suffering today. Truly the age of abundance starts today.

Haha, It's truly crazy isn't it? I'm definitely feeling lost when things are moving soooo quickly. We will have so much options and opportunities to get paid for so many things... I won't even know where to start when all of these projects are going to become a reality!

You are lost?

Think of the average person. From my interacting with you on here, you seem rather knowledgeable with what is going on technologically. Consider all those people who have no idea what genetic sequencing even is or that blockchain is in use already today.

Most of society has no clue what is coming.

Yes, compared to an average person, I definitely know what's going on. I even feel sorry for those who put no effort to learn about the blockchain, because they are missing out big time!
But anyways, if the pace continues, soon there won't be any people left who have no idea about the blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
This month alone I've noticed and heard quite a few people talking about crypto currencies while I was in public. Exciting to hear people around me talk about this!

I agree...blockchain and cryptocurrency are the greatest innovations ever to hit the average person.

This is going to do more to create wealth, for the average joe, than anything we have ever seen.

Sadly, as you said, most are not even aware what is going on.

Haha, soon, the average joe will be able to make so much money on the blockchain, there won't be any need to work a 9 to 5 job anymore. I wonder what happens when people earn twice as much money on the blockchain than their jobs? Who will do all the work? lol.

Considering much of the work is going to be automated out, that is a good problem to have.

Those who want to work will continue to do so, they will just be paid a lot more for it.

The tide will finally turn in the direction of the average person. Unlike now where all the power resides in the hands of the powerful corporations, people will have choices.

That is why I am a basic income gives people the ability to say no to the jobs for crap pay. Right now people have to take them because they have bills to pay.

Great article and great points! Definitely helping me shape my perspective on what the future really is becoming.

Now we see a company that is seeking to aid you in getting paid for your genetic information. That is right; research laboratories will rent out your genetic data. Actually, they already do this through organizations such as 23andme and AncestryDNA. The only difference, like with Google and Facebook, you are not the one to get paid.

From what I've read, third parties are already finding loopholes or other means to acquire their own "piece" of your DNA. Taking these DNA tests from Ancestry or other similar companies might mean you're giving much more away than what you think, unless you're an expert at understanding the fine print of what they really have the rights to do and not just clicking I AGREE.

At some point, one begins to wonder if the only two choices when it comes to one's DNA (moving towards the future) is either to be completely safe on one end, and avoid DNA tests/donations that may already give out genetic (or any other personal information) out or.. cash in on it yourself before it's too late?

Over the next few years, people are going to be paid (in tokens) for a multitude of different things they do. At present, we can get paid to post, comment, and upvote, do web searches, listen to the radio, and share our computer memory. In the not too distant future, everything 14 year old boy will be paid to watch porn (so much for mowing lawns).

I'm finding out more and more that you have to capitalize on yourself, your content, and others, while contributing to/investing in the community at large, rather than getting used by Facebook/Google, thinking you're part of a community, but they're tossing your information around left and right to 3rd parties. As for the porn comment, I heard about this a month ago from a friend and thought at first it was a joke, but .. apparently Vice Industry is working on that and their tokens...

Moving forward we have to keep an eye out for other opportunities to capitalize on that we do daily.. at home sleeping studies? Maybe your Samsung smart fridge will offer you tokens to take stats of your contents? Who knows? I wouldn't be too surprised. I just hope we choose to be on the right side of "our" information.

We are getting to the point where the potential is almost unlimited

This is exciting. And what makes it more exciting is that i am part of this community and I am a newbie at crypto. But it makes me a little scared with that almost unlimited potential. In time, Fiat money may just be less valuable, could it?

This is interesting, I just stumbled upon a similar blockchain company that sells your health and fitness data. The world is really changing and the tokenized world is upon us.

@taskmaster4450, I agree with main points in this blog post but hold a different view on the one below:

In the not too distant future, everything 14 year old boy will be paid to watch porn (so much for mowing lawns).

First, some might misconstrue this for permissiveness for child porn. We must never allow such ambuiguity. No matter how advanced the block chain technology gets, some things, like this one, must still remain outlawed.

Second, or perhaps, you made some typing errors. If yes, you might want to correct it.

Third, the block chain technology is set to change the world. The next decade would unleash perhaps the greatest electric waves we've ever seen across globe. It's a disruptive technology after all. One area we must also concentrate on is making the technology difficult for criminal manipulations like scams, unethical hacking, child pornography etc.

The reality of blockchain has arrived. Can anyone predict what this will mean for humanity in the long run? Certainly incredible innovations in all fields but because blockchain will not, at least yet, change human nature the vast majority of people will remain as they now are: wondering what happened (if they wonder at all). A universal income will cast most of humanity into a dependency more evil than any drug. But then again most of humanity will be experiencing life through Virtual Reality and won't give a crap about much else. Those few who see beyond the matrix we weave for ourselves will....What? What will become of the few who refuse to engage in the illusion? I do not know. But I shall find myself in their camp whatever it might be.

Unless Elon Musk is right and this is all a simulation anyway.

So maybe it is all an illusion.

I'm not surprised to see this at all. Once they get this out I expect medical use cases will be coming along where you can get paid to have various vitals monitored - likely based on your genetic profile. The information will be used by research companies, and rather than paying a middle-man for the information you'll get paid directly - as it should be. An age of abundance for sure!

LOL That sounds like an episode of the Twilight Zone or something....Science fiction authors might have been right after all these years after all.

Seriously though, not sure if this is exciting or scary...Maybe a little of both...But it's technology and you really can't stop it.

Maybe we all need to watch Gattaca again. 😜

The DMV has a high resolution digital photo of me. I’ve twice been fingerprinted for FBI background checks. At least for now though, I’d rather not have my DNA on file.

everything 14 year old boy will be paid to watch porn (so much for mowing lawns).

Not sure what you mean by that.

I have been thinking about the other end of the spectrum as well. I have recently written a post about the possible implications of an attention economy where income from consuming services may lead to people not contributing to economic production. This is also something which needs to be thought about.

Woah woah woah, this is probably the most surprising innovation I've seen when it comes to getting paid tokens for something. I mean sure, it's really cool to get paid for listening to music, web searching, watching porn (lol), but this? Cmon, this is some serious shit. I gotta check this out.

It will be interesting to see how this aspect of blockchain unfolds.

There is the potential to really open up the world of medical research by having all the data available to entities that require it. Can you imagine the breakthroughs? The incentive is there for people to get paid with the token economy so that should have people making the data available.

The only question is how do they make it accessible to get large scale research going while ensuring security and privacy? That is what remains to be seen.

It is really cool that things are going in that direction. I figured the medical research field would be one of the ones impacted by blockchain...I just never envisioned it would hit in 2018.

Could Enigma be used to keep the privacy? Seems right up their alley

Yeah, security and privacy is really important and I hope it will be provided.

I also couldn't even imagine that we will see so much going on this year. The blockchain technology is definitely moving way faster than anyone could've expected.

If it keeps moving at this pace, what will we see in 5 years? 10 years? I think my brain is incapable of predicting anything when we are seeing such speed in development...

You brain is incapable of it because it is wired for linear thinking. We are not designed to think exponentially and that is what we are going.

Decentralization provides true exponential possibilities. Like on STEEM here, anyone with the know how can create an app and put it on the blockchain. At the same time, the same person can create a token with it and have a currency tied to that application.

This can be anyone in the world.

Where did that possibility ever exist before? Truly amazing.

Yup, all the possibilities and opportunities seem to be endless! Decentralization FTW!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@taskmaster4450, Blockchain is the future without any questions!
Internet will become a thing of the past as blockchain progresses its way into our daily lives!
The possibilities are never ending!

As mentioned in my comment, I think nebula is something to watch out for! I do have some queries regarding it questioning how it would gather all the data from all over the world! But the world is full of possibilities, at least I would like to believe so.
Who thought Blockchain would be a reality! Likewise, who could predict the future? Maybe Nebulas would become Millions worth of a Company! Lets watch and see 🙂

Through Block chain technology might be the biggest thing to happen after the internet.

It is certainly changing the way we do everything. The future will be interesting.

I wish someone would pay me to watch porn, 2 minutes at a time. 😂

If somebody wants to pay for my genetic make-up, I'll take a few tokens. They can learn how to be obese, have great hair and a perfect nose. Cha-ching, I gave in away for free when I was younger. Very interesting post Task, practicing with tonight. 😎

just like blockchain technology has been invented and cannot be uninvented, the knowledge and new found capabilities of DNA cannot be forgotten..this can do good but also history shows it can do a lot of wrong if fallen into the wrong hands.
Like cloning people for organs and slaves in the black market, or selling armies to the highest bidder...who knows maybe with monero you can buy someone soon!...should be careful when playing god

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very interesting article. Thank you.
Yes, progress is very fast. Yesterday it was fantastic, today it became a reality. Incredibly, we will soon be earning on the leasing of genetic informatio. But it can even be very

Thanks for sharing This great information and technology with us i do not know about this
In feature we get pay for every thing no doubt
i also agree with your thoughts keep it up
i wish you all the best
God bless you

Wow! Blockchain application is going beyond what I imagine.
Thanks for the post.I've upvoted and resteem

Really very informative post. Gradually cryptocurrency is growing up in the highest level of the world. World is being dependable on internet. There are many good and bad side of it. To avoid bad side we will go to front in our goal.
This post upvoted and resteemed by @jareen61


In terms of the bubble chart, i feel like this is where we are:

Fingers Crossed 🙃
Will try to keep an eye on the matter!
Thank you @taskmaster44550 for this amazing post!
I realize that it was a wise decision of me to follow you here at Steemit!

We could be helping the society by renting out our DNA! Maybe it could come up with some answers or hell!, it may be used to create some kind of cures. I think Nebula is something really interesting and from an investing point of view, it could really be a token worth watching watching out for!
Once again thank you for sharing this amazing information 🙂! Keeping an eye out for more of your amazing future posts!

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Technology is moving so fast you literally have to keep moving to be able to stand still.
Thanks for sharing I will be on the lookout for this

I think these technologies will not come so quickly. On the example of our small town you can see that people do not want to know anything new. When I tell them about the technologies of the blockchain, they just do not understand me.

I also think that the future is for the blockchain, but now how much is it safe?

Good post

Very interesting text.
It´s very possible that it will come that way.
Than whosever read it will remember you and your text.