definately interested to be part of this @theoretial, especially if this is going to be a social media crypto;
Some thoughts:
need to have:
- need to have place holders for nft
- need to have some form a scarcity (infinite printing without any continuous null sinks)
- needs to balance/translate the popular vote vs the big money vote some kind of recognition (eg. social value of karma on reddit, claps on patreon, likes on youtube .... -> increase views by advertisers and increase recommendation by site while translate to increase income)
- be good to have active stake holders who are not artistic but are resonable investors to support get a portion of returns of appreciation (and not necessarily inflation)
good to have:
- reward for onboarding/recruiting (eg. a sponsor system) authenticated real people. eg. a verified member is someone who has 1000 followers which of them 50% are verified. So if 500 verified person says you're become part of the general community.... or some way to overcome KYC by consensus
- simple say all steemians who have rep > x-amount and x time and x activity (that is not repetition) can get quickly mass adopted.
- automatic support (like patreon) that say expires in 3/6/9/12months.
- super great to have place holder to be verified after say x-thousands of blocks by BTC (so it anchors to a an immutable pow blockchain)