Administrative and accounting information of agricultural and livestock companies

in blog •  last month 

In accordance with what has been pointed out in the posts previously made in relation to the hyperinflation topic. It is worth mentioning that there are no research studies with similar titles, but there are several research studies that are directly related to the subject under study.

Source ( Precisionagricultu.)

Studies have been carried out on the financial risks generated by the devaluation of national currencies, hence, the objective of this series of publications is to analyze the financial risks generated by the devaluation of the currency as a consequence of agricultural companies.

The workers who handle the administrative and accounting information of agricultural companies, specifically the manager, owner, administrator, accountant, and salesmen, gather information through surveys whose most useful instrument is the questionnaire.

Similarly, the technique for data analysis was the frequency distribution and the representation of results in tables. As a result, it was found that there are internal and external factors that enhance the risks. The absence of risk assessment, which deprives the company of information on goods and materials, stands out.

Source ( Indicerural. )

In the same way, the economic changes have caused the increase of risks. Recommending the design and implementation of organizational actions and strategies aimed at reducing risks.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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